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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. I am not advising one way or another, but if you do want to tackle it yourself, try reading this...which should possily be a sticky somehwere...if it isn't already! [url="http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html"]http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassm...etupmanual.html[/url] Paul.
  2. Buzz feiten tuning system and/or a zero fret. I am not actually sure you can have the tuning system with a zero fret...although I would swear my MTD Kingston had both. That was one of the best playing basses I ever owned. Lightning fast, stupidly low action and intonation was spot on even with chords in the far reaches of civilisation. Try here for more info. [url="http://www.buzzfeiten.com"]http://www.buzzfeiten.com[/url] Paul.
  3. [quote]You'll be telling people it's a hand made custom next, just like it says on the headstock[/quote] You mean they're not????????????????
  4. That looks sooooooooooooooooooooo good! Hopefully my tort plate will turn up tomorrow. I've been giving mine a good thrashing and I have no other plans to upgrade. To me it sounds great. Wonderful P funk slap tones. The pick up is fine, very loud and punchy. I am even happy with the stock strings for the first time ever! As I mentioned in my own thread, the neck is far too orangey on mine, which is a shame. Yours looks the nuts with the rosewood board...but I just wanted a maple one. Mainly for balance. 4 basses, 2 of each! Nice one. P.
  5. I ordered mine from [url="http://www.axesrus.com/axeplates.htm"]http://www.axesrus.com/axeplates.htm[/url] It's not here yet, so I can't really reccomend it. I went for the US/Mex configuration as opposed to the "P copy" format. The reason being that I very scientifically superimposed a photo of US 57 Fender over my SX and the plates looked close enough. I am not sure what AxesRus us means by "thicker horn" on the "copy" description. Of course if I ordered the wrong one I won't be the least bit surprised.
  6. All over. It must be their idea of a vintage look. It doesn't really work. I don't really care, it plays beautifully and sounds pretty good to me. But I am hoping the tort guard might tone it down a little bit.
  7. [quote]I would certainly advise caution however.[/quote] I agree totally, I am certainly not advising action one way or the other here, just recounting my personal experience and opinion. I can't really comment further as I have no knowledge of "luthierism". What I can say is that I have had plenty of basses with the finish intact completely melt under the stage lights. That does lead me to suspect that there are many other factors in play. If in doubt...leave well alone. p.
  8. I can't ignore it anymore. the neck is bright orange.
  9. It's the one that gets the most use. It's my own fault. I had a serious GAS attack and got rid of my Markbass/Aguilar rig. Now I get angry when I have to use the knobs at all. Pre-Ashdown all my basses sounded great with everything set flat. Now I have to twiddle for ages to get something half decent. It does seem to suit this SX though. It's sounding better through the A**down than my Aerodyne! p.
  10. Just knobs and buttons. The buttons are all rubbish. (Ashdown)
  11. I have also discovered a way to get a HUGE range of tones out of the bass. My amplifier has all these knobs on it and moving them either clockwise or anti clockwise changes the sound. It's just like having a 5 band EQ. There also seems to be some kind of time travel function invloved. If I turn the knobs on the right anti clockwise I can go back as far as the 50s. If I turn those knobs clockwise, but turn the middle knobs anticlockwise I can end up anywhere between the 70s and 90s. I have tried turning the left hand knobs anticlockwise but that was just pathetic. p.
  12. If there were that many threads about her, I reckon I might have heard of her before. I've been around a while in different forms. I was on Basstalk and Bassworld. I was a bit slow moving over to Basschat and I somewhow missed the option of porting my details over and so I joined Basschat in June 07. 7 months ago. I am not sure how late I was. A month? Two? So that means the Basschat searches are good for approximately the last 8/9 months. 4 threads in 8/9 months. You must be sick of it. With a bit of investigation I see that Lydia joined youTube a year ago. So I doubt very much if she was in time to make a big impact on Bassworld. Did I miss something? Was BassTalk flooded with Lydia threads? I don't remember any. And I was there at the time. I was registered and I was reading the forum almost on a daily basis. I know I haven't read every single thread that has been on every version of this forum, but the popular ones that stay at the top for ages are kind of hard to miss. Now let me take a stab in the dark. Try searching for Marcus Miller. Or Victor Wooten. Or Markbass. Or GB. (if you can search for 2 letters) I'm sorry if you find my wanting to discuss a Lydia video an irritant. But this IS a discussion forum. P.
  13. Just ordered a tort pickguard and some extra screws from AxesRus. That will make it sound even better. P.
  14. [quote]Nice Paul, welcome to the club. Told you it would be with you this week!!! SX Club member # 3[/quote] You did indeed. Although it was a very frustrating weekend knowing the thing was sitting in the sorting depot! Thinking about it, this might actually be the second cheapest bass I have ever bought. The £25 Satellite I learnt on would be the cheapest. I did have a Hohner Arbor, which incidentally the SX reminds me of somewhat, and that was £110 but my folks bought me that one. It easily compares to the MIJ foto-flame P which was my main bass for years. That was £250 in around '92. In terms of pleasure per pound...this one's a winner all the way! We also might be the only members of the Aerodyne/SX club. P.
