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Everything posted by TheBlueFalcon

  1. Thanks for the reply Bill. From your reply I take it I am worrying over nothing? You'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge, I am relatively new to all of this. I've had a look at your site and need to do some more reading. Initially I need something for practicing so I've been looking at small combo units, but I don't want to buy one and find out it isn't capable of doing what it needs to. I don't need loud volume, just good quality. Therefore, I moved up from the "budget" models and I'm now considering a Roland Cube 30 Bass or a Line 6 Lowdown Studio 110. With these approaching £200, I wondered if I should be looking at an amp and cab. It needs to be something small though unfortunately, which I think limits me quite a lot. So much equipment to choose from isn't really helping!!
  2. I'm having a difficult time understanding why a lot of smaller cabs/combos don't seem to go down as low as they need to on the lower frequencies. I can understand that different size woofers in different size boxes will have an effect on the capabilites, but if a cab/combo does not cover the required range, I don't see how it can give an accurate result. If the E string on a 4-string bass is supposed to be tuned to 41.204Hz (even lower when "Low D" tuning is used or when using a 5-string bass) why are there so many cabs/combos that have 8, 10 and even 12 inch woofers that don't go below 45Hz? Can the difference be heard between one that "rolls off" and doesn't reproduce frequencies below 45Hz and one that is capable of reproducing the full frequency range necessary? Not having experince of this I wondered if anyone can tell me if I should be looking for a cab/combo that will definitely cover the necessary depth in the lower frequencies. Or am I just worring for no reason?
  3. It would be nice if we could buy the P5110 for a reasonable price in the UK. Hopefully, when they are actually available we will see more retailers offering them and a big reduction in price.
  4. I managed to find them a bit cheaper and worked out that I only need a 15ft cable, so will be going for the Custom Pro.
  5. [quote name='Ray' post='602621' date='Sep 18 2009, 11:28 PM']Sorry to mess with your mind but there's an SR700 for sale here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60856&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=60856&hl=[/url] Just for the record, I have no interest in this sale.[/quote] Thanks, I had a look last night. If it had been Charcoal Brown I would have seriously considered it.
  6. I think my mind is now made up, as I have been offered the SR900 at a price I really don't want to refuse.
  7. I'm being offered an SR900 for £600. Should I take it?
  8. I've just spotted a BTB780CM which is one of the new Limited Editions for this year. Looks rather nice.
  9. You are right, I think I'm actually frustrated rather than confused. I would have had an SR520 by now, if they were readily available, but not being able to get one has made me start looking at other models. Although I do agree with trying them for myself, I don't really think I am experienced enough to do that yet. All I could do is listen to someone else play it and then hold it to get the feel of it. I doubt there will be a major difference in sound and I can't imagine there would be much difference in the feel of them either. Or at least not to my untrained senses in this area. I think going somewhere to compare would really start to confuse me. If I consider the BTB series (But I am still wondering about that extra inch) there is the BTB470 and BTB670. There is also a Limited Edition BTB600 from 2007. Unfortunately, the Status would be out of my price range for a while. I didn't know they did one at that price though, as the cheapest on their price list is £1395. I was looking at the KingBass II, which starts at £2085. I need to try and stick to something under £500 for now.
  10. Thanks for the advice guys. Having already heard and fondled (ooer!!) a couple of Ibanez basses, I think I have already convinced myself that I want one. Therefore, I think it's down to which Ibanez to buy. I will most likely be using the first bass I buy for at least the next 4 years (hopefully longer if I get it right) so I really do feel that moving up from the SR300 would put my mind at rest and stop me from getting those "I wish I would have...." thoughts. The only thing I might consider at some point would be a Status, but at over £2k it won't be happening for a long time (if at all). I would have gone for the SR520 already, but I'll have to wait until November for it. If I could get one now, my mind wouldn't be wandering to the SR700. Another thing on my mind is if a 35" neck will really make much difference over a 34". Even though I have small hands, an extra inch spread out over 24 frets doesn't sound like it will be THAT much different. Therefore, an Ibanez BTB could be a possibilty after all. There is the BTB470 and BTB670 that I could consider with the above SR's. I think I am confusing myself.
  11. There is a particular dealer that I am going to purchase from. They don't do Warwick, so unfortunately the Rockbass is out of the running. I think the SR500 is definitely out. So now I am wondering if it worth paying £100 more for an SR700 over an SR520?
  12. [quote name='Fraktal' post='600420' date='Sep 16 2009, 04:32 PM']The Rockbass Streamer Standard 2 pickups has a tone to die for and the neck is very stable, you can set up those to play like butter with very low action without fret buzz. The Ibanez SR500 is probably the most comfortable bass you can buy in that price range. Low weight, thin neck, good balance, a joy to play. I have had very good experiences with both of those, I own their 5strings models. For tone, I would choose the Rockbass, but I have a weak back so I play 95% of the time with the Ibanez.[/quote] I'll take a peek at the Rockbass. I quite liked the SR500 when I saw it, but some reviews have said that the finish on the body is quite easy to mark and supposedly wears fairly quicky. Therefore, I was considering the SR520 instead. They are exactly the same except for the neck. The SR500 uses Jutoba/Bubinga and the SR520 uses Maple/Rosewood. I'm not sure what differences that brings, but the SR520 I can get for £50 less. The weight of the Ibanez basses is another reason I am drawn to them. I've had a few minor back and neck problems over the years, so I think it would be better to go for something lighter.
