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Posts posted by Stag

  1. And on the complete other end of the spectrum, if you like your fretless heavy (yes, really) try Leprosy or Human by Death. Amazing playing from DiGiorgio on those two albums. Not often you hear a fretless bass in death metal but it certainly works for those albums.

  2. The volume you get out of these is frankly terrifying, I dont think you will have any issues being heard fella - worth noting that this was when I tried Charic's rig... which was an RS210 I think. Mega impressed with these amps, might have to have one meself in the near future.

  3. Im an Ampeg lover and always have been, but was seriously impressed with Charic's TC rig at the East Anglia BB last year. Masses of volume... Obviously totally different to an Ampeg but i liked it a lot. Some nice features on the RH like settings memory etc, tuner, tube tone blah blah... And as you say, very light.

  4. My old Ric has aged from white to a yellowy cream... Wonder if its much to do with the places i used to play in? Ive always had nice comments about the way it looks, complete with light fag burn mark in the headstock.

    My two penneth on the whole smokin' thang - it should be the landlord / venue's choice if smoking is allowed or not, then its also your choice to play there or not. Being as ive been in both positions (behind the bar booking bands, and on stage with a bass) its plain to the eye that the ban has had an effect on crowd size, particuarly for the rock music i used to troll out regularly. However one should consider a number of other factors such as more expensive booze, the rise of the chain pub, the amount of cash a punter can spend on seeing a local band vs. saving up and seeing a famous one, etc).

  5. Now then... when I was learning thar' bass as a young lad, I was bought the following book by the big man Mr Rainey :


    Excellent book full of tips and grooves. No tab tho, all dots... which IMO was a good thing when I had my "L" plates on :)

    Worth investigating!

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