Hey there guys,
i have been spending a fair amount of time lately going over my right and left hand technique trying to notice and then correct any bad habits that may have formed. Although i am satisfied with everything in general i have discovered that my left hand pinky seems to rise away from the desired (pre-fretting) position when i descend. This seems to happen when i descend chromatically or shift positions downwards. Interestingly i have noticed that the little finger moves furthest away when i am switching between my middle and ring finger. I am guessing that this may be due to the shared tendon between the ring/little finger?
what i'd like to know is if anybody has run into this problem and whether they found particular exercises etc. useful for correcting this issue?
My thought at the moment is that i could just slow everything (scales,arps) right down and concentrate on ensuring the finger doesn't rise off the fretboard too much but would love to find some other method or exercise to help things along.