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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Cheers for all the input. The singer/guitarist claims to be a soundman but it's become very apparent over these last couple of gigs that he doesn't have a clue about sound - he can set up the desk but that's it! We've had a chat about placement of gear on stage (so I'm not standing right in front of my amp and not really hearing anything, I'm gonna look at eq'ing options for on stage and going FOH (for him, our fiddle and moi) and sort something out that has a better overall balance as an on stage mix as well as out house mix. We've also agreed that he doesn't need all those feckin' guitar stands and that he can put stuff back into his car instead of leaving it on stage for the whole gig, wasting valuable room! All your advice will be considered and used in the new stage set up! Again thanks to all for the advice!
  2. Thinking of whacking a new speaker into my wee fender Fender Bassman 100 combo for the purpose of on stage monitoring. I'd disconnect the head unit and use as a wedge/monitor running off my amp.I've included a pic of the combo in question which has a tilt back design. Would it be a simple case of remove speaker, replace with a more capable speaker ( to handle a 500w head for on stage monitoring duties) and hey presto job done? I am aware of some calculations being done to measure the cab size to get the best speaker etc. I'm after useable output to hear myself on stage as the main sound is DI'd for my basswitch and at the same time reduce bulk/space on stage. I'd rather not buy a new cab but rather look at this option. Any thoughts?
  3. Top bloke, swift delivery and good comms. Cheers George!
  4. These are simply the most versatile bass out there. Great passive tones and then once you kick in that 4 band pre amp! Boom!
  5. Year of Birth bass and all that..... an absolute delight!
  6. I just went ahead and fitted it - bad ass is now off the market
  7. Hey! Yeah it's nice and full range and works really well in this very well constructed, old school cab! I'm looking to have a rig clear out and redo the back line. Seen some great rigs on here and need to consider the space/band needs! Oh yeah and the GAS
  8. Gotta drive to Cambridge in a couple of weeks from Edinburgh - this might well go in the boot. I can see a slight detour to Bass Direct on the cards for a trade offer..bump! Basically if this isn't sold in two weeks it's gonna be off the market - have a think and get in touch while you still can!
  9. krispn


    topic closed
  10. Wal bassist now's you chance to undo that knot of regret
  11. Be a week or so before any audio is imagine. Anyone heard much abt it yet?
  12. The speaker change was already done before I got the cab. The guy just had a preference for the Faital! I guess you have the advantage of having given the cab a try already 😀
  13. Ideally I'd like to sell as a pair due to space restrictions in my new gaff and having more gear than I really need! In saying that if some one wants the cab and someone else chimes in looking the head or vice versa I'd be happy to talk! Cheers
  14. I did indeed have that Audiophile head and it is a belter - it's since gone back to my native N.Ireland (to a new owner) and for the money you'd be hard pushed to find a more solid reliable amp - I believe the model went on to become the Ta501 in the MB line up
  15. pic added bump Here's mine in it's glory!
  16. Bass Direct have some clips on YT and they do sound great. Classic P tone and a pretty useful sounding tone circuit. It's the low weight and tone that really appeal to me. The fret system looks interesting. A gear cull could be in order ........
  17. I have to say these are a very fetching bass guitar! Somehthing timeless yet modern about them. What's ppl's thoughts who've had the pleasure to try one? More importantly do you live close enough to Edinburgh that I could come have a look/play on it
  18. The boost is a universal boost and could be used to give you more output when swithchnig to the URB - the BS IQ also has an input impedance selector which will give the piezo more heft (not necessarily more volume) - See The Ed Friedland Bass Whisperer vids on youtue - he does some really useful demo's with the IQ between active/passive and on an upright. The Basswitch is a very useful tool to have! Our fiddle player is currently using mine to great effect!
  19. My other amp sold locally so this is now off the market.
  20. Let me know when you're back in Finn's and I'll pop over and say Hi Plus I'd love to hear that rig shake the walls!
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