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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Video up on Premier Guitar with sound samples- can't add link from work pc but its on their YouTube channel
  2. Yup I'd say a couple of passive p/up's and this would be right up my street. I've a 5 string lakland JO and a 80's jap fender with a fat sounding bartolini in it which cover all my needs otherwise the savings would be getting a dent I wish ye well with the sale!
  3. Maybe some of your suggestions Alex to give us an idea of what you're thinking? I'll read the full thread later o if you have already done so apologies. It's reading a bit like a 'here what we offer for all your suggestions' thread at the mo and a lovely insight into the technicals and intricacies involved in speaker/cabinet science I may add
  4. I auditioned for a band recently - an established one- and in our pre audition chat I asked what they were looking for in a new member. The wanted someone who could play solidly, not the greatest layer ever but who could adapt to the tune. I also asked about stage craft. Did they have certain things they liked to do on certain tunes, did they dress a certain way gigs or particular venues? If you ask these questions early on in the process they can be fine tuned in person. A wedding band might well dress smart for their gigs, a rock covers band could be a jeans and tee shirt gig. Ask as many questions at the application stage so once the audition comes your prepared. I'd a drummer show up to an audition late and after the inevitable phone calls to find out where he was and give directions he got out of his car and said "I shouldn't really apologise for being late its a hard place to find!" My response was "It's my first time at this rehearsal room too and I made it on time. You have 15 minutes left of your slot before the next person gets here. Still wanna play or would you like to leave?" He played one song with us and then I sent him packing. Tardy is not an attractive quality!
  5. Great price and top bloke bump! It's these kinda prices that have me you tubing videos of basses at silly times in the morning!!!
  6. **See my post in Off Topic** Mods please feel free to delete So the rest of my team have all decided that they are too old/unfit/lazy to do this years run! The last of them just threw in the towel this weekend (to be fair the rest of the team were comprised of his workmates who had a big plan to get fit for TM but didn't bother their arses!) So with that in mind if any BC'ers are doing the race on the Sunday this year and fancy another member to join drop me a PM! G
  7. Musicman Big Al has a massive p sound both passive and active not the usual look though. Its also got a heap more tones available if required.
  8. If I didn't already have a JO5 Id be tempted. I'd love to bring to a gig for a night just try it out in my covers band. The only other bass if want to compliment my 4 string p and 5 string jazz.
  9. These basses sound great and only due to the fact the body looks huge on me I'd have kept mine. Great P like tone from these and with flats they thump with the best of 'em!
  10. If you're across in Edinburgh your welcome to try my Lakland jO5 and basswitch preamp and see what the sounds like bring your current bass too and try with the Basswitch if you fancy. I don't have any MTD's though
  11. Point taken and suitable amendments made....now can I interest you in a short Mono Betty
  12. What about some of the Klon clones out there? Would that dual signal path vibe be useful as you could add gain to the clean signal to a progressively more dirty tone? My understanding is that with the drive all the way off your getting a clean signal and turning up the drive adds 'blends in the dirt while removing the clean' kinda thing? Arc effects have Klone V2 which has a bass boost feature. I think it sounds interesting for bass - not a clean blend as such but a useful feature.
  13. Have you considered something like the Aguilar Tone Hammer pre amp or a similar outboard unit such as a Basswitch? These might offer the sound without changing weapon - unless you just wanna get a new bass in the arsenal
  14. Ahh the P bass - if it ain't broke don't fix it! Like many I've owned a few usually Fender or Lakland. Mike Dirnt, MIM, USA '08, a '79 (which was bought by a guitar store back home who were commissioned to mock it up and use it for the Phil Lynott statue in Dublin - a true honour!) I now have a '89 Jap P which is a delight to play. I think coming back to if from a 5 string jazz made the neck feel 'small' but totally right at the same time - just feels super fast and effortless to play. I have put a Bart pick up in it and it sounds great in the mix - no fuss, no hassle just plug in turn up the volume and play.
  15. Nuts! I'd one of these nicked a while back. Great compressor and very much like plugging into a makes everything sound better pedal. If the deal falls thru gimme a pm
  16. Price Edit Tried this but just a fraction too short for my bass strap needs. £20 posted next day delivery. I'd swap for a Neotech Mega Bass strap ! Cheers
  17. I concur - I've a 4 string P and a 5 String jazz - does everything I need!
  18. I've an '89 Jap Fender P and its a joy to play. Added to the fact Richard is a worthy BC'er so deal with confidence on this one. What you got your eye on now....not another Jazz I hope 😀
  19. I've pimped a couple of basses and got them to my spec - usually a bridge change and pick up change but for a bass which you essentially like then as suggested maybe an outboard preamp would give you the tonal variation you seek. I'm using a Basswitch which is pretty versatile with its EQ options and fx routing. They have a series of single pedal which include classic boosts. Link below and all look for Ed Friedland reviews on you tube. I've no affiliation and there are other great preamps out there. I'm just digging these guys and what they do! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHdikC4jgqo http://www.rmi.lu/products
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