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Everything posted by HK.

  1. According to the owner, they both play fine and any damage is visual. The jet might have been refinished as you say, he mentioned there was some bad paint stuff on the back of the neck. How bad do you think the tail lift is? And how can I prevent it, AND what to look for to determine the severity when/if I get my hands on em?
  2. I think I managed to upload them in a different size. I think my PC auto downsized em cus I took em straight from chat, instead of clicking em into full size first. Heres an imgur link https://imgur.com/a/R0b8uSl Yeah, slightly better quality. You can make out the stereo/standard on the FG now atleast. Hoping for more pictures today
  3. Yeah the pictures are terrible... On my end theyre abit better, but they size down when I post them here. I'll try to get more picks, or maybe pick them up for cheap. I think it'd be cool to have them for use in our rehearsal space, it would save me from dragging my 4003 there every time. I dont want to leave it there because there's other bands that use it aswell. If they're in decent shape, with no tail lift etc, would they compare sound-wise to my 4003? What do you guys consider the best vintage copy? Thanks so much for all the information! I've never done a proper deep dive on the actual "lawsuit" of the "lawsuit era", so I figured there must have been atleast one suit, but no! Haha! Fun fact fo'sho. Ok so, basically these are "no name" high quality through neck rick copies from the 70s, then? I know there were a few big brands who made rick copies, but had no idea there would be this many. Especially not this hard to distinguish from the real deal! Seems like they're either pretty rare, or a very well kept secret.. Or maybe they all fell apart or got new TRCs like these ones... Funny thing is, I only really started looking at and comparing real and fake ricks about a week ago. Last night, what I now consider a poor fake popped up on a local sale-site. Dude claimed it 100% real, and very good condition for about 1000€. I saw it right away. Bridge was wrong, the back of the neck was wrong, looked set, plus more minor details. Kinda funny, because a week ago I would probably have fallen for it! The guy literally said "No it's real, it's a chinese rickenbacker". I thought that was just a running joke.. My guess is it was a rockinbetter with a swapped TRC. Do they still make those? Again, thanks for all the info, I'll do my best to get more pics, and/or get em for a decent price!
  4. And what about the case for the FG one? Any clues there? It's a fitted and shaped one, thats another reason I thought Ibanez
  5. I agree. I'd much rather have the real one, knowing the lawsuit story and history of the basses. Which labels COULD these have had tho? As I am pretty sure that if I get them, I will try to get correct(ish) TRCs
  6. Yeah I'm pretty sure they are both neck thru. What about the jetglo, with all the cracks etc?
  7. Is it slightly contoured where the forearm rests, or is it a trick of the light?
  8. So the FG is not a Ibanez/univox or something? I found this and thought it was pretty spot on apart from the stripe https://www.rockwall-guitars.de/en/ibanez-rickenbacker-4003-nachbau-1975/ The jackplate on the FG says stereo sound and Standard, it doesnt really come through in the picture. It's lesser quality when I post it
  9. The seller is adamant that the stripe is original.. Hmm, He might be wrong ofcourse. I can't get any more photos now, but I'll ask him for some and see. The only other chance I'd have is if I agreed to meet him for a trade XD
  10. Thank you both so much! Ok, well they were offered to me in a trade for something kinda valueable.. My main bass is a 2017 4003, and I use the stereo a lot. Do these compare? It would be nice ot have one I could worry less about at practice etc. What names would they have had on the headstock do you think? And what would be a fair value on em, if I were to get them? Many thanks!
  11. For sure not. Turns out its NOT painted on, its part of it. But yeah, like it says, I am aware that both of these are fakes, I'm just trying to figure out which factory/company made em, IE Greco, Ibanez, some other brand. Cant even find a fake black one with a white stripe on google.
  12. Apparently the white stripe has been painted on... It has the correct TRC tho, made in usa, model 4001. I guess it was owned by someone who felt the jetglo model lacked the stripe the other models have
  13. Hello friends! I present to you two fake rickenbackers. They are vintage, and so far from what I've gathered, the fireglo one is an Ibanez, with a swapped TRC and some stickers. The one I am still unsure about is the jetglo/black one. I haven't been able to find any fakes (or real ones) that had the white "skunk" stripe. Any help would be appreciated, I heard rumours of an especially talented individual who frequents this forum.. @Bassassin was it? They were offered to me in a trade, so these are the only pictures I have. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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