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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. I had a MTD Kingston that had the Buzz Feiten tuning system and a zero fret and quite frankly it played better than anything i have played before or since. (Couldn't get on with the sound though...should have swapped out the electronics but it's too late now!) For me it's more of a playability issue rather than sound. But saying that, I am sure Rims play like butter anyway, so maybe it's not needed. The Buzz Feiten system is incredible though. I could play chords right up the the evil end of the neck on the MTD with fantastic intonation. IMHO it really does work, and works well. So now when I dip into the realms of custom basses...there will have to be a zero fret in there somehwere. Preferrably just before the first one! p.
  2. On the very rare occasion I post something in this forum, it is always something I have programmed in Reason 3. This time it's different! I have recently pulled the trigger on the KB37 which is a midi keyboard and external sound card/audio interface thingy. The idea is that those of us with crappy computers can circumnavigate the old latency issue. Well, I am here to report...it works! Bundled with the KB37 you get Ableton Live Lite 6. This version is limited to 4 audio tracks and probably is limited in other ways I have yet to discover. You also get Gearbox. A nifty little amp modelling gizmo. However, I think all the bass amps are pretty rubbish but the guitar sounds are just marvelous! So here is a little ditty I wrote this afternoon. [attachment=4102:happything.mp3] Drums programmed in Reason 3. Bass is my Aerodyne through a Zoom B2 using the limiter patch and a touch of reverb, with no other effects. The guitar is my £110 Gould "reliced" telecaster straight into the KB37 using a British Metal amp model. No midi part...because I can't get it Rewired properly. Many apologies for the playing...and for the music. it's strange, in a happy kind of way. And sorry for the sudden ending. I haven't worked out how to fade out an arrangement yet! p.
  3. I was looking at a Yamaha semi on ebay recently. I decided I wanted all my gear to be YAMAHA and was preparing sell anything that wasn't. I have since calmed down. p.
  4. Stunning. A Rim job (hehehe) has been top of my custom GAS list ever since I popped into Robbies workshop and he did a set up on my Aerodyne. This one is my favourite so far. Mine will have a swamp ash body and a maple fretboard. However, if I get a Rim bass BEFORE a new bathroom I will be getting a divorce shortly after so I'm afraid it isn't going to be anytime soon. Robbie, how do you feel about Buzz feiten and a zero fret? p.
  5. [b]Fender Aerodyne.[/b] With added ashtrays which I am sure most of you will hate. I also put a NOS 80's USA pickup in the bridge. It's an alnico one and far superior to the original ceramic. I love this bass but just haven't been happy with the way it plays for a while. I am thinking about selling it so I thought I would break it out and do a little set up on it. Lighter strings, a neck shim (it is a fender) and a few truss rod tweaks later and it plays great and I want to keep it! (Sorry Mr. Fudge...will let you know!) It positively nails that "Fender" sound.....whatever that is! [attachment=4099:aerodyne.jpg] [b]Squier Vintage Modified Jazz[/b] Everybody has got one of these on here. I might have been the second or third to get one though...so there! This one has some active EMGs hammered into place. I say hammered because they were slightly bigger than the stock pickups and I did a poo job of installing them. The bass is much "punchier" now, but it has lost a little bit of clarity up the dusty end. It sounds to me like my new pickups are ceramic, and the old ones were alnico. I have nothing to back this up I'm just going on the sound. I will probably put the original pickups back in at some point.....or maybe get some US Fenders. [attachment=4100:squier.jpg] [b]Yamaha BB614[/b] My baby at the moment. I think the electronics are great and it plays really well. I have just put some new Yamaha H4030 strings on it which are the strings it comes shipped with. The guy at Yamaha reckons they are made by D'addario. I tried it with some D'addario, and some of those Roberts ones, but in my opinion these Yammy strings suit it really well. It's got a lovely stainless steel strings + active electronics punch to it. The P pickup soloed is just damn funky. Good bass. [attachment=4101:bb614.jpg] That's it. they are all scratched chipped and mucked around with....i believe it will eventually be called "mojo". I reckon they cover all my requirements. Passive, active pickups and active EQ. However, I am still gassing for an active P bass special in sunburst with a maple board and tort plate. paul.
  6. i put together a neck thru from him back in the late 80s/early 90s. i pretty much hammered the screws in, held the wiring together with insulation tape and never applied a finish. it was my main bass for years...never cut out, never went out of tune and survived several deliberate drops to the stage floor. cracking bass.
  7. i just want say that since i have subscribed to OGs SEO techniques my website traffic is looking a lot more healthy. my site is selling my design skills (skills?) and these are just some of the search terms that have found me over the last few days.... digital animated poster dirty bass graphic designer graphic poster website myspace font tutor vibe.to graphics films poster emails web design composer illistrative look in photoshop music poster graphic design player sking design photoshop 90's graphic design movie posters in photoshop designing music show poster business cards with that 70's show style font so that to me, seems pretty much on the money! how many of those visitors i tune into customers is another matter! cheers OG! paul.
  8. a shortscale Satellite P'ish copy for £25 from the local junk shop. my next bass was a Hohner Arbor P. lovely metallic blue finish and a maple fretboard. to this day, i remember that neck and board being the nicest thing i have ever played. i hate myself for getting rid of it. or it could just be nostalgia weaving it's evil little spell! i'm off to ebay to look for one now! p.
