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Everything posted by Stag

  1. Immensely cool Gibbo. Good luck with the sale chief... Or not, if you want to keep it lol
  2. I had one of these, brilliant powerful amps and built like a tank. The limiter light... Shouldnt that be dropping in and out of being fully on as and when peaks are hit... So its ok?
  3. You have a great avatar sir.
  4. Stag


    BARG!!!! And yup, a lot of Rics from that era have an odd green sheen to them under light... it is Jetglo for sure tho!
  5. Ive never understood the "Gibsons arent great basses" sentiment... My Les Paul has an enormous sound. Every drummer ive played with prefers to hear that to my Ricks or Precision. Not sure what hat means though! I think there is a perception that Gibbos just make a woolly thudding sound... Probably because of *that* switch position for Deep Bass on the EB3? Personally i think its a nice sound anyway, depends on the music you are playing i guess.
  6. PM replied to buddy, would like to see some piccies!
  7. dont suppose this is going to be with on Thursday lunch is it? Id love to even just have a look at this!
  8. Hummm.. Portsmouth... thats a bit far away
  9. Oooooh... im interested. I have a 3TS on sunburst 2009 P... where are ya?
  10. Argghhhh why am I being temped by this stopitstopitstopitstopit
  11. There's a lot of stigma attached to pick playing, in that it makes you "worse" than fingers. Its all about what you feel comfortable with, surely! You may feel more comfortable with fngers... I do, but some songs "work" better with a pick, the style, the sound, etc, so I change according to situation. I wouldnt say that Chris Squire is toss becuase he uses a pick.
  12. Stag


    Thats the first Ric other than mine from the same era (mine is an '82) with the split pickguard..l nice! Cool bass fella, hope you get the trade you are after.
  13. Bum, id have had this... And im rlatively close to you!
  14. Someone got a bloody good deal, proper trouser flapping DOOM right there. 4x15's? Sorry nurse, i need new ears.
  15. too far away... shame! Would have been a handy happy option to have sat next ot SVT DOOM RIG for those times when I dont require 1350 watts...
  16. Oh my, that's basically the Jazz im looking for... ...but wont have any cash till April! argh
  17. How was it...? Any Tempus Fugit fun?
  18. [quote name='clarkpegasus4001' timestamp='1320767306' post='1431121'] You mean like mine? [attachment=92840:Tony Clark IFTK.JPG] [/quote] Yes indeed. So, when do you leave your house unattended?
  19. [i]***in best Hannibal from The A-Team voice***[/i] I LOVE it when a plan comes together
  20. where is Jon (Bassassin) these days? He would love this!
  21. This might sound utterly bizarre but I work (indirectly) with Stuart Fletcher. I doubt he has a tab... but I could ask if he's go any tips / directions?
  22. is it wrong that im sure I know what hat you are talking about???
  23. [quote name='Fastfret24' timestamp='1319427426' post='1413948']Candy Cola omnomnom [/quote] +1 Very pretty colour!
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