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Everything posted by Stag

  1. This thread is pure porn filth. I like it.
  2. So good you had to buy it back? Love it! Lol
  3. blimey - cracking price for this! I had one before getting my SVT5 Pro and it never let me down, loads of tones and built like a tank.
  4. I did it once. Played our arses off and were by far the best band in our "heat" (TOOT TOOT! there goes me parping my own trumpet... I am being serious though), had the most friends there, went down the best etc. Three judges on the "panel" of which two we knew and voted for us (as we asked them and they aint liars), and we still lost as the other ahem... "judge" had something to do with the event and thought the other band were "nicer" and apparantly wanted to manage them. Make of that what you will...
  5. The man is a hero of mine, construction of his songs (and a large part of "the" solo) are influenced by classical with some pleasant arpeggios etc. Oddly though his recorded sound isnt really that great on the albums... Metallica were a completely different beast with him on board, far more varied stuff IMO.
  6. chips and cheap spring to mind here. This wont be here long!
  7. Ive passed this link on to someone who me and Dan know rather well who may be interested... or at least would definitely find someone who WILL be interested!
  8. I also found the same thing! Discussed the matter with Dood and a general consensus was reached that msot people dont bother with the loop...
  9. My old 4001 has done more gigs than any other bass, it was always my dream to own one, so ill go with that. And it has MANY dents, scratches, fag stain in headstock etc etc
  10. dude... dont let another Ric leave East Anglia... I feel for you on this, I hope I will never have to part with my 4003! Whoever buys this is getting a MEGA bass for not much readies
  11. Im pretty sure he used to used old Sunn amps...
  12. Stag


    Wow, mega rig. Been tempted by TC stuff very sorely due to my heavy large gear that I currnetly have, and you're in Norwich... damn shame I dont have any money left! Shouldnt last long here though
  13. Very cool bass And a good bit of love shown to Ghost In The Shell there, good work sir!
  14. Ive heard a great many good things about them but not sure I could stretch to the cost... expect the 15in version would be about £200ish second hand... and I dont remember seeing one on here secondhand (must be cos they're good! lol)
  15. staggered at lack of takers on this. Used mine last night at a gig, didnt dare push it above 1 on the master. If you are looking to fill a room, or perhaps a stadium - this is your kiddy right here, in bridged mode.
  16. Just as an update to this... I gigged it with my 4001 in attendance as well yesterday thru my usual rig (SVT5 Pro -> SVT610HLF). The 4003 was noticably louder with the same settings (bass / treble on nearly full, mids at 12 o clock). It handled everything I could throw at it. Its lovely. If anyone is umming and ahhing about buying a 4003 then... just buy it.
  17. Im in this boat too. Really want a combo so I dont have to lug the DOOM that is my 1350w SVT rig around to tiny pubs! Was looking at the TE Commandos... they seem to be perfect for what I need. Looking to spend £120ish secondhand, any recommendations would be entertained! Im an Ampeg chap at heart but had TE stuff before and loved it if that helps people dig what sound im looking for.
  18. [quote name='Merton' post='1163617' date='Mar 15 2011, 09:20 PM']but I would agree that the 100W ones certainly lacked enough oomph for anything but the quietest of gigs.[/quote] And this is why the search function here is wonderful! I was really thinking about getting one of these as my "smaller gigs" amp but my band is LOUD so this not keeping up with them sould be a worry. A deep shame, as the 150w ones are harder to find... seems like it would be perfect (had myself a Trace rig before and loved it) [i]Think I might start a "what combo" thread now! haha![/i]
  19. £950? Are you mad? And what is this bass you are looking at... is it my Gibson?
  20. thats glorious. Nice mojomarks
  21. That is a very good price for a v63. Good luck with the sale sir.
  22. I too would love to hear one of these. A bit more portable thatn my SVT610HLF and certainly lighter... whats the bottom end "woof" like?
  23. Sex wee. I like. Will be seeing Mr Waters toting something extremely similar in a few weeks.
  24. Must have missed this one! OK... First Bass : Aria Pro II ZZB Deluxe, defretted when i got it. Nice way to learn... lol Go To Bass : Rickenbacker 4001. 21st birthday present and still going string "Your Bass" : Rickenbacker 4003. The 4001, but refined (IMO! before I get flamed by 4001 lovers, I still love mine y'kno!).
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