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Everything posted by krazy_olie

  1. I'm not a fan, usually, but does often work of black and some natural woods. I'd quite like to see some bronze hardware, that's very rare
  2. I have thomastik jazz flats on the Fender and it's a good option to have
  3. I've found loads of music on Spotify, indeed made cd purchases because of it, on the other hand I've not bought cds because of it too so it works both ways, definitely gone to gigs because of it! Sounds like they pay quite poor rates.
  4. Took me a while to get used to the neck. The m2000, does apparently have a slimmer neck but the US ones can have a number of different neck options, but not easy to come by. AFAIK the prices are similar to the sterling by musicman (confusing name) but I don't keep track so might be wrong, they are very good too from the couple of times I've tried them. On the l2000 though, very very powerful and versatile basses but it won't sound like a stingray. I had some dry joints after several years on my tribute but mine is from the Korean period but beyond those minor crackles no issues. Reacts quite different to different string, currently back using Thomastik Infeld super alloys which seem to complement better than anything else after trying a few out.
  5. Well I'm guessing the lead was a bit messed up, probably giving it a high resistance, and needed a certain impedance to work properly. I've had issues with computer speakers where the jack/cable is dodgy and would only work if the volume was high. I started a course on interconnects at university, I thought it was about one thing but the entire course was about wires n stuff. I didn't go to the second lecture, if I had I might understand why, but as it is I'm almost clueless.
  6. Had some Electronics done by Ray Cooper Guitars. Based in Herftordshire, near Hemel Hempstead. Would happily use again. [url="http://www.raycooperguitars.com/"]http://www.raycooperguitars.com/[/url]
  7. So erm, turns out it was the lead. Was also getting a very low output from my passive Fender.
  8. Dropped it off at a workshop today, he said it's probably a pot - will find out soon enough.
  9. The 1500/5 does make me curious. I think the l1000 just had the pickup in the neck l2000 position but the 1500 moves it to the MM position making it some sort of hybrid. I imagine you give up a bit of versatility for a killer tone.
  10. Been like this for a month or so, but hardly had a chance to use it. It's over 6 years old and was fine up until then. It's a full on volume drop,first time I noticed it I thought there was no output at all. Then switched to active and all was normal, then back to passive and eventually figured out how to get normal volume back. That makes sense that it's shorting the cap, I need some replacement pots for my Fender too so looks like I am going pot shopping!
  11. HI all, wondering if anyone can shed some light on what might be the issue with my L2000. Essentially, in passive mode if I don't have the bass pot turned to to full there is a massive volume drop. That's it, in active it works fine and with the bass pot up to max it is also fine. My guess is a capacitor gone bad but beyond that I'm clueless. It's not a massive deal as I usually only cut the bass in active but it's still something of a nuisance. Thanks in advance!
  12. want! but I feel I would be better off learning a bit of regular 6 string guitar before getting one.
  13. I have it, and use it a lot. I buy less music, perhaps stuff only that I really want but I've found stuff on spotify that I've bought anyway. Plus there's still stuff which isn't on there. Partly because I know I probably won't have a spotify subscription for the rest of my life and partly because I want my own discs and rips to do as I wish with. Deezer is also pretty good, I tried it for a while but I didn't like having to use a browser and the symbian phone app was pretty bad. The annoying thing about the offline stuff is that you have to make a playlist for it, I don't know why you can't just have a list of offline albums.
  14. I notice it on my Aerodyne but that is a PJ and the P pickup is closer to the neck than normal. For that setup at least I think it benefits from being reversed because the top strings have their pickup points close together, can sound nasally sometimes. I think string tensions were generally tighter back in the day so perhaps less of an issue?
  15. Speaking of lime that "Palm Bay Bass" on the site look great . it's the same colour as my car... must... resist.. urge...
  16. Very nice indeed. Great decal
  17. Tributes ftw, had an l2000 for nearly 6 years, I picked up an aerodyne recently and it hasn't dislodged it as the main bass. They used to be better priced here.
  18. It looks a touch cuter/neater than the 5110. Handle looks easier. I'm moderately satisfied with my 5110 (apparently the last in the country), sound wise it's great but quality leaves something to be desired, shame it doesn't sound like much has been solved. It hisses (though not noticeable when playing), when the fan kicks in it's rather loud one of the screws doesn't fit in (thread seems too small or something), and headphone output appears to bit a bit rubbish)
  19. Ideally you want to play it but on a new jazz bass it's a fairly low risk, you know what to expect at least.
  20. They're made in Mexico now? I played one once and it was rather nice. I think my Aerodyne has the same neck shape, good one too.
  21. Never played on steels that I liked so always nickels. Can still be plenty bright, I generally find steel to sound quite brash and too hard on the fingers. Not heard of steel being bad for your skin... nickel allergies are quite common though.
  22. latest stuff not impressing me much. Was never a massive fan but like the older albums. I had a slightly rough experience at one of their concerts (overexcited crowd of 17 year olds, ended up having to crowdsurf my way out to get to the back) so have some sort of negative association thing with them.
  23. Does look good but seems to miss all the unique jaguar electronic goodies, rendering a standard p/j, albeit a nice looking one. Would have been a good idea to have reversed the p pickup, creates a more even tone over the strings when using both pickups (imo anyway). Just checked the price, if they've put decent pickups these could be a good steal actually. even if not plenty of inexpensive replacements.
  24. I've made my g&l tribute sounds a touch like a wal before. I think you want to work in some sort of notch filter in the treble somewhere. I turned on the treble boost switch whilst turning the treble control down to get something slightly walish.
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