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Everything posted by Stag

  1. ummm... when I put it down ill do some pics! hehe! All will be revealed... its a beauty, was in the shop I bought it from for a whole day before I picked it up Incidentally, last time the same shop has Rics turn up they've gone within a day - lol - one lasted 30 minutes of being in the window haha!
  2. I have it now, but I cant put it down... lol... ill post some pics later. Its a new one so its nothing vintage or rare (unless you count the waiting list and the distinct lack of stock in most shops)... but it plays like butter and I love it dearly already!
  3. Just as an update to this, the decision has been made over the weekend, a weekend spent playing a good number of Rics from over the years.
  4. [quote name='charic' post='1184909' date='Apr 1 2011, 03:49 PM']For true lightbulb shattering action (the bass that was in use at the time)[/quote] Yup, it was! Lord knows what would have happened if i put the Les Paul through it... DOOM
  5. aaaghhgghhghhh i am now GASsing about TC stuff, stop this now please
  6. Thats an awful lot of noise for not a lot of bucks! TE gear is great, I used to run exactly the same amp into a 1510x and a 2x10 which created an immense sound someone shoudld snap this up
  7. I had one before my SVT, exactly the same as Wayne did. Shedloads of headroom with these bad boys - great amp for the money and built like a tank as per the Ampeg standard
  8. I played this the other night along with Dood. Have to say this is a wonderful piece indeed! Great weight to it - has a real bottomy THUMP to it as well. The finish on it is absolutely exquisite as well, mind you I am a total sucker for deep reds / burgundy with cream binding! Its a beauty
  9. oh yeah, and people specifically do come to see us. We dont take it very seriously and we do tunes that people really should know so they get into it. Playing for the fun of it - something I didnt do for a long time! Its great to knock out a bit of Rush and stuff like that... but the majority of people who go and see a band want to hear stuff they know... (Sweet Home Alabama etc! )
  10. Im in a covers band and we pull a crowd, in venues that dont usually do bands... if you make it fun and get people dancing and singing you will get a good name and pull a crowd.
  11. [quote name='charic' post='1184011' date='Mar 31 2011, 10:11 PM']If you mean the rh450 you must be kidding. As many can testify (including an unfortunate lightbulb) from the eq bassbash it has tonnes of volume[/quote] It was me who blew up a lightbulb with it!!! lol It certainly has the power, and that was only ONE 2x10 cab being used I was highly impressed, I do very much like it when things are destroyed by bass
  12. yep, I did mean the volute... and yep I did mean the pickup surround! Good translation skills! My 4001 has a fairly large volute. I dont think I felt it anywhere near as pronounced on the new 4003. I dont think the 4001 im looking at has the cutaway. The 4003 does.... :-)
  13. Does the neck "bump" that you get on 4001's at the 1st fret appear on 4003's?
  14. I really dont... same goes for MG on Ricks. I dont know why either? Just not a finish I dig at all? odd. [i]although my LP is pretty much natural varnished mahogany. doh[/i]
  15. When the esteemed Dood had this paired with his 2 Harkle 4.5 XL's I truly believe that was the bass sound ive ever heard, ever. Awesome amp!
  16. Indeed, Im trying out a suitably coloured 4001 this weekend but I have a suspicion im going to end up buying the 4003 instead... colour cant be the only reason to spend that amount on a bass.
  17. Hello good sir! As Dood said, im also a denizen of these Naaaarfolk parts! It appears we have fairly similar gear tastes (see my sig! haha). I hear you on wanting to possibly get another cab, the 610 isnt the smallest thing in the world.... not many places in Norwich where you really need all that oomph either. My advice? Get a smaller rig AS WELL eheh
  18. That is totally utterly lush in every possible way. Fact. Decided against keeping faith with the old bridge?
  19. [quote name='charic' post='1180892' date='Mar 29 2011, 03:22 PM']I want to see a pic of this dream ric actually![/quote] dream ric? My dream one is probably a BG 4003 but they are incredibly rare, rarer than BG 4001's... sadly The new 4003s are amazing, the one I played was standard JG
  20. I think im swinging to the 4003 I must say. The one I tried (2010 model) really kicked the pants off my 4001 in every possible way. Now..... someone pass me the swarfega while I fetch the burgundy paint
  21. [quote name='charic' post='1180435' date='Mar 29 2011, 08:56 AM']Forgotton the guys name... he wasn't a member on here at the time. Mart or something??[/quote] I really cant remember. He had a lot of love for my LP bass, I remember that! Any more things to consider re: 4001 v 4003 guys? weighing up my options this week...
  22. [quote name='Musky' post='1180029' date='Mar 28 2011, 09:02 PM']It rather depends on which 4001 or 4003 as they've both changed a bit through the years, but the overriding differences are in the neck. The 4003 had a chunkier volute, a revised truss rod and (if memory serves) quarter sawn timbers.[/quote] I get the impression that much like Leo's stuff there was a certain amount of random variation between standard models! The 4003 neck seems slimmer to me, maybe im crazy....
  23. [quote name='charic' post='1180017' date='Mar 28 2011, 08:58 PM']I have nothing useful to add but I've always preferred the look of the 4004's [/quote] lol cheers dude Actually seeing charic on here reminded me of that cool 4003 that appeared at the East Anglia Bash... damn that had a fine neck too! Cant remember for the life of me who on here owned it...
  24. Evening chaps / chapettes Its no secret to many people on here that ive been after getting a burgundy 4001 or 4003. 4001's in this colour seem to be a bit more common as the 4003 only had burgundy as a special colour in 2002 from what ive learned. Not that im admitting defeat just yet, but I was trying to get an idea of what differences exist between the two models, as I played a fantastic new 4003 today. It isnt burgundy of course, but my word, the neck is so much nicer than my 4001! The weight is great, and so is the balance. The PU cover on the bridge PU now has a nice cutaway into it so you can lower the action as much as you like, which you couldnt on 4001's due to the pesky PU cover. And also, the addition of this new Vintage Tone selector, which appears to turn it into an Uber-Twangy machine, which could have its uses! Does anyone else have any thoughts on the differences between the two? Anything ive missed... any opinions?
  25. Stag


    I played through one of these at the East Anglia bassday (Charic's rig) and was totally utterly amazed at how awesome these sound, and how portable and lightweight they are! Massively impressed and seriously tempted but I need to keep my readies on me for my dream Ric. Someone will be a happy bunny if they buy this! I blew a lightbulb out of the ceiling when playing through these, power is staggering for such a small package!
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