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Everything posted by TheBlueFalcon

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='609311' date='Sep 26 2009, 03:39 PM']On a more serious note, does lemon oil work OK on ebony?[/quote] As far as I have found it can be used on any natural wood. Maple is about the only one that is a no-no, but I think because it's normally sealed/coated.
  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='609308' date='Sep 26 2009, 03:35 PM']Please be careful with the lighter fuel, accidents can happen[/quote] If the weather is nice enough, I'll do it outside. Would like to have done it today or tomorrow, but have F1 to watch amongst other things. If I do it inside I'll fill the bath with water and float the guitar on something in the middle while I work on it!!
  3. [quote name='Machines' post='608887' date='Sep 25 2009, 11:55 PM']Apologies for the outage chaps. You'll be glad to know it wasn't the forum at fault but a network outage on the host side of things.[/quote] That's a relief, it wasn't my n00bness after all!!
  4. (back on topic) That whole site down time malarky was a real pain in the plums!!
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='608862' date='Sep 25 2009, 11:36 PM']The Shuker is a belter, beautifully put together and plays like butter - if you come along to the SE Bass Bash you can have a play![/quote] I think it will be a while before I am at the kind of level to be involved in such things.
  6. [quote name='Clarky' post='608851' date='Sep 25 2009, 11:30 PM']Its a Shuker JJ Burnel signature P-bass. Is nice![/quote] I only asked because I have an old bass that looks rather like it. I would bet that your Shuker is WAY better though!!
  7. Okay, I am officially a thicky. It's the Shuker in your Sig.
  8. Clarky, what is the bass in your avatar please? Sorry to everyone else for the off topic banter, please don't ban me!!
  9. I missed you guys!!
  10. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='608772' date='Sep 25 2009, 04:50 PM']Btw i got all the p1ss taking when i started using it, especially when i foolishly told our singer how much it cost. You sound like a total clown trying to justify spending money on wood and foam[/quote] I know exactly how you feel. I tried many times to tell people how good they are, but everyone looks at you with a blank stare and thinks it's all just geeky tweeky BS. I eventually gave up trying.
  11. I get the feeling that it's my n00bness that brought the site to a grinding halt!!
  12. [quote name='Monz' post='606485' date='Sep 23 2009, 10:46 AM']I've got one... they are superb. As for standing 2 off 4x10s and a GT200 on top of "2 bits of any old foam" not sure about that one The Auralex is tested to stand the weight (and does)[/quote] I have to agree with Monz. I have 2 of the standard Gramma platforms for my home cinema set up and each one supports a 32kg sub with a 28kg speaker on top of it. Well within the 136kg (300lb) limit that Auralex states, but with £4k of equipment sitting on each one, I wasn't going to risk making my own.
  13. I'm in the same boat as the OP. Have been looking around and I like the sound of this one.... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bass-Handbook-Complete-Mastering-Guitar/dp/0879308729/ref=pd_cp_b_1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bass-Handbook-Comp...9/ref=pd_cp_b_1[/url] and maybe this to go with it.... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/0793565189/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/0...p;condition=new[/url]
  14. I now have microfibre cloths (and lighter fuel if it's needed) at the ready.
  15. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='607622' date='Sep 24 2009, 12:55 PM']I would try with just a cloth and lemon oil in the first instance- that should get most of the grot off. If its really filthy a cotton ball with a little lighter fluid works wonders, then follow up with lemon oil. I treated a couple of my basses with this recently and was quite astonished at how easy it was to get the board looking tip-top again. Hope that helps.[/quote] I don't think this one is particularly grotty, it just hasn't been cared for. I thought that giving it a clean with something first would be a good idea. Maybe I'm just thinking too much!!
  16. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='607404' date='Sep 24 2009, 09:19 AM']Just so we can all get off on that 'feeling' we do of course need an 'after' pic to go with the before one. Waiting with bated breath.[/quote] Will do. It might be some time next week though. I'm trying to work out the best thing to use to clean the fretbaord with first though. Don't like the idea of using wire wool, so looking for something else. Some people mention Scotch-Brite Pads, but I'm not sure which one.
