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Posts posted by Stag

  1. Id go with

    1) Rick 4003 - in particular the 2011 ones. Best bass ive ever played. If not try another 4003, there are good and bad ones out there... Ive been pretty lucky with mine. My 4003 went in for service recently... I was lost without it, when it returned, so did my "mojo" - lol. Much more versatile than people give them credit for, 2 PU's and separate tone pots means a wide range of tones, plus stereo etc.
    2) The Doodle - some of you may have played this! Dan's Shuker is amazing : i really do not dig ERB's at all but that plays like butter and sounds phenomenal. Go see him at a bassbash :D
    3) Fender P Standard - much like Ronseal in that it does what it says on the tin. If you cant gig with one of these you probably should consider switching to another instrument... ;-)
    4) Gibson Les Paul Bass - the old Triumphs. An experience indeed to play one of these, does the EB3 sound but also successfully impersonates a Precision if you fiddle with it a bit! Looks incredibly cool too. Downside? Weighs as much as the USS Nimitz.
    5) Wal - Ive never played one, so im intrigued!

  2. Hi Lee! Mine was coming away next to the underside of the bridge. Interesting to hear that another one from the same year had the same issue! I wouldnt have got rid of it if the paint hadnt started falling off there, its cos mine was new that i sent it back. Still probably the best Ric ive played... My BG one is awesome but the '11 had the best neck ive ever laid my hands on. Glad to hear you are enjoying yours!

  3. The SVT 2 is the best ive ever heard in a live situation, im sure dood would still have his... If they didnt weigh as much as a house! There weere a couple on here for around the £700 mark, which is a good price for these beasts. The Mesa 400+ is a cracking amp as well, hard to say which is "best"... Id probably say the SVT 2 pleases my ears more.

  4. I had a 2011 Ric in JG and it was an AMAZING player, fastest Ric neck ive ever had the pleasure of playing... Dood will testify to how good it was! Unfortunately (sigh... i still miss it) the paint started shearing away from the body near the bridge... And it was only a few months old! So there's definitely QC issues there. Also, the bottom mute pin of the bridge fell out on the way to a gig in the case, that was odd... As id never touched the setup at all! Sound wise it was incredible, all the bottom end you could want, and the VT knob was an added bonus. My review of it is still on BC somewhere.

    My current squeeze is a 2002 Ric in BG, and that sounds just like how you'd expect it... Although the neck PU has a weaker output than the bridge one, could be a setup thing perhaps.

    And finally my trusty 1982 Ric 4001... That doesnt have any issues... Except that one of the Grovers fell to bits in the case on the way to a gig as well! Lol.

    Basically I havent come across any with low E output issues, and ive played a lot of them never mind the ones ive owned... But im sure there are some "did it last thing on a Friday" Rics out there! They've all got *that* sound... And if thats what you want, you gotta find the right Ric.

  5. Hi chaps

    Just had a disappointing email from the guitarist in my originals project (kinda 90's grunge feel) saying he doesnt want to do it any more. Thats a bit of a bolt from the blue to completely jack it in, but i know he feels we should be doing more and have made faster progress and that clearly has made him think twice about it.

    We were rehearsing once a week and after a few months rehearsals had six written. Not a lot of songs admittedly but this is due in no small part to a number of factors like pre-planned holiday, work, etc etc - there has never been a lame excuse to cancel rehearsals.... the singer sometimes very rarely has to work nights but the rest has been holidays.

    With the covers band im in still limping along (and also now in the process of having to rehearse in a new drmmer after the drummer left to join an outfit closer to his house) it means i was rehearsing twice a week as it was. I dont think i was being unreasonable to say i didnt have the time to do more than one a week?

    Anyway, i dont really know what to do about it all. Find another guitarist? Play the guitar myself and keep writing things while finding a bassist (i was writing things on guitar)? Jack it in totally? Given that the previous chap had written half the stuff its a little daunting to think ive got to get writing again, and quickly... as i wouldnt want to continue working on his songs, which is a shame as they were good. I also struggle to write "songs", but can certainly write a good riff with a hook.

    Any thoughts you have would be welcome, esteemed bass brothers. :(

  6. Cutting the lo-mid has made a big difference, as did removing a lot of the SpectraComp. In fact, reducing the treble after using the Shift button gave it a much much better, rounder sound.

    So many buttons and options, that Shift button seems to be the key to most of it!

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