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Everything posted by krispn

  1. As I'm not really using this much now I may as well get it shifted. Comes boxed with all the bumpf. Link to the official site with manaul and demo's https://www.jimdunlop.com/product/m288-7-10137-04185-1.do All analogue octave with two independent analog sub-octave voices with a Dry control and a Mid+ switch to optimize the sound of your parallel clean signal. These voices are: Girth (deep) and Growl (throaty) Dry mix - clean blend mid boost +4dB - +14dB via internal trim pot Freq select for either 400Hz or 850 Hz via internal switch 9v or 18v operation - I can provide an official Boss psu for an additional £15 including postage. I've jumped in and bought a wee synth to go deeper with this kinda thing! Whoop!! Home use only and in great condition.
  2. I have a COG Darklighter in a custom build and this is a different sounding pedal. For £65 what you got to lose It can be quite dynamic and I had had it set up woth drive around noon tone up full and volume to match the amp. Nice pick'd bass tone!
  3. This pedal does low gain to tube like drive and would be a great addition to any rig where a non Darkglass sound was needed!
  4. I’m selling a Hookers Green Bass Machine which has lots of low end. It’s not too bright even with treble dimed and will give you all the low end you’d need. Not bad for £65! I just prefer my EHX BSF with my current rig. As mentioned in a different thread it’s designed by the BBBOD builder Bjorn Juhl. It could be that you need something with a clean blend or perhaps a loop pedal where you could engage a couple of pedals with one stomp rather than tap dancing . In an old band I had a a/b loop pedal with a massive fuzz sound in one loop and then a low gain drive and germanium boost wired together in the second. Worked well for a range of sounds and minimal tap dancing.
  5. It's easy to see answer why he has some many custom basses....££££. He's in one of the most well known bands ever and the fact that Bono and The Edge are on the Fender Board of Directors certainly explains the Fender links. If you have the cash you can get Fender or Lull or Warwick or any decent builder to build you a bass. The release of those basses as a custom run makes me think of the Lakland Forum - Lakland Owners Group (LOG) - who had a couple of specia run basses made. I recall the Lakland LOG basses (forum members voted on a bass they would buy, paid deposits once it was finalised and got a special run bass 8 months later) were limited to runs of 30 as that was basically the lowest number they could request of a certain model from their suppliers. If you apply that to Fender or Warwick out of all the bassists/collectors/fans a run of about 60 will likely sell so they take the risk. You whack together the standard parts, order enough fancy paint to make it a good business call (lets assume 60 basses equals the least amount of paint they can order in bulk and still be profitable) and then stick a 2K price tag on it and watch the profit roll in. It does get a bit cynical when someone has 'custom' models with a bunch of different builders but that's just the way it is.
  6. Finger style: one gig I play a four sting p with flats the other a five string p with rounds. I like a pick but rarely need one as I like to dig in with fingers on those songs which need a bit of grunt.
  7. I’m using a Origin Cali 76cb and I have dynamic control, big beefy bass tone and it doesn’t interfere with my playing.. once you add additional effects to a pedal board you you might find a compressor has an impact on them in either a positive or negative way. I’ve used the Effectrode PC-2A in the past too and it was a warm wonderful sound. The Cali has a clean blend plus a high pass filter so you can control more variables then on some other comp pedals. Having a clean blend is a studio trick where you still get the bass signal but with the compression in parallel. Lots of punch and presence in a mix. I’ve said this in a few threads but https://fxpedalrental.com/ have the Cali for rent. It’s well worth giving it a shot and the owner is a fellow BC community member and has discount codes if you ask him nicely..
  8. Bump I had this at my choir thing tonight just to make sure I wasn't making a huge mistake. It's a great pedal but the mid bump of the BSF just works better for me and my rig.
  9. I always think of it like tuning in a radio with these eq types. For cutting pull back the volume about 6db as suggested and slowly ‘dial in’ a sound which works. For boosting it’s the same principle. Add about 6db and again tune in to what works in your mix. I get the singer to do it if I’m playing with the band to get levels or a good mix at the start of rehearsal or sound checking.
  10. Got a reply today having emailed yesterday.
  11. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1510069018' post='3403718'] I've had one and A/B'd it with the Blueberry. It has good low end retention but the Blueberry goes noticeably deeper, maybe even boosting lows. It just didn't have the same mojo as it's Blueberry brethren though for me. [/quote] I knew you’d have actual real world A/B experience 😀 just didn’t want the casual reader to think the HGBM lacked low end oomph as I’m selling one 😉
  12. I think less high end could be correct but with the Low control it has heaps of bass. Not sure if you’ve tried one yet but trust me it’s got some bottom!
  13. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1510048050' post='3403419'] Nancy will be along in a minute to say Maruszczyk should go down the tubes for doing that... Great looking bass, but it's a bit unclear what the pickups actually are. They don't say they're Haeussel Thunderbird pickups, just that they're humbuckers in thunderbird covers. [/quote] The audio in that clip worked for me - a nice ‘both pick ups on’ sound, good neck only and to my ear a more useable bridge solo’d tone. To be able to spec out a bass in a colour I like with a pick up config I’ve fancied for ages but not having to pay £3000+ for it looks like a great deal on paper. The Green Valley or Baron Blue with a tort scratch plate would be my kinda thing or maybe a gold finish. I’ve sent off an email but looking the the previous post maybe fb messenger might be s good idea. If that’s the best way to contact them to guarantee a reply I’m all about that!
