hello bassers I'm from the TIME COAST ok so how's it going earthlings update I have been playing for about 30 years I have owned numerous basses. Warwick. jimmy moon. rickenbacker. 2 bg basses. music man stingray. Taylor mini bass. overwater custom fretless. and now I have the best bass ever it is a JON SHUKER 4 string jazz ash body maple neck and maple fretboard in a blue wash Passive I've had numerous fx but hardly ever used them sold now I have aTC flashback delay an EH big muff small Sadowsky preamp Peterson strobo stomp. and a Darkglass Elements thingy. plus lots of bass books at the moment I am doing the Study bass course online with Andrew Pouska and I am starting right back at the basics doing it all over again studying music the whole lot. I was in a band but I jacked that in they only wanted to do covers and they were doing the same covers all the other local bands were doing. oh !! I have also just bought from James home of tone. 2 Marcus Dlux upright pedal boards great things for home practice I have also just bought KZ PRO 10 in ear monitors from Ali Expess not here yet £23.00 Amazon want £43.00 for the same thing. I also use practical patch leads and loaded for bear leads plus I have a mark bass combo. and that's about it. so if you want me for any gigs you will have to come and pick me up I don't have transport and im very poor all donations gratefully accepted bank transfer only. ha ha joke.