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Everything posted by Stag

  1. Nooooooo Steve, dont do it!!! (he said helpfully)
  2. Very sexy, well done sir!
  3. Hi BassMachine Sadly I dont have this bass anymore, it developed a paint issue near the bridge (was shearing away from the body, shockingly) so had to go back to the shop. The distributors couldnt give me a date (or even a month) when they could get me a replacement bass so I had to get my money back. I was absolutely gutted to lose this bass as it was just amazing to play in every way, in fact id forgotten about this review... looking at the pics has made me sob a little! However the money I got back from it DID go towards buying my burgundy one (http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163616-burgundyglo-rickenbacker-4003/) and ive very happy with that indeed
  4. Sold my Washburn B20 and regretted it... Bought it back 4 years later for less than I sold it for
  5. Love Floyd and always have done Worth noting Mr Waters didnt end up playing a lot of bass on their records... DG did lots of it
  6. I played an Epi EB3 and really disliked it. Incredibly heavy with a nondescript sound, shame really.
  7. Wow. This was lovely! Basscat has the flamed red P version of this and thats rather sexy too...
  8. [quote name='Cairobill' timestamp='1330611445' post='1560343'] PS that's going by their website. You should phone ahead if you go... [/quote] Oh my. I'd have been all over that if i hadnt bought my 4003BG!
  9. i do want one of these in my life... well done sir, I hope it brings you much joy!
  10. I remember covering Breaking Into Heaven in a former band, great line to play. And another one of the guys who got me into Rics! More the merrier
  11. I can happily bring mine along to the East Anglia bass bash if you can get there? Mine sounds incredible thru my Ampeg rig... Havent tried it thru a small cab hifi mosfet setup yet... Hmm
  12. Very unlikely that my new outfit will be ready for this, but id like to come along and happy to bring gear like last time! Plus they sell beer and chips, which is awesome.
  13. lol no worries fella. You have chosen well, its a beauty!
  14. [i]I had a Jetglo and there was no difference in price?[/i] There is no substitute for a Ric in my eyes, may you love and cherish your new axe!
  15. Yep cheers mate. I wasnt having a go, just seems that there are so many differing opinions floating about on these at the minute when before I didnt hear a bad word about them! And then you get this thread, combined with a few people moving them on... beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. I tried yours with the ACG I believe and that was IMMENSE sounding... would it necessarily do the same with a stock Precision or Ricky? Must go and have a play soon.
  16. Yes, it *was* a CS... But i like it in white... I wouldnt have done it to my CS if I owned one tho!
  17. Hmm, surprised by this thread. Charic's rig is the first rig ive been properly impressed with for ages, yet not getting a lot of love here? Considering buying a TC setup but now... Hmmm... Need to go and try one again first... Particularly IVO the outlay
  18. That white one with the binding is lush
  19. Ive had my 4001 for 11 years now, it's done countless gigs. A bit like what 4000 says, i grew up with the Ric neck and tone and nothing else does it for me now... Tried Fenders and always end up back on the Ric.
  20. Just the MIA P for me. Want to get hold of a Jazz tho.
  21. Blimey, whoever got this for £450 must be over the moon, and with a case as well? Nutty price. Love EB3's.
  22. is this the one geofio is after, I wonder?
  23. A very good price for the industry standard in DVVM. The best bass sound I have ever heard was our very own Dood with his SVT2 and 2 4.5XL's. Truly immense.
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