  17. I wouldn't have any problem taking the strings off, it's getting them back on that concerns me. This is my first bass, so I've never had to do it before. I think I am probably just a little anxious about it, thinking that I might do something wrong. I now get the feeling that it is way easier than I expect and I'm just worrying over nothing.
  18. I can't wait to get the lemon oil now. It's been a while since a had a warm fuzzy feeling!!
  19. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='606935' date='Sep 23 2009, 06:37 PM']I always lemon oil the fretboard when changing strings. One string at a time works fine and the lemon oil should be just what's needed there Rub it in reasonably heavily with a cloth but not sloshing it around. Leave it for a couple of minutes and then polish off. You may need to do it 2 or 3 times but don't overdo it. You can always repeat by simply loosening one string at a time if it's needed. That board looks drier than a witches tit Peter[/quote] Thanks for the advice Pete. With the current state, I thought it would be better to remove all the strings and make sure it's taken care of properly before having new strings put on and being set up correctly. Then, in future I will make sure it is done every so often so that it doesn't get back to how it is now. Being such a n00b I wondered if there is any reason why I shouldn't take all the strings off?
  20. Having received my "shop soiled" Ibanez SR900 and not quite in the condition I expected, there are a couple of things I am hoping I can get some advice on. The fretboard seems to be looking a little sorry for itself, although the photo does make it look a little bit worse than it really is. After talking a local Dealer and searching for information, I've ordered some Dunlop Lemon Oil to try and put a little life back into it. Hopefully that will do the trick. The Elixir strings need to be replaced, as the coating is coming off. I know that you should really only replace one string at a time, but in order to clean/treat/refresh the fretboard I would assume that removing all of the strings is a must. Not knowing the history of the guitar and if the set up is actually correct at the moment, I'm also assuming that losing the current set up isn't really an issue for someone who knows what they are doing. Therefore, I thought it would be best to remove the strings and sort out the fretboard myself and then take it so a professional to get the new strings installed and everything set up correctly. Does that sound sensible or would I be making a big mistake?
  21. Does anyone use these together on their bass? I've been advised that I probably wouldn't need both together, as the Comfort Strapps have two holes at each end to go over the buttons, which is usually secure enough. Should I just buy some bigger buttons or still go with the Straplocks? When I get my new bass I'm going put a cheap strap on it, get it sitting where I want it and and then meaure the length, to work out which size Comfort Strapp to buy. I've noticed that a few people have been caught out on the length, because of the design of the Comfort Strapp. So, I wondered roughly how much extra I need to allow for? Any help would be great.
  22. [quote name='thumbo' post='605418' date='Sep 22 2009, 11:42 AM']Hi BlueFalcon, I work for Sound Unlimited. We're just having some temporary website issues! We'll be back online shortly.[/quote] That's great news Thumbo, thanks for letting me know. I was about to place my order elsewhere, but I'll wait for you to get sorted. It's only a small order, but you were the cheapest and every penny counts at the moment. Sorry if I worried anyone.
  23. Thanks guys. I've been looking at all of your recommendations. I'm liking iDrums at the moment. I was also recommended Beatcraft (which is fairly good) but iDrums seems to be better. I think at some point I'll consider Band-in-a-Box, as it does seem very in-depth.
  24. Having looked at other advice, I have decided that I would prefer a drum machine rather than just a basic metronome. But what I was wondering was if I should get a stand-alone drum machine or look at software for my PC. I know there are free programs (which would be fine to begin with) but sooner or later I guess I would need to look at something better. Initially I only need a metronome and basic drum patterns, but hopefully at some point I will be looking at playing along to full backing tracks. So I guess the question is.... Do I buy a drum machine (like the Alesis SR16) for now and don't look to far ahead.... or.... Look ahead and get something that will cover me for the future? If PC software is the way to go, can I please get some recommendations?
  25. Does anyone know if they are still trading? I've been unable to get their website yesterday and today. Tried calling, but only get an answerphone message.
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