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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Yeah it's wonderful but I'm considering a Noble pre amp - have my whole rig on my pedal board type set up Thanks for the comment
  2. Withdrawn for now as I'm off on my holiday May relist in the future
  3. Look at the Big Al - MM had the good sense to offer that same 4 band eq but also the ability to disengage it. Seems like they missed a trick by not offering that in the Bongo. Perhaps MM could advise on what they do (did) with the Big Al preamp?
  4. This bass continues to give me the horn!
  5. Hey guys just to get this right has Leszek sent these out for people to demo or is WOT punting his around folks to try out? If it's WOT thats quite decent but if it's the builder then prop's for getting his gear road tested and listening to feedback!
  6. I can post you down one if all else fails.. PM me if I can help. G
  7. Thank you for all the suggestions. I was thinking more along the lines of if there were specific songs the fans might sing during games rather than songs from those countries as such. It was probably a bit niche and maybe more for the 6 Nations rugby attendee's. The suggestions have provided some food for thought though so thanks again. Nope no horns just guitar, fiddle bass and drums
  8. We're working on the updated set for the pub band and are thinking ahead to the 6 Nations. Does anyone have a firm idea of what songs each nation's fans have adopted? We know 7 Nation Army works at most post-sport gigs but thought it might be fun to try and cater to the visiting fans for a change Any suggestions especially for the French and Italians would be welcome - we're a folky, rocky mashy upy type of band and play a heap of folk/Irish stuff already so we're confident we have the Scot's, Welsh and Irish covered. Cheers
  9. The necks on the Combustions are simply delightful to play. I'd imagine the spec on the NG-2 is the same. Very comfy for a 5'er.
  10. Is it still active only and what would be involved in active/passive conversion?
  11. This is my rig Fender MB1200 and Aguilar DB680 into a TecAmp 212M The pedal board has a Basswitch, TU-2 tuner, Cali 1176 and EHX Bass Soul Food (which is not pictured in this shot). I'm basically running everything into the BS. TU-2 in the tuner out, the 1176 is always on in the series loop and the EHX BSF in the mix loop- it can be switched in or out and has a blend function too. A line into the DB680 and I set it to suit the stage/room. I Di out from the DB680 and if I need to have an on the fly tonal change I can switch the BS on as I normally don't engage the eq. I play pub gigs with one of my bands - anything up to 400 people or so (I'm terrible at judging crowd size) in our main venue on a busy night and also play as house band for a contemporary choir. Our last gig was in a 1900 seater and the next show is in a 2100 seater. I'm playing a 5 string P bass for all gigs. The rig sounds great its big and warm and with the parametric eq I can get it to suit my needs every gig
  12. Just to say I got a set of these at a recent GuitarGuitar promo and was kindly given a 5 string set by Andrew as they didn't have any available on the day. Cheers for that Andy! I'm primarily a flats/P bass guy but these strings have been perfect for a Choir covers thing I do (contemporary cover tunes) The stings sounded great, not too zingy and hold their tuning really really well. Still have some bite with the tone knob rolled back a little and not too harsh on the precious finger tips. Should I be in the market for another 5'er set I'll certainly give these another go.
  13. That's pretty smart! Great to see someone take the BadAss idea and tweak it. I was quite keen on the Babicz Z series as a standard replacement but this could be a go'er on a future purchase!
  14. I've used a few brands but the TI Jazz flats are personal favourites and I've a set of GHS 'Lakland' branded flats on my 5 string which are also a nice string. Find some on here in the for sale section to reduce the financial impact especially for some of the big named brands such as TI and LaBella. As others have said they will not sound like rounds but the feel can be quite seductive and if you get tuned into the tones there's nothing better. I got some free NYXL rounds recently from a D'Addario event but I'm sticking the flats back on for this weekends gig as I've been missing them
  15. I'm thinking of giving my Shure 215's a try out as IEM's, the singer has just bought (more) new gear and has an old tramitter hanging about plus I'm usually standing near the PA so getting a feed wouldn't be a problem. I think I already know I'd miss the 'feel' of a cab but for the sake of my hearing and easy load in and out it's worth a punt. I'd still have either my pedal board or a pre amp with me for tone tweaking to suit. Might be able to give it a test run before Saturday's gig just to try it out. I believe his presonus desk can also be controlled via an app so I cam 'mix' my own monitor feed which would be handy! I have been rehearsing more and more at home via laptop and headphones and it makes sense to try this live.
  16. So are these Shorelines basically a USA neck on a Skyline body?
  17. If I sold my TTE 500 I'd be all over this but alas I'd only be losing money on the TTE. Surprised it's still here 😀
  18. Ding's are certainly easier to play than the ham-fisted attempt made in that demo! Phew!! Here's a guy playing a P/J (5'er). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nbb4xb3GwEs
  19. My ear plugs were in a bass case which was nicked ages ago and I've always threatened to have them replaced. I'm gigging and rehearsing a lot and think I'll give the EP-Custom's a go. Dan I like the way you've figure the the cost as the same as a couple of decent cabs. Never really thought of IEM's in that respect although it does make a lot of sense! I still use my amp/cab for live work but I may dabble in IEM (I have a set of Shure 215's) and might use my laptop/recording interface at my next trio gig and see how it works out for me. Our desk is a Presonus 16.0.2 I think and we can all set up monitor feeds and control them via an iphone app. Worth a look I think!
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