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Lowend soldier

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Everything posted by Lowend soldier

  1. Perhaps only lasting 12 years is a real fault in itself πŸ€”................
  2. Do these sound anything like the metro ? Stunning condition.......
  3. Get an solderless emg circuit in there tho πŸ€”πŸ˜
  4. Im currently looking for a sire donor, unfortunately all ready got a john east deluxe which wont go in this or i,d be having a rethink.
  5. theres a big wide world outside of bass chat brother.........
  6. Test ????????? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ thousands of pounds down the drain buddy is all the tests i need. And your saying only a handfull of working bass players using a/b.... Have you got proof of that πŸ˜‚
  7. Theres some pissy pants here....... One things for sure too say people cant tell the differences between an a/b and a class d amp is just plain stupid. Why would so many people not get on with them if thats the case ? You ,d have to be deaf not too be able to actually name a tone hammer or rh750 ect outright in any testπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  8. Nice homely looking bass but your going too bass jail for that bridge. I need counselling after looking at that πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  9. Thank you sir i will have a look into this witchcraft.....
  10. i couldnt ever be without the physicality and presence of the bass on the stage. I have too feel the colour of each note from its vibration. I cant hear with just my ears although my hearing is excellent. Caused much banging of heads over 20 years to be honest in night clubs, bigger venues with sound men, but we were always re booked. Recently been diagnosed with autism in my late 40,s which might explain that. Thats exactly my gripe with all the class d amps i,ve had. You lose the outline of the bass note, it just goes boomy and the tone kicks in and over powers the low signal when volume is applied. Fair too also add to this topic that apart from the gk mb800, all the other class d amps i have owned, had a coloured tone you cant dial out. Non more so than the tone hammer and rh750 i,ve sold over the week end. No doubt they work for many, out every week, but i think its a combination of reasons people opt for these. Not many have sighted sound alone above tbf πŸ€”. None of these heads imo would stand up to a blind sound test comparison ie: a mesa subway against big block ect
  11. fully agreed white fenders can sit in any rack. Soon to be on its way too you sir.............. SOLD
  12. yh the 2 tone is classic and very tastefull.
  13. 1000% agree. Just brought another. Up for sale already. Can get a decent sound at lower volume as soon as i touch the volume its gone and it cant be dialled back in. It just doesnt clean up the way i like. I think it depends alot on your desired sound. Alot of cats nowadays are tone monsters. Some have almost no bass in the signal. These amps are ideal for them. Too my ears they just get boomier but boxier sounding. I like the old school rounded low end oomph from the older suitcases. There is actually a science behind it and it lies with the power supply not the wattage.
  14. Fender classic 50,s series p bass for sale. Not long had this cracking p bass but the wider neck is causing problems with an old hand injury. Excellent condition apart from a tiny ding at the back of the strap button at the bottom of the bass. Can barely be seen up close. Sounds phenomenal. Looks stunning. The one piece maple neck is top class and should be on every fender. Comes with the fender gig bag. Sad sale. But a real bargain for someone. Bass can be posted at buyers expense.
  15. Hi people, have recently brought a bass with a status jazz neck on and a few other top quality donor parts. The previous owner/modder has bolted the neck on blindfolded and its slightly off meaning the string spacing is slightly wonky πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚. I did enough research before buying to know its an easy fix but the guys were US based. Do any of you intelligent beings know of a uk based/sold epoxy thats reliable and drillable. Many thanks for any help offered.
  16. Did a meet up with dave. (atleast one member of the public went home thinking they had seen a drug deal going down in tesco,s πŸ˜‚). He was punctual. The item was at a great price and as advertised. Didnt even blow the house up or kill the dog when pluging it in. Great bloke aswell.
  17. Yep im the same. Wouldnt take much too recover it and swap it for the tv in the front room πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
  18. That is a museum piece right there
  19. Only ever played one relic, which was the road worn classic 50. I own the normal one and have too say the rounded board edges, sanded neck ect, Did infact make the road worn nicer to play. I will get around too buying one eventually
  20. Stunning..... And you rarely see them for sale these days
  21. thats a hell of a cab. Monstrous sound for it size. Wish they,d of had these 20 years ago πŸ˜‚
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