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Everything posted by Stag

  1. want it. I only have 1350w at the moment
  2. Oh and something else I learned that day - TC Electronics 2x10's are seriously loud... and I rock so much I break lightbulbs! lol
  3. Im surprised there arent any pictures of my Les Paul in here, seemed like everyone had a plunk on that!
  4. Man that EUB was FUN! Good fun was had by all I think... nice to put some faces to the... uhhh.... names!
  5. Im staggered that this is still here... If i had the cash id be all over this! Lovely 6-er.
  6. Me, Dood and BassCat are all still definites...
  7. Just started doing this in the band, great fun! Lovely bassline that just moves along pleasantly
  8. For a related lovely fretless bassline that I enjoy playing, try Hey You by Pink Floyd. Integral part of the song as well...
  9. woop! see you there, and well done on the organisation! I think its me, Dood and BassCat in car with a shedload of basses... day trippers!
  10. [quote name='dood' post='1071681' date='Dec 29 2010, 12:58 PM']ONLY FOUR MORE PEOPLE to put names down to pay in advance to hire the hall![/quote] you've missed Kev off the list Mr V
  11. Blimey... never seen a faker of one of these! A very fair price IMO... my 72' Triumph is LOUD so I suspect this is as well?
  12. Jack Bruce = Win. One of my biggest influences... the main reason I wanted an EB3 for so long (and then ended up buying an Les Paul as it sounded more like an EB3 than the EB3's I tried! lol)
  13. Mucked Up Funkies? I believe you supported my lot at The BRickies a while ago (The Band With No Name)?
  14. we can all have a play with mine at EA Bass Bash you might be sad you missed out when you hear it! Rawk!
  15. Jeez - thats a nice price. Stone cold barg gotten right there!
  16. Wow. Thats amazing
  17. OMG OMG OMG DO IT DAN!!!!!!111!!!!!111111111111111111111!!!!!1 I have one and its my favourite amp EVER. EVER. EVERRRRR. And I have a 610HLF. Best cab EVERRRRRR someone will be getting the best xmas present ever - over to you Dan lol
  18. Very cool amps. I had one before my SVT turned up, only reason I got rid of it was cos id always wanted a BSP, couldnt find one, but the SVT 5 basically has a BSP in it already. Loads of headroom from these fab amps and they are built like tanks.
  19. I really am genuinely STUNNED this is still here. amazing
  20. oh man... MORE porn basses Si? This is just cruel!!!
  21. Thats a LOT of quality THUMP for not a lot of bucks...!
  22. As an avowed Ric Lover I have to say Try a Ric.
  23. I was in a band doing Rush, Zep, all that kind of stuff. Im now doing Sweet Home Alabama, Teenage Kicks etc. Enjoying it alot and every pub we play is RAMMED with people singing and buying lots of beer. This makes landlords like us too.
  24. Can pay in advance happily! Given that Mr V is taking his Hydrives I dotn thinks its necessary for me to bring the SVT610... everyone knows what they do, and I doubt id get it in the car!!! I shall bring '72 Gibson Les Paul Bass '76 Fender Musicmaster as they are a little more "rare" than my other basses And ill bring the SVT5 along if it will fit in the car... cool amp
  25. I think im going to cry... Mr Cairo, you must be a happy man... I just couldnt raise the cash in time for Si
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