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Posts posted by Stag

  1. [quote name='BassBod' post='261594' date='Aug 13 2008, 03:05 PM']A really interesting bass - sort of Gibson tries Alembic, (low impedance pickups) but not really sure why....but Les Paul thinks we should....how does it sound?


    Its got the "WOOOOF" sound you associate with Gibbo's with all the tones whacked up and both pickups on and in phase, at setting "1". You can get a hell of a lot of tones out of it with a bit of twiddling! Some new strings wouldnt go amiss when I try and find a "clunky" tone, but it'll get some next week at it's scheduled pro-setup.

    [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='261785' date='Aug 13 2008, 06:11 PM']That is the coolest bass I've seen in ages. Congrats on a real find! Dare we ask what you paid if it's not too rude :huh:[/quote]

    Thanks! I like things that are a little out of the ordinary. Dont really want to be exact with how much I paid (im still getting over the shock mysefl! :) ) but it was a little bit over a grand. Which is about how much I would have had to pay if i'd got one off evilBay from the US and then had to add tax / shipping / insurance blahblahblahetcetcblah so i think I got a decent deal.

    [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='262061' date='Aug 13 2008, 11:31 PM']+1

    I really like the control layout...[/quote]

    I liked it too and it was another selling point for me. Although a mate of mine did say it looked like a dashboard control plate from a 1984 Ford Cortina, which wasnt so cool. Ahem. :huh:

  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='261529' date='Aug 13 2008, 01:24 PM']Nice bass! I played that briefly last time I was in V&R. Might have thought about buying it, had it been the darker (tobacco?) brown. What sort of stuff will you be playing it on?[/quote]

    Ill mostly be using it in my newer band doing a rather strange mix of music, it certainly fits the Kings Of Leon and Doors stuff nicely (think the KOL guy uses an EB3 actually?). I've got a one off gig with my old Hendrix / Cream / blues band and the sound will fit that perfectly as well. It really is a lovely bass, took it to rehearsal last night and it played beautifully. A touch of fret buzz at 10th fr D string but nothing a decent set up wont fix.


  3. [quote name='Tee' post='261483' date='Aug 13 2008, 12:32 PM']You wiped off the dust!? That was authentic 1972 Les Paul bass dust!

    You could have collected it in a bag and sold it on ebay as vintage bass dust (dating from '72). Apply to any bass for instant mojo! L@@k!![/quote]


    Ive got the cloth I used for it with said dust still attahced - perhaps ill put it on eBay


  4. Hi chaps / chapettes...

    My search for an interesting new (or should I say OLD) bass has now ended after finding this 1972 Gibson LP Bass. Only one real mark of note on it where someone appears to have glued a thumbrest to it many many moons ago - im callin it the "mojo-mark" - lol. other than that its in great nick and after a polish it shines in a very pretty way. Bridge cover is also AWOL but not too bothered about that, fabulous phat tone thumping out of those dual humbuckers makes up for that...!

    Oh, and it weighs about as much as a small car :)

    EDIT - the white bits are reflections from the camera, no white marks on that baby at all. And sorry about my lawn, needs some TLC.

  5. Well, mission accomplished for me today. I now have a nice 1972 Gibson Les Paul Bass and was treated very nicely in everywhere. Well, except the Bass Cellar who didnt even speak to me or anything while I was in there browsing, but they didnt treat me in any way to be honest! But hey ho, im happy at the end of the day, got what I wanted in a different shop with a bit of haggling.

  6. I have four - one is my workhorse (Ric 4001), one is for rehearsals and ease of portability (Musicmaster), one is fretless (Aria) and one is always in an odd tuning (Washburn, currently in drop C).

    Although I might end owning another one by the end of the day - curse you, GAS!

  7. Hey Tee!

    Thanks for the heads up - you know what im looking for, clearly!!! Hehe...

    I saw they had an EB or two in there last time I visited with a mate (very briefly) the day after a Roger Waters gig at the O2 in March. The staff kinda ignored us at the time because we probably still stank like a brewery and had glazed over eyes... lol. I darent even ask to touch anything in there that day! Ill have a look at that LP bass for sure, theres a few of them knocking around.

    If I get the time (iver only got about 3 1/2 hrs, pre booked last minute trains and all that) ill go to the Gallery as well... I see its a bit further up in the city than Denmark St so probably another little tube ride.

  8. everyone seems to dislike the Denmark St people dont they, particularly the Bass Cellar? lol

    I will have a quick look in the Gallery but I doubt they will have what im looking for, but it cant hurt to browse. Are they "The Good Guys" of London bass-selling?

  9. yeahhh.... im looking at something 2nd hand / vintage.

    How much success have people had on the haggling front? I mean, im not in a RUSH to buy and ill be sure to tell them that... same thing goes in that I dont particularly want to be ripped off either.

  10. hmmm, interesting thread as I was going to be asking the same thing.

    Im still looking for a nice EB3 / Les Paul Bass I can spend some money on (have a bit of inheritance and spending quite a bit on a bass is how who left me the cash would like it spent) and it seems LAHHNNDAAAHHHNNN is the only place I can find such things.

    My question is - are the Denmark St shops "open to haggling"? Theres some nice stuff knocking around there but they overprice things by about 10%. If I could get that 10% removed (ish) then they could have my cash. Anyone had haggling success out there?

  11. Hi guys and gals,

    Unless I want to pay way over the odds for a 70's Gibson (£1200+) EB or Les Paul im going to have to get one from America, perhaps via EvilBay.

    How much woudl customs charge on say, a $1200 bass, then the insurance and packing / shipping? USPS service is £87.50 which sounds about right.

    Cheers for your advice...

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