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About krispn

  • Birthday 01/08/1977

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  1. Really well thought out unit.
  2. I was wondering where his demo was as a few other folk had posted theirs.
  3. PM’d Out of interest… does anyone know would these fit a JMJ?
  4. Yup they’re a serious pick up they don’t need an preamp.
  5. I can only imagine what you’re after instead. That’s the real question 😀
  6. I sold a black sparkle DJ4 which had the original aero pick ups on here years ago and would love to get it back. Goodness knows where it ended up. I did try and make some enquiries a while back but dead ends.
  7. Such a signature sound. I remember trying an original one yrs ago and instantly being reminded of a DJ Krush Ronnie Jordan album from waaaay back!
  8. I’d love to try one and capture some of my pedals and compare.
  9. Yeah I was thinking it might have the AO drive circuit and digital octave but likely easier to go full digital. Im guessing they’d have made a deal out of it being One or t’other.
  10. It sounds right up my street!
  11. Sounds like it’s doing a grand job! I’m interested! I’m gonna sound daft but there is a valve in it right?
  12. This new fender range seem like fun. Nice to see options and not just the bog standard 3 knob approach.
  13. I found I have a pretty stock board with some comp and dirt and minimal eq. It just works. I’ve been trying out some comp pedals and dirt but it’s hard to see beyond what I’m using. I have been trying one or two other wee things which I’ve very much enjoyed using but fitting them into the band set is tricky for the stuff we play. I have a few pedals I might mount on a spare board I have just for fun at home but it’s likely gonna be the same eq comp and dirt, maybe an octave too.
  14. It’s the sort of utilitarian pedal I dig. I have a markbass compressore which adds the warm tube stage, a little bit of tube character and I’ve heard it can even do compression - but she’s a hefty lass. This sound’s like similar in the ball park tones with a tiny footprint in comparison. Looking forward to the thoughts once you’ve had a chance to give it a whirl.
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