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Everything posted by higgins666

  1. From what I know, Randall are still going strong in the guitar amp department, with Kirk Hammet, Gus G & George Lynch all having signature amps, if I remember correctly, they're making some new bass amps, but they aren't going to be over here for a while yet.
  2. Ok, so after trying & failing to get more than a nicely driven sound from my Hyperdrive, I've had a quick look on teh interwebs & BassFuzz.com, & descovered the Barber Dirty Bomb! It sounds really really good from the various demos that I've listened to, & i think I'll pick one up when I get the cash (I'm planning on selling my Blackstar pedal to my guitarist, he did offer to a couple of weeks ago & I told him that I'd need to find another distortion pedal first, so it shouldn't take long). Now, all I have to do is wait for my Devi Ever clone to be made, pick up a tremolo & spend a good few hours re-aranging & tweaking my board.
  3. For Reverb, I'm using my guitarists Boss SX-700 & it gives some really nice reverb sounds & for distortion, I'm running three different pedals, an Ashdown James LoMenzo Hyperdrive, a Blackstar HT-DistX (currently pretty much been stolen by my bloody guitarist) & an EHX Big Muff, I like all three of them in different ways.
  4. Actually, I'll try tweaking to get a heavy sound out of the Hyperdrive, then maybe find a lighter OD tone, something along the lines of a Digitech Bad Monkey might do the job for the lighter tone. Pretty much I'm looking for afew different tones, similar to the following artists. Clean - Similar to Rex Brown on Slaughtered Light to Mid OD - Similar to Land Phil on the intro to Sadistic Magician Heavy OD - Similar to Lemmy (is there really a "good" example of Lemmy's tone? It's in all his material) Fuzz - Similar to Troy Sanders in most Mastodon Think I could get the light to mid OD tone from a Bad Monkey?
  5. Well, my guitarist has started using my Blackstar HT-DistX (my main dirt pedal) for his higher gain pedal, I don't really mind, because I'm using his rackmount multi-fx unit (Boss SX-700) all the time for my delays & such. But, some of our song do need a nice high gain dirt bass sound for when the guitars drop out, or when I need to fill up abit more sonic space, so could anyone suggest to me a relativly cheap pedal I can use, I'm happy to go used, & in the local guitar shop, I tried afew out that I quite liked (as in, could get a decent, useable, sound out off, but not much more) they where (don't shoot me) the Boss MT-2 & Digitech Deathmetal. Would anyone be able to suggest some more for me to demo? Edit: My band is a hard rock band (if you want sub-genres... well, that's where it gets tricky, were abit of a mix of prog, classic rock, modern rock, metal, industrial, shoegaze & blues) My current set up is a Dean Demonator/Traben Chaos Obsession/Fender P-Bass Special -> Korg Pitchblack -> Ashdown LoMenzo Hyperdrive (set up for alittle bit of grit) -> USA Big Muff (soon to be replaced with a Devi Ever Super Massive Black Hole clone) -> Nobels Phaser -> Hartke LH500 (with the SX-700 in the FX loop) -> Marshal VBC 412. Also, please, I've got my fuzz sorted, so there's no need for a suggestion like a Bass Big Muff, & my mild OD is sorted. Pretty much, to describe the tone I'm looking for it's similar to Lemmy's, but with a rocket shoved up it's arse. Or a bass friendly Mesa Tripple Rectifier.
  6. Hi, I'm a Stoke-on-Trent based bass player & general equipment nut. I currently have three basses, my main bass a Dean Demonator, a Traben Chaos Obsession & a Fender P-Bass Special. My amp set up in a Hartke LH500 head into a Marshall VBC 412, although I do want to pick up either an Orange or vintage Marshall head at some point in the future. And for anyone that's interested, my pedal board (right now) consists of Korg Pitchblack -> Ashdown James LoMenzo Hyperdrive -> Blackstar HT-DistX -> EHX Big Muff USA -> Nobles Analog Phaser -> Digitech Digidelay (& a Boss SX-700 in the loop). But, due to my guitarist borrowing my Blackstar pedal ALOT I'm looking to pick up another high gain distortion pedal, aswell as replacing my Muff with a tighter soundinf fuzz & picking up a tremolo pedal, I'm also considering removing the delay in favour of a chorus. I play bass in a band called Blue Origin, the easiest way to descibe us would be Hard Rock, although our newer material is taking a different route & sound, our Myspace page is: www.myspace.com/blueorigin if any of you are in the Stoke-on-Trent/Staffordshire area & either want tickets, or want to play some gigs together just give me a shout.
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