  14. That Jake model in the video looks like the Lull PT4. Very nice!! Be interesting to check out the price with those thunder’buckers I’ve just seen the actual bass on bass direct for £1099. Bit cheaper than a Lull what!
  15. I’ve a Hookers Green Bassmachine for sale and it’s designed by Bjorn Juhl. It’s a darker sound than the bass soul food which is my ‘main’ drive pedal. I use a Hudson Electronic Broadcast as my always on ‘drive’ but it’s just adding some extra oomph from its transformer to the sound so not necessarily driving my amp. I’m not needing bags of drive so the mid character works more for poke in the mix. The HGBM is a great always on drive if you want a darker tone or play a lot with a pick. I preferred the HGBM pick tone over the BSF. I think the mids were a bit too pokey with a pick on the BSF. Alas I don’t play much with a pick and on one of my two main gigs I play with flats and the BSF again works better for my needs in that set up. I’m limiting my pedal board to what fits onto a PT Mini so it’s not gonna change any time soon. It’s always gonna depend on your rig, style etc. For me the BSF works well in my set up. A MojoMojo might be worth a look and appear to be pretty affordable.
  16. Yup super p and j are 35 inch scale on the b string
  17. Hey folks, Got this to compare with my Bass Soul Food but the BSF just works better for my needs and with my current set up. I should have know but the small footprint was appealing. These are designed by BJF who famously made the BBBOD pedal which is very well received in the monophonic plank community! Website link: http://www.one-contr...assmachine.html Loads of video clips available on the One Control site. Now don't get me wrong the HGBM is a fine unit but a little dark for my tastes when I play finger style which I do 99% of the time and I prefer flat wound strings too. I will say with a pick and round wounds the HGBM won my vote as a low gain always on type sound but as I use a pedal train mini I have no room for two drive pedals no matter how cute and I refuse to get a bigger board as I'd only be inclined to fill it up! Plus my main gigs do not require me to have an always on drive sound - I tried but the band told me off The pedal has a LOW control 'hidden' on the side which can easily be adjusted with a small screwdriver without having to remove the battery cover or any faff at all. It has a tonne of low end oomph should you need it. It can provide serious bottom - no BS it's a powerful wee set and forget control! I found the tone to be a little dark as I said but that might suit your rig and bass - wasn't as pleasing to my ear but that's not really my kinda sound in the first place. Run's on 9 -18v power and gives more headroom at 18v operation. This one comes boxed as new - had a run through at rehearsal after some home A/B'ing with the BSF so minimal playtime on this one. If you need a PSU I can include a official Boss PSU for an additional £15 - so that's the HGBM pedal and Boss PSU for £80 posted U.K. No trades on this one as I simply don't have the space in my pedaltrain mini! Specifications Input impedance: 330K Output impedance: 25K Max Drive voltage: 9V~18V Power consumption: 12mA S/N ratio: -90dB Size: 39Wx100Dx31H mm (excluding protruding parts)   47Wx100Dx48H mm (including protruding parts) Weight: Approx. 160 grams True-Bypass Switching High Quality Aluminum Enclosure Power: 9V Battery or Standard DC Power Supply
  18. The Spyder is a good amp but I’ve a feeling Al Krow wants a more flexible EQ. If that is the case the latest EVO looks like you’d be hard pressed to find so many eq bands to play with. Set the basic low mid and treble with the circular pots and the use the sliders to reinforce/compensate for the room.
  19. I’ve a Spyder 550. It’s not as versatile as the Evo’s but it’s got some good sounds in it. I’ve mine set up for a good solid tone with the p bass. Not been wanting in my regular rig but it’s more of a back up head as I have a main gigging amp. I believe it’s got the CTM tone stack but with the ABM power section. I like the look of the Doom but it does appear to be a tarted up EVO 600. If they have done some tweaks internally I’d be keen to learn more too.
  20. Hi there I'm originally from N.Ireland but living in Edinburgh. Headed back home in Dec for a Rocket from the Crypt show. Nice place Belfast I'm sure you'll enjoy it. If you like good beer I suggest you go check out 'Northern Light's' bar up the Ormeau Road (the old brew bot bar location) and keep an eye out for Boundary brewery. As for venues its been a while since I've lived there but it sounds like you'll be around folk who should know whats happening. Black Box is worth checking out and seeing who they have playing. I think I recognize your avatar from TB!! As a fellow Super P5 player welcome to Bass chat! Gavin
  21. Is the neck profile on these the same as the Super P5? The Super P5 neck is wonderful!
  22. As said it’s the transformers and eq points which are the core Neve sound. The BAE DMP would do a great job in terms of nailing the TX’ers but you may need something like the q strip for the eq front end.
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