Well, my guitarist has started using my Blackstar HT-DistX (my main dirt pedal) for his higher gain pedal, I don't really mind, because I'm using his rackmount multi-fx unit (Boss SX-700) all the time for my delays & such. But, some of our song do need a nice high gain dirt bass sound for when the guitars drop out, or when I need to fill up abit more sonic space, so could anyone suggest to me a relativly cheap pedal I can use, I'm happy to go used, & in the local guitar shop, I tried afew out that I quite liked (as in, could get a decent, useable, sound out off, but not much more) they where (don't shoot me) the Boss MT-2 & Digitech Deathmetal. Would anyone be able to suggest some more for me to demo?
Edit: My band is a hard rock band (if you want sub-genres... well, that's where it gets tricky, were abit of a mix of prog, classic rock, modern rock, metal, industrial, shoegaze & blues)
My current set up is a Dean Demonator/Traben Chaos Obsession/Fender P-Bass Special -> Korg Pitchblack -> Ashdown LoMenzo Hyperdrive (set up for alittle bit of grit) -> USA Big Muff (soon to be replaced with a Devi Ever Super Massive Black Hole clone) -> Nobels Phaser -> Hartke LH500 (with the SX-700 in the FX loop) -> Marshal VBC 412.
Also, please, I've got my fuzz sorted, so there's no need for a suggestion like a Bass Big Muff, & my mild OD is sorted.
Pretty much, to describe the tone I'm looking for it's similar to Lemmy's, but with a rocket shoved up it's arse. Or a bass friendly Mesa Tripple Rectifier.