  9. i have a near mint (it has small flaw in the carpet covering just by the recessed back panel. there is a bit of ply showing. but it was like that as new, is only cosmetic...and at the back!) Ashdown MAG C115-300 that has seen the inside of milton keynes sound control, and the inside of my spare bedroom and nowhere else. it was bought as part of a cash deal after selling my beloved mark bass/aguilar set up. they didn't have a 2x10 in stock and i couldn't be bothered to wait or look elsewhere! i knew at the time that i prefer the sound of 10s. i always have. but you know what's ridiculous? even though i have always preferred 10s...i have never actually owned any. whether in combo or cab form, i have always ended up 12s, or 15s. i am hoping the parallel universe me, with a 2x10 combo and really wanting a 1x15, will be out there. it doesn't have to ashdown. it has to be around the same 300w rating...unless it's really exciting and then i might take something lower. it also has to be within easy distance of hemel hempstead...because it it's too complicated....it won't happen. i await your responses as eagerly as large toothed dam building mammal. ta. paul.
  10. i wrote this today. i started off just jotting it down in reason so i didn't forget it but got a bit carried away. i wrote all the parts on the bass and stuck them in fairly appropriate places. i hope. the bass line that started it all is quite cool and based on double stops, i just couldn't be bothered to record it...so i programmed it instead! comments and criticism always wlecome! [url="http://www.paulharckham.com/headsyoulose.mp3"]clickety click click click mr. clickson![/url]
  11. paul h

    kawai bass

    i always wanted a kawai when i was young, can't remember why. i remember them looking somewhere between a westone and an alembic. that is very cool though....larry graham would be proud. p.
  12. my first instinct would be to blame the strings. when i first got my aerodyne it had weird harmonic overtones, it sounded like it had a phaser on the go. a new set of d'addarios put that right. paul.
  13. this is shaping up to be my favourite RIM job by far. seriously, it looks fantastic. if i had the money, and that had a maple neck and board..... mmmmm. paul.
  14. excellent precision utilisation! but what about playability and build quality etc? i shouldn't really be asking...i feel a bout of GAS coming on. paul.
  15. lovely. how do they compare in a fender vs. squier deathmatch scenario? paul.
  16. get out. GET OUT! how dare you besmurch the good name of basschat with your vile..... only joking. hello fudge. paul.
  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='59912' date='Sep 13 2007, 03:09 PM']Bit too techy for me so I'll duck this and point you at here for some techy answers including using mod-rewrite etc... [url="http://blog.tn38.net/archives/2005/12/ajax_and_seo.html"]http://blog.tn38.net/archives/2005/12/ajax_and_seo.html[/url] OK? OG[/quote] Best. Link. Ever. cheers again OG!
  18. ahhhh Mr. OG!! more techy questions...so i guess i will have to order that long coat from somewhere! what secrets can you divulge regarding SEO and ajax? i want to use ajax for the next incarnation of the nightdragon site. the new site will feature the first proper trailer and i want to use ajax to load the different content pages without interrupting the streaming video. imagine a typical apple dot com trailer site, but which slides down to the content without stopping the video. i have a bit of code set up which works well, including my favourite nifty smooth scrollin js. i have pm'd you the test page, i won't post it here because i don't want a WIP to be indexed anywhere! i imagine a site map is the way to go, but then i will most likely get that old frame problem of pages being viewed out of context as it were. eagerly awaiting your wisdomy pearls. paul.
  19. this thread was playing up for me too! all better now. well, i have taken OG's advice to heart and i have changed a couple of my sites. my own site [url="http://www.paulharckham.com"]www.paulharckham.com [/url]is now all on one page, with a nifty sliding scroll script. talk about search engine friendly, i am getting a lot more relevant traffic from search engines now, which is very cool. i have dumped the flash from [url="http://www.nightdragon.co.uk"]www.nightdragon.co.uk[/url] and gone for text links, i haven't really done anything else to help that one yet. i haven't got access to site stats so it's hard to tell what's happening traffic wise. i have also just taken over this one [url="http://www.eotpfilmfestival.com"]www.eotpfilmfestival.com[/url] which is completely dead as far as search engines are concerned. i am pretty sure that it's the php "include" statement for the header and a lot of the content that's killing that one. so i am going to add a site map when i do the next update. so a big thanks to OG, i am almost enjoying this SEO lark. i said almost.
  20. i met my wife at one of our gigs. but i think we got together DESPITE my being in a band, and not because of it. paul.
  21. are these any good? [url="http://www.yamaha-europe.com/yamaha_europe/uk/10_musical_instruments/30_guitars_basses_amps/70_bass_guitars/10_bass_guitars/20_rbx_basses/10_RBX_A2/index.html"]http://www.yamaha-europe.com/yamaha_europe...X_A2/index.html[/url]
  22. you can't beat a powered knob!
  23. i did say it was crazy!
  24. if you are like me, (and i sincerely hope you are not, for your own sake) the you spend a fair amount of time daydreaming about possible and possibly ridiculous ways to improve those things we refer to as "bassii". this is my latest crazy scheme.... a floating fretboard! setting up a bass is hard. even the most skillfull of truss rod tweaks can leave problems with the 6 or so frets firmly held in place in the neck pocket. so my solution is to have the fretboard attached to the neck by a series of grub screws that can be adjusted to raise and lower problem areas of the board to eliminate buzz and dead spots etc. we're not talking about large amounts of travel, but just enough to stop problem frets buzzing. the main adjustments would still be done with the truss rod and the bridge saddles but the floating fretboard idea would just give that extra tweak. how many times have you got the action just as you like it only to find a couple of frets rattling away? i am the first to admit this is an impossibly impractical solution of sledgehammer/nut proportions. anyone else got anything better? paul.
  25. "everybody here wants you" - jeff buckley. not sure who the bass player was...might have been jeff, but it's a stunning bassline. simple and effective, and responsible for the key change after the middle 8. if i am ever having trouble improvising a slow groove i actually try to emulate the feel of this bassline. it works a treat. i got a huge ovation once in scruffy murphys in watford after shoe-horning this bassline into some horrible cover we were doing. one of the greatest songs ever written as well. if you disagree, then well you're wrong.
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