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Posts posted by Stag

  1. Now, I dont know much about this Tone_O-Matic person but i'd far rather buy this - one year younger - for less than half the price. This also would fit well in the "whats special about old basses" thread on the general forum. Lovely piece with proper wear and tear...


  2. I like the fact that living in Bel Air makes him more knowledgeable about vintage guitars, apparently.

    If I lived in Bel Air with a ridiculous car I would still know as much as I do now about vintage Fenders ie. not a lot. Dont see what difference the location makes, people giving him loads of money for guitars does not necessarily make them the real deal. However, he doesnt appear to have many auctions pulled, and he has got A LOT of positive feedback...

    ...the comments below that P-bass are just genius... lol - needed a laugh

  3. +1 for V&R and Wunjo's from me. Nothing but polite service, including after-sales service in the case of V&R and my Les Paul.

    Didnt think much of the other places I must say, although one down the road (Macaris?) were a fine bunch of chaps and let me try out what I fancied.

  4. Hi chaps / chapettes

    I havent bought an amp or a cabinet in a VERY long time (approx 8 years, I think) but my little 2x10 is dying, so of course GAS steps in and tells me I need a 4x10 to replace it.

    I currently use a Trace 300w SMC (GP-7) going into the (dying....!) 2x10 and a big silly old Series 6 Trace cab with a 15 and a 10 in it. Trying to find Trace stuff to match it for aesthetic reasons with a limited budget is proving somewhat hard, but my eyes lit up when I saw the Ashdown section in the local shop. Under £250 for a 4x10 350w cab???

    So my question is - what is wrong with these cabs to make them so damn cheap? And if they are good, and I get one, will it fit in with the rest of my gear in a happy cheery bassy way?

  5. My first was one I still own - a defretted Aria Pro 2 ZZB - mental Explorer thing that should never been defretted in a million years (previous owner clearly wasnt bother that the sound certainly didnt fit the look of it...) And ive still got it...


    for pic lol

  6. [quote name='budget bassist' post='265716' date='Aug 19 2008, 05:34 PM']See i saw a lot of things in there that i really liked, a lot of musicmans, a lot of warwicks, it's just a shame that the service there is so poor and that the prices are so ridiculously high.[/quote]

    i was lookin for old Fenders / Gibbos that day...

    I would like a Warwick one day... oh man... no GAS now... im too poor.... :)

  7. [quote name='fleamail' post='265501' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:47 PM']I was at Vintage and Rare a month ago and I asked them if I could try a fuzz pedal! Not only they let me to choose any bass that I wanted (a 1973 p bass was my choice) they also let me there at my own to play as much as I wanted! I end up almost buying the bass, which I would if it didn't have changed pickups! The guys there and the nice lady where more than helpful and friendly![/quote]

    This was exactly the same experience I had in V&R, very nice guys who were happy to let me try anything out. And I hadnt walked in carrying a handful of £20's either...! By the end of my trip id spent a lot of money on a Les Paul bass (See Gear Porn or the "Music Shops in London" thread for more details) - goes to show good customer service gets you a sale.

    +1 to Wunjo's as well, very nice guys. Tried out another LP in there and had some other nice looking kit, approachable staff who knew their stuff as well. I felt a bit guilty when I bought V&R's LP instead of theirs, but the one I bought was 4 years older than Wunjo's and in better nick.

    Bass Cellar? Didnt even get looked at in there! Mind you they had absolutely nothing to interest me so they were never going to prise any cash out of me.

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