  15. I put together a neck-thru from Brandoni which I left completely unfinished. I gigged it and abused it quite heavily for about a year and never had a single problem with it. It stayed in tune and the intonation was fine. Allowing for normal atmospheric changes, the action barely moved from the set up I gave it on day one. I can't guarantee that another bass would perform as well, but IMHO a bit of relicing should not affect performance in the slightest. P.
  16. Yup, paid FedEx over the phone last week and I have some adhesive shielding left over from my Aerodyne...so I could just leave this as a £130 bass and be perfectly happy with it. I am not sure I can resist the lure of a tort pickguard though. Or a black one. Or tort. Or black.
  17. Jan 14, 2008 Just after 8:00 AM In my grubby hands! Jan 14, 2008 7:11 AM On FedEx vehicle for delivery SOUTHERN SORT GB Jan 12, 2008 3:06 AM At local FedEx facility SOUTHERN SORT GB Jan 11, 2008 11:39 PM In transit STANSTED GB 9:59 PM Int'l shipment release STANSTED GB 6:41 PM At dest sort facility STANSTED GB 5:40 AM Departed FedEx location INDIANAPOLIS, IN Jan 10, 2008 4:34 PM In transit INDIANAPOLIS, IN 11:42 AM Arrived at FedEx location INDIANAPOLIS, IN Jan 9, 2008 7:01 PM Left origin LEBANON, NH 2:17 PM Picked up LEBANON, NH 11:34 AM Package data transmitted to FedEx [attachment=4845:DSCF0434.JPG] [attachment=4847:DSCF0436.JPG] [attachment=4846:DSCF0435.JPG] The neck is a wee bit on the orange side and it needs shielding or earthing properly because there is a little bit of signal noise when coming in contact with the shiny bits. Other than that? Plays like a dream! Took 5 minutes to correct the intonation and lower the already pretty good action. Build quality is quite high. Fairly nice 3 piece body, nice tight neck joint. The tuners probably could do with replacing, but so far it's staying in tune. The neck is straight and I haven't had to touch the truss rod as yet. The pickup is loud and punchy, but again, probably could be better...but certainly not a must. And one of the best things is that it weighs next to nothing. For £130 it is a more than usable bass. I can definitely see the potential for mods and upgrades..but it will do for now. Get one. Paul. ps. sorry for the rubbish pics...but that's all yer gettin'
  18. [quote]Just do a search on Lydia to see how many threads like this have been started.[/quote] 4. Including this one. p.
  19. Nice video response... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv5C8WBnlFc&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv5C8WBnlFc...feature=related[/url]
  20. Just stumbled across this little gem. You gotta love the megaweb! Girl playing bass....great feel and great voice. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Mam6qsF3M&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Mam6qsF3M...feature=related[/url] p.
  21. Forgot the little strap that kept my glasses on! The singer forgot his lucky beads too, so we decided we had no choice but to pop home and get them. Cue our manager chasing after us as we drive out of the car park 30 seconds before we were due to go on! Very unprofessional, but it was during our "trainee rockstar" phase. p.
  22. Vey nice indeed. I had nearly decided on a black plate for mine, which is currently sitting in the SX depot. Instead I reckon I will go for the tort. That way when I order a black P as well, I can get a black plate for that one and mix and match them. I haven't even got it yet and I'm planning my next one! p.
  23. They are more "No Frills" than "Tesco Value".
  24. [quote]Because, for along time, everything good in my life came to me because I played[/quote] Same here. My gigging years were some of the best of my life. I am just a bedroom player right now, but I THINK I want to get out there again. I say think, because I have been saying that for a couple of years now and I haven't done anything about it. My main band back in the day were my best mates, and I have never found anything to compare to that. However, another guitarist pal of mine who I have gigged with before, reckons the time might be ready for us to put something together again. We had fun the first time around and we could both do with making a bit of pocket money. Might never happen though! Paul.
  25. £26.97 import tax. So it's cost me a hair over £127 all in and should be with me early next week. I reckon if I had ordered Monday it would have been delivered today. Damn weekends! Still can't decide on the pickguard though. Black, tort or just leave it white. Leaving it white is mainly a monetary concern. What started out as a £100 bass will be getting closer to £150 if I replace it. But it would look cool with black or tort. It would help if I could find out what style of plate would be the best fit, US, Mex or a generic "copy". I am also tempted to to leave it so it's 100% stock. Just to annoy the label snobs! I'd play a Tesco Value bass if i could get one! p.
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