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Posts posted by Stag

  1. looks nice but that decal just doesnt look "right" to me, im no Fender expert mind you...


  2. Hi chaps / chapettes.

    Since i acquired a slightly more "slap friendly" bass (Fender MM) and have been playing it at home more than my normal gig workhorse (Ricky 4001) I thought id give slapping a go again. I have never, ever, had to use the technique at a gig and doubt I ever will but it is so cool. The thing is, even with a short scale easy bass like a Musumaster I am still rubbish.

    Hints / tips / videos / anything appreciated! Just for my own amusement really... id love to steam into something funky one time in the middle of a rock song for a solo or something...

  3. Oh - and for those of you that may want something similar done (stained and lacquer refin father than nitro-cellulose) the chap who did the work is a lovely man by the name of Richard McPhee in Norwich- you can visit his website HERE :


    He did say he would take on more guitar work if it came his way so hey, he's your man if you dig the finish he's done on my little baby.

    Cheers - Stag

  4. yeah, its a Strat fit pickup. Jean Luc-Pickguard has given me a pointer towards a pickup he recommends to replace the stock one as its a bit weedy on the bottom E in the "Dismanting an Old Fender" thread I started in the repairs forum.

  5. Ill probably go for that then. I intend to use the bass at gigs (its too pretty not to now!!!) so some extra "oomph" is required.

    In an unrelated issue, the A string seems to slip out of the nut quite a bit if playin it open. After a chat with Dood it appears either cutting into the nut myself or getting a replacement nut is in order. I dont particularly think ill be able to get the right cuts into the nut so an thinking of a new nut. Will the standard Fender P-Bass replacement nut do - here it is at allparts...


  6. Old horse / neeipheid : I kinda wanted a Gibson-esque finish as im GASsing for an EB-0 or EB-4.... hmmm, watch this space on that. Didnt want it to be a bright red so the more browny finish was required and done by a local cabinet / furniture restorer!

    paul,the : not the waterlogged one from eBay, no. I think that one was almost unsaveable :) ! This one was spotted by a fellow BC'er in a little second hand guitar shop in Beccles sitting very unloved at the back of the shop. £200 later and it was in my house and awaiting a pretty refin :-)

  7. thanks for the help guys - results can now be seen @


    Mr Pic-Guard - the G was very short but did go on. Will bear it in mind for the next string change! And yeah, ive noticed the open E isnt as responsive as the other strings... where would I get a Brandoni pickup form... AllParts seem to be good for most stuff...

    Cheers - Stag :)

  8. Hi Chaps & Chapettes - some of you may recall I asked a few questions a while back about dismantling my old Fender before I sent the body away to get refin'd. Well, finally, it's done, and many thanks for your advice! Managed to put the thing back together again without trashing it as well, handy! I'll be taking it to Dood for him to have a "doodle" on it next week so he should be able to tell you how it plays soon as well. Cleaned all the metalwork down piece by piece, gave the frets a good buffing with metal polish wadding, then got Mr Sheen working on the mucky non-metal bits and im very happy with the end result. Ive bunged a few "before" pics on to give an idea of how it looked pre-refin. By the way, ive still got the manual (with the warranty removed - lol) and the Fender headstock tag.. well happy with it!

    Cheers - Stag :)

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