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Everything posted by Stag

  1. Hi Guys Has anyone out there got experience of GarageBand on the iPad? I am really considering buying one for ease of use - im not after something top end, something portable and easy to use and this looks like the perfect solution - 8 tracks is well enough for me. Can I plug a bass / g*itar directly into the headphone port and record? Im looking for something quick and easy to use and after tinkering with a pal's iPad it looks perfect... I have experience in Cubase etc from college but im rather after something simple and effective for me to quickly record riff ideas down on and then add a drum pattern (you know what its like, you get a great idea on the train or wherever and then *BAM* its gone and left your head forever!) Any info would be gratefully recieved! Cheers Stag
  2. I can understand why you kept it, its gorgeous!
  3. The colour of that is glorious in every way possible. Kind of the finish I was trying to get on my Musicmaster... is it a refin? If I played fretless I would be having a serious sniff at this! Lovely
  4. [quote name='chris_b' post='1265685' date='Jun 12 2011, 02:14 AM']Don't do it!![/quote] I strongly disagree, sir! Beeds - perhaps worth looking at my review of the new 4003's at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130851"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130851[/url] - if you have any measurement / dimensions / string spacing questions id be happy to help.
  5. These new 4003's are the absolute dog's danglers - have a read of my review if you want some background on why... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130851"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130851[/url]
  6. Id just like to point out that this thread seems to infer that us Ric owners "appreciate the female form" rather strongly.
  7. Absolute barg, wont be here long!
  8. [quote name='ianSB' post='1257383' date='Jun 5 2011, 03:11 PM'][attachment=81809:ampeg_stack.jpg] [attachment=81810:me_mark_..._upgrade.jpg] this is my gigging rig and bass and i dont have a picture of my jazz on hand but i will do soon and i m 18 btw[/quote] what shop is this fella? Looks very good on the amp front, most shops down here have sod all in the way of amps! And well done on having a 610HLF - best cab ever IMO [i](Disclaimer : This is my opinion )[/i]
  9. Love it love it LOVE it Cherry Red / Burgundy are the colours of true kings
  10. The mighty fuzzwah master himself, Mr Cliff Burton used his BG Ric for the formative years of Metallica then went on to use Alembics and Aria Pro's. But he made his name playing that Ric the way he did... much like a few of the above mentioned names.
  11. This bass is gorgeous. I would love it. Sadly I dont have £1400 in my arse pocket... great price of one of these with OHSC
  12. I like toasters [i]gets coat[/i]
  13. Are you thinking secondhand or straight from JD? A buddy of mine had one up for sale recently and it was a killer funk machine, not my kind of thing (I prefer clunky things like Rics / P-Basses) but he was asking a very reasonable price for it considering how damn fine it was. Not amny turn up S/H tho, there was a real cool white one on here, the Starchild one (was that your Soliloquy?)
  14. All's well that ends well
  15. is this the one that's on eBay? I was looking at it the other day, if it is!
  16. [quote name='Beedster' post='1255880' date='Jun 3 2011, 07:58 PM']I think I love my Ric more than any bass I've owned. I'm not really sure why though [/quote] This +10000 Never played a bass I feel more at home with than my Ricky. Look / feel / clunk, its all good for me.
  17. Classic beauty of a bass, love the arm wear on the top - my mate's 75 in black has the same thing going on and it looks the business. Shouldnt take long to sell!
  18. Someone give this dude a band! Classic! [i] (sounds a bit like me in a few ways also, empathic feeling I got there for a second - haha!)[/i]
  19. duuuude... I thought you loved that there Ricky?
  20. Awesome rig. That is all.
  21. That is lovely. If i was actually gigging properly i would seriously consider this to pair with my Les Paul... Someone will be very happy!
  22. Stag

    Rickenbacker 4003

    I love 'em. Wouldnt part with my '82 4001 for love nor money, even tho my 4003 is honestly a better bass. They vary so much piece to piece i would recommend that you keep looking for Ric-love Also, have a read of my 4003 review in the Reviews forum :-)
  23. Combined with PauBass's SVT 5 Pro (for sale on here) this is essentially my rig, albeit I have the USA version of the cab. An absolute steal for both cab and amp for a grand, that would be 1350w of bridged power into the 610. List price for these cabs is about a grand now! Buy them and never need to worry about power ever again
  24. Stag


    I await Dood's contribution to this thread, being as JD is one of his massive heroes / influences! Love the band, always have. Listened since I was a kid, and only due to playing bass have I realised just how good a player Deacon was. And a pretty damn fine songwriter too (mind you they all were pretty fine songwriters)
  25. I seem to have always been in bands that operated quite a drinking culture. All rock stuff so goes with the territory i guess. Works for me
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