  13. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='600409' date='Sep 16 2009, 04:26 PM']Four or five string?[/quote] I am looking at 4 string.
  14. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='600374' date='Sep 16 2009, 03:55 PM']How about a Squier VM Jazz bass?[/quote] I know I probably shouldn't rule anything out on looks, but I'm not sure that I like the Fender style. I keep being drawn towards the looks of the Ibanez basses. Having said that, I think I need to hear a Fender (or 2) so that I can compare. If a not so nice looking bass (to me) felt right or sounded much better, I would certainly put that before looks.
  15. I didn't want to hijack anyone else's thread, so I thought it would be better to start a new one. I've been looking around at information online for the past couple of weeks and seen advice to other people about going in to a store to try before buying. The only local place is a bit small and their bass range is very limited. I am planning on visiting a much bigger store soon (in the next week or so) but I really don't know what I should be looking for. I was hoping I could get some advice, so that I can go in with a good idea of what I should be considering. Although it will be my first bass, I really want to look at something above a "standard" starter bass. One that won't need any upgrades and something that I am less likely to need to replace for a while. I would prefer to buy new, as the dealer I am going to will make sure it is set up correctly. I really wouldn't know what to check when buying a 2nd hand bass, so knowing me I would end up with a duffer. I'm looking at spending up to around £400 if I need to, but if spending more would be a big enough benefit then I might consider it. I am looking for a guitar that is good for slapping but also does other styles well, as there is no particular style that I intend to stick to solely but slapping will be my main interest. I have small hands (I think) so I have been looking at Ibanez basses. I have been looking at the SR300, SR500, SR520. I was originally considering the BTB range, but I wasn't sure if going for a 35" neck would be a good idea. So what other Ibanez models should I consider (if any) and what other basses from other manufacturers should I consider? I'll be buying either a Roland Cube 30 Bass or a Line 6 Studio 110 to use with it.
  16. Some excellent information here. I really appreciate everyone who has been kind enough to take the time to reply. It was Mark King of Level 42 that originally made me want to play bass. I got interested in the band because of my older brother playing their albums from 1982 onwards, I was only 9 at the time. After seeing them live a number of times between 1984 and 1987 I was gradually more impressed by what Mark could do with a bass guitar. Also, I suppose the older I got the more I understood and appreciated just how amazing he was (and still is). So anyway, in 1988 (I think it was) my Dad bought me a 2nd hand Hondo II bass and a combo. The combo wasn't working properly and had to be returned. Unfortunately they never had any others at an affordable price, so I was left with just the bass. I now regret never really getting anywhere with it, as I could be a bassist with 20 years experience by now, but no use in dwelling on the past. I still have that bass, but I recently looked at some new ones and had a quick go on one (not plugged in to anything) and the feel of it, the action and the sound it made was totally different. So much better. So, now my journey begins again. I'm 36 in a few weeks and I thought I had probably left it too late to have any hopes of being in a band, but maybe it is still a possibility. Maybe it's all down to how much I want it to happen and the effort I put in to making it happen.
  17. Totally understood Doddy. Just as I imagined, everyone's journey is different and there is no set path. I haven't even got to the first level yet, so in all honesty, I'm not really sure where I am heading, but I intend to enjoy the ride. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  18. So would you say around 3 years is the minimum (in your opinion) to be really good at it?
  19. Well I haven't heard any of the new album yet, but I did see a quote about their new album having slap bass. Mark King seems to like Status basses a lot and I certainly wouldn't argue with him. In fact, I wouldn't mind a KingBass!!
  20. Great to hear you are doing well Doddy. How long have you been playing? Do you have any videos online? (If that isn't too personal to ask). I think I have probably decided to get into bass playing a little to late to be a professional. Maybe if I had started years ago (like I wanted to) I might have had a chance, but now I think it will only go so far as being a hobby.
  21. I've not had much time to explore the whole forum yet (so forgive me if this has been suggested, or tried and failed, or is already in progress) but reading this thread makes me wonder why someone hasn't started a monthly (or every so often) get together. It doesn't even have to start out as a jam session or anything too serious. It could start out as a meet up to have some food, numerous drinks and get to know people. You never know, it may then turn in to something more and new bands could rise up out of the ashes!!
  22. I don't want this to be just another new aspiring bassist thread that just asks the same old questions, as everyones journey is different and (to a certain extent) there really is no set path for each person to follow. Having said that, I would like to ask how people started out and why, what they wanted to achieve, where they are now and if they are happy with how things have turned out or not. Which is really just a build up to my main question.... How long do you feel it took for you to become a "decent" bassist and roughly how much time/practice did you have to put in to get there?
  23. I hope no one minds me asking a few questions here. I am in the process of purchasing my first bass and combo and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on which Planet Waves cable would be the best to buy. Assuming that the right angle jack is okay to be used at the combo end (is the cable directional?) I intend to buy a 20ft cable with a right angle jack. It will only be used at home on a practice amp for now. I am leaning towards the Custom, as it does look more durable and I think the better shielding is probably worth paying extra for. Would that be a wise decision and would there be any benefit of the Custom Pro over the Custom? The cheapest prices I can find including delivery are the Standard at £16, the Custom at £23 and the Custom Pro at £30, does this sound about right?
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