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Everything posted by bremen

  1. Not at all. You'll know when the Reaper is approaching: you'll be building short-scale basses. A few years in you yet, our kid.
  2. All 7 of the important ones.
  3. Great idea using tile drills, a lot cheaper than the fancy-assed luthier tools I found. Dyou think the bass was previously owned by an Alien? Surely no human could produce sweat that corrosive without rotting themselves from the inside out...
  4. I'll be operating it at Cable festival in Stoke on Saturday. All four strings will be deployed.
  5. I love Slift. They're up there with Slint and the Slits.
  6. I have: -a Warmoth 5 string with two Seymour Duncan alnico MM pickups (set up by Richard Bartram) -Ampeg SVP Pro pre -Bass Pod bass pro modelling pre -Squier Jaguar short scale (immaculate) Any interest in trades?
  7. Not only is that a good point well made, but I've just been reminded that it's specifically the Fender Jazz that's nerdy, and his Jazz isn't a Fender.
  8. I was nodding and agreeing, then I remembered... ...of course, he went on to work as an accountant...
  9. bremen

    DIY Effects

    I used a charge pump for the bias voltage on a 1176 compressor and was pretty nervous, as I'd heard that dreaded whine on an earlier project, but it's completely silent. I put 4.7uF surface mount MLCCs from the -ve output to ground on the back of the board under the chip, followed by 10 ohms and another pair of 4.7uFs. And decoupled directly between the power pins on the chip. good luck!
  10. I still can't get over how BIG it sounds compared to anything else I've played
  11. I knew this would be nice to play and would look lovely, but I wasn't prepared for the monstrous sound to come out of it! I have various instruments, each of which has some good qualities but also some failings. This is just huge. Everything's there. I'm lost for words. It's a DiMarzio Billy Sheehan pickup. A Relentless, I think. I went to see The Raven of this parish, hoping to buy his Shuker PJ. I played it, liked it (though I was really looking for a passive P but of course it also works passive and it's not obligatory to use the J pickup) and was about to hand over the cash when, being a nosey sod, I said -what's in that other case? -oh, that's another Shuker, here, have a look. -I'll take it. -Done. Pleasure doing business with you. Might still have to go back for the PJ, mind.
  12. bremen

    DIY Effects

    Thanks jpj, kind words. I'd be happy to do more techy work in exchange for food bank contributions. I used to do it for a living; nowadays I have an arrangement with HM Government (the details of which I am not at liberty to discuss).
  13. It really does! I had a landlady at one time, kept a hyper-clean kitchen. You could have done open-heart surgery on the table. She only ever ate protein smoothies. Anyway. She didn't much care for the smell of the garlic I kept in my cupboard, so she put one of those Airwick air fresheners in with it. I'd like to say it added a lovely citrus zest to my cooking. But I'd be lying.
  14. How cool is that. https://www.stewmac.com/luthier-tools-and-supplies/types-of-tools/routers-and-bits/bits/guitar-screw-rescue-kit
  15. I did think that, but you'd still have to lift the bridge to get the copper tape under. Unless you soldered the tape to the bridge plate, but it'd take a lot of heat and might not look so neat.
  16. Not really, there's no way the drill would stay on the screw and not slip down and into the wood.
  17. Out of interest, how would a professional extract screws that had snapped flush with the surface of the wood?
  18. I've got a face like a slapped arse and play like a drunken gibbon. I could 'mentor*' some of your pretty virtuosos. *dementor?
  19. There was always plenty of footage of close-ups on Pete's guitar while John's playing his solo on My Generation!
  20. You could likely clean the bridge with a wet and dry sanding block without removing it. Just protect the paintwork (!) with a few layers of gaffer tape. I'd be very wary of shearing the screws; they'd be a bugger to extract if they lost their heads
  21. Looks good...usual questions, what nut width, how deep is the neck behind 1st fret, weight? cheers
  22. I need to try that. Turning up the bridge pup seems to fight the (juicy) neck pup when wired 'normal'
  23. So they did, hadn't noticed that! I guess the badge rotates 🙂
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