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paul h

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Everything posted by paul h

  1. excellent for the £190 or so i think it cost me! it was light as a feather, played well and the active eq was pretty versatile. it was a little bit soulless though. no real character to it but it was definitely a usable bass.
  2. short scale Satellite bought from a junk shop for £25 Hohner Arbor P. still one of the best necks i have ever played. Aria Pro II "the cat". Brandoni neck-thru self build! i think it was an Eko in a former life. MIJ Fender P. MIM Fender J 5 string. Shine 6 string. Mania 4 string. Wishbass custom 6 string fretless. (recently found it's way onto ebay) MTD KIngston. Fender Aerodyne. Squier Vintage Modified J. Yamaha BB614. i've still got the last 3. i feel like i have had a lot more, but this is all i can remember.
  3. Pleasures all mine etc. would like to hear it with some bass over the top. i am watching this space!
  4. i use reason3 pretty much exclusively. i hate recording live instruments because it can be way too involved. reason is so easy to use i can practically "jam" with it, writing all my stuff quite intuitively. i don't even use a controller...i do it all with the pen tool! this is what it sounds like: [url="http://www.paulharckham.com/180607.mp3"]this is what reason sounds like[/url]
  5. no truss road...but the necks are as thick as my leg. he works on the basis that the construction is solid enough to prevent the usual movement you get with regular necks. he also claims that the neck shape actually reduces fatigue in the fretting hand. i didn't have it long enough to be able to confirm or deny this one way or the other. i have to say it was on a par with most basses i have owned. build quality was "rustic" but had plenty of fretless growl and sounded very warm and woody. it was a different kind of beast without doubt. the worst part of course is the massive headstock.
  6. no stockist in the UK or anywhere i believe. they all come from the wishbass factory. i reckon his new price is ok now it's been relisted. i think that's pretty much what i paid for it but it sounds like he has done some work to improve the finish since then. you might very well be able to get a new one made for around that or not much more. unless of course his prices have gone up since. the big advantage with that particular one is the brilliant body design (by yours truly). a lot of wishbass designs are a little funky. funky in a bad way. but they are a love 'em or hate 'em bass. if i wasn't so lazy, or the thing was fretted i might have kept it. saying that, everything gets sold eventually" paul.
  7. here's a new track "what i wrote". there is a clue in the name as to when i started on this piece, absolutely no prizes for working it out. [url="http://www.paulharckham.com/180607.mp3"]Listen to this 'ere track.[/url] ok, ok, if it helps me "fit in", i wrote the chord progession on bass (about 15 years ago) as a little noodling up the neck piece. however i am far too lazy to record my horribly sloppy playing so it suddenly turned into something else entirely. comments always welcome. ta. paul.
  8. i have my own site...but i use myspace for a handy way to demo some tracks. it saves me from having to put music samples on my site. also i do get exposure to people that i wouldn't normally. things were better in the earlier days of myspace though...i got approached by 3 record compaines quite early on (nothing materialised) but it beats the olds days of sending out a load of cassettes! (yes, i'm THAT old!) the thing is that it's free to use and relatively quick to get up and running, so there is no harm in giving any of these community sites a go. paul.
  9. by site map you mean a page with links to all the pages on the site? excellent idea. i do realise i am a bit slack on the SEO front! i should make more of an effort. i will be doing some updates for the NightDragon site when they are a bit further down the line, so i will use that time to do the tweaks you suggest. i'm just more of a pictures guy....and i tend to let the clever stuff slide a little bit. i'm pleased you like the ND site mate....it's nice to have a review from someone who really knows theit stuff. i did expect you to have something to say about the sound fx and animation on the flash banner though!
  10. always helpful OG..thanks mate. NightDragon has been up since yesterday...and all the text is as supplied. i gather that they are sending out an investment pack with a link to the website so they are not relying on people finding it via a search engine. but if it becomes an issue i will happily look at the changes you suggest. as for my site...i love the idea of using the misspellings! top tip. i am always the top of the search engines with the right spelling...but how many people spell it right??? good stuff. paul.
  11. let's keep the old website thread alive eh! i have just done a bit of web design this last couple of weeks and it's made me realise how out of touch i am with it all! first i had to find a way around microsofts annoying "click to activate this control" thing for a flash navigation bar to work properly. that wasn't around last time i did anything. in the end i dynamically loaded the swf using javascript and it worked a treat. so then i decided to redo my personal site in the "modern" style. by that i mean by using just divs and css to take care of all the layout. no tables to be found! check it out if you fell like it. definitely the "cleanest" website in terms of code...and probably design i have done. just lacks content at the moment. no site engine optimization on there at all...but i get all my work through word of mouth anyway. [url="http://www.paulharckham.com"]www.paulharckham.com[/url] paul.
  12. dunno. i don't like leaving basses unstrung myself. maybe it's something to do with the sellers financial state and the price of a set of 6 flatwounds?
  13. my old wishbass is on ebay!! 190120757179 or [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/6-String-Fretless-Bass-Guitar-Wishbass-Beautiful_W0QQitemZ190120757179QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/6-String-Fretless-Ba...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] played brilliantly, but 6 string fretless proved a little (lot) too much for me. i gather it's been passed around a fair bit since i sold it.....and it looks like the finish has improved somewhat. i reckon it's the best wishbass bodyshape by far....because i designed it! paul.
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