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  • Birthday 26/01/2008

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  1. Ftfy 😉 The answers to OPs original question are 100% good points well made.
  2. You can use the front panel tape in, but you'll need to bypass the input selector switch, as it will apply tape eq when tape input is selected. It's easy though,just wire it to the junction of C3 and R7 on the schematic I posted (I assume your mono version has the same numbering)
  3. Cheers, that's about normal.
  4. Did you manage to get a response from Sonic Fart, E Sharp? I repeat, I'm wiling to give it a go. If the problem has been identified as fried opamps it should be possible to infer what they are, and to work out what fried them.
  5. bremen

    Pre Amp?

    One benefit of a pedal is for recording- the engineer can fiddle and faff while you're busy with both hands. Or you can use it after tracking, now you have both hands free.
  6. Thanks! I'd never noticed.
  7. Is that a normal feature then? I havent noticed it anywhere else. Why not a wire to the control cavity? I don't doubt that it works. Just curious.
  8. I'm curious; why is the bridge grounded via the pickup rout and not the control cavity as is usual? And, sorry to ask the boring question that everyone does, what does it weigh? I have a Japanese P of that era, lovely. Maybe it deserves a brother :-)
  9. Many of them mythical
  10. I'd rather be seen with a giant p... oh, sorry, wrong thread 😅
  11. ...apart from the price, the appearance, the pure embarrassment of having to be seen in public with it... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175896467993?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=VLVxzDI0Swq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hNc7PDPYRJi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  12. Obvious questions coming up, sorry: -does it happen when you plug into guitarist's amp, or plug her guitar into yours? -do you have another bass to compare? Assuming you have a guitarist of course!
  13. What is this "not repairable" bullshit? Are we now accepting that amps are disposables, like strings or bogroll? And that it's OK for manufacturers not to give technical data to repairers? For shame. Leo would be turning in his grave.
  14. Same issue as me then, my bass and amp are fine except this particular venue. Humbuckers work equally well series or parallel, precision or stingray, for noise cancelation. Are the pole pieces grounded? They weren't on the Alan Entwistle P pickups I just fitted.
  15. Op doesn't say whether the problem got better or worse after shielding. Yes I agree if it wasn't grounded it'd make it worse.
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