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Everything posted by Stag

  1. Oh good lord, this is "the one that got away"
  2. That really is delightful.
  3. This thread makes me sad. I like Rickenbackers a lot (Mr Clifford Lee Burton, thats your fault that is) and own two but the conduct of the company in this manner is frankly ridiculous and a little well, pedantic. I can agree with JH in policing any NEW copies of said instruments, but old Jap knockoffs from the 70's? Whats the point? I just dont get it. The poor publicity gained from the action of pursuing these (ahem) "criminals" who own these basses surely outweighs the benefit of stopping Bob from Watford sell his old CMI to Keith for £230, All seems ridiculous and im with HJ here - a court case seems massively improbable. Be interesting to think what a UK government official has to say on the matter. Cant seem to sue all those dudes in China who make copies of BMW's etc!
  4. Ill always have multiple basses - each one does a different job for me. Some have a certain sentimental value now as well.
  5. Chap who i used to deal with at DV lost his job with all of this going on. I had great service from him, so im sure he will get a job with another firm very soon. Seems the firm themselves dont have a lot of scruples though.
  6. Ive got one of these - awesome price for this! Wonderful neck and the craftsmanship is spot on in the new Mex factory setup
  7. This is very cool indeed.
  8. Wish I was closer! Doh... someone should pick this up... nearly half the price of a new one, and without the potential wait!
  9. You just cant go wrong with these.
  10. Very sad to hear this, seem him live a couple of times and also seen them with Sergio a couple of times too. A superb band and Chi's lines were a big part of that in their early life.
  11. The only fakers i have ever played have all been crap, but there you go... Luck of the draw, a bit like getting a good Rics ive played a few dogs!
  12. Is this one with the vintage tone selector on it? Might be interested in a trade with a USA P (and cash)...
  13. This one wont be about long due to use of the "R" word http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-RICKENBACKER-4003-CMI-COPY-BASS-JETGLO-BLACK-/190819192234?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c6db5cdaa
  14. Glad to hear you can still play at least a bit chap. And the Cheyenne is a fine choice
  15. Has your hand cleared up now then mate, ie. you are ok to play again? Good news if so
  16. Mmm... I thought you'd sold all your Ricks George? Where was this one hiding?
  17. If this was black or red id be throwing some money and a Fender your way!!! Good luck with the sale Karl, this wont be here long i think.
  18. Hmmm, thats a bit n the heavy side for me im afraid, already got rid of a bass of that weight due to it giving my back some issues! Never mind... Good luck with the sale!
  19. Ive never played one of these... Im intrigued How heavy is this sir?
  20. Ive got this exact set-up... You don see the 210c's very often! Cracking amp and cab, really portable... Someone will be very happy with this!
  21. Its very good. Saw them in Brixton the other week, mental performance (somewhat marred by a professional pickpocket stealing mine and 11 other peoples phones)
  22. Seriously still here??!?! I wish I had a grand to throw your way Lozz... Blimey
  23. Amazing price for a great cab AND case! Is this a Series 6 jobbie too?
  24. Cant believe this is still here? A 70's example in the COOLEST finish for the same price as a new one?
  25. Lovely tone on this George... Sounds exactly like how i set my 4003 to sound Best of luck with the sale, Ric CoTY's and specials are getting harder to find so this is a good price for a non-stock Ric.
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