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Everything posted by Stag

  1. I want a sssssssssssssssssJazz.
  2. Just to add to this since it's been resurrected... My Les Paul as a thunderous tone. Very strong in the bottom which the Musicmaster is not. Was playing the LP tonite and my word you can hear it!
  3. Ummm, doesn't JPJ use one on a lot of the Zep stuff? You can definitely hear him....
  4. Awesome basses, i have one! Can't go wrong with these bad boys!
  5. You have to post a price as well chap, forum rules n'all that.... Cool amp of course!
  6. I'd rather have a 4080
  7. Really really love that Bill, killer look and a killer tone no doubt! Have considered a Geddy and a MIM as separate entities but never as one bass. Awesomeness :-)
  8. bloody hell thats tempting. Great price for someone like myself a little curious about 6 stringers...
  9. I got a similar bonus recently and blew it all on my new Ric. Best use of the money ever!
  10. I dont dig Warwicks at all generally but that is sexy!
  11. are these the amps that Cliff Burton used? If so = Win!
  12. Chris Squire used to use phat rounds on his Ric, and I used 105's on my 4001 with no issues, if that's nay help. (although I now prefer 95/100's)
  13. You cant go wrong with the Series 6 stuff. I had an AH300 powering a 1510x which was an amazing sound... although as people said, not exactly lightweight! There is a 2x10 series 6 for sale somewhere on here that you might want to take a gander at....
  14. Stag

    Rickenbacker 4003

    Thats gorgeous Shaggy! And I am regularly called Stig, maybe its a Rickenbacker owner thing?
  15. seriously.... why is this still here? Kick ass Ampeg cab built like a tank for less than £250? If I didnt have an SVT 610 i'd have had this ages ago!
  16. Stag

    Rickenbacker 4003

    Had a 4001 for my main gig axe for over ten years and then bought a 2011 4003 brand new a few months back. Its faultless, best bass ive ever played. I think any manufacturer can have the same issues with QC - Fender particularly so... you might pick up two identical basses by the same firm but one could be a dog!
  17. have you kept the SVT 5 knocking about to soften the blow mate?
  18. mmm... im in Norwich and im tempted but couldnt do it this month... could do with a proper combo rather than lug my SVT everywhere! Where in the city are you mate?
  19. Excellent price for a Rick that's a little more out of the ordinary (ie. it aint JF/MG/FG) Lovely bass, everyone should have a Rick!
  20. Mega, mega cabs. Mine is too big for what I do now but to get rid of it would be insane as its the best tone ive ever had out of a cab. These are also actually surprisingly portable with the rollbar and wheels
  21. Difficult one. Rather than do all the gigs, could you possibly do one big one and advertise / sell it as such? Go out on a high for everyone? Then the decision can be theirs if they wanna get a new geetar man, and another bassist when you leave. If you are leaving anyway they may see this as an opportunity to fold... which would make the "one more gig" situation one that hopefully all parties can enjoy. [i]by the way this is just my reading of the situation... before I get dry-humped by anyone who disagrees [/i]
  22. Hello chief Forum rules say you have to state a price im afraid... then you can invite offers around that
  23. a downright steal, this is.
  24. Im doing far less than I used to - was in a busy covers band (Rock Doctors, used to do the Eddie/Brickies/Blueberry... you know those kinda places) very regularly but the whole scene, original or covers, is very flat now. Left that band about 18 months ago and have barely done anything since, in a band with the bloke who was in Floating Greyhounds basically doing covers again but only one gig in a blue moon. Hence why I cant justify buying this lovely cab
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