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Everything posted by krispn

  1. Paul congrats - having tried to dip the toe into 5'er land a few times when it finally clicked for me was when I stopped trying to throw in the lower notes and basically started to play all my normal parts using the b string notes as my root notes i.e. using the G on the B string in l pace of the E string sort of thing and basically taking all my originals band stuff and moving it 'along and down' where possible to again us the B string. Once I switched my mindset as Visog said I feel that the 5 has actually opened up the fretboard. I'd bought the 5 primarily for my originals band but actually use it exclusively now. My one other snippet of advice is play the 5 exclusively for a good month or so, don't go back the 4 string no matter how tempting - persevere with it and you'll not look back
  2. You should have been in for the early slot - lots of honeys ...but that's just the crowd we attract
  3. I was gigging tonight just before you guys (the 6pm slot) but had to rush off to do a night shift. I'll get a chance to hear your guys yet! Good luck!
  4. I'd love to try one of these - Id imagine the E string and that scale would sound massive
  5. The dual J looks like the old scheff model could yield some nice tones with the pick up placement
  6. I've previously had the DB 924 and its a great pre amp - the Aguilar guys were making the Sadowsky pre's before doing their own thing. The obp3 is basically the tone hammer pedal so depending if you want an internal pre or external look at those two as options. The DB924 isn't foot switchable though but I'm guessing someone could put a obp 1 into a pedal - Tom at COG Effects would be the man to contact for such a job.
  7. Thanks for all the input guys. I'll look at a mini synth -tha Asturias ones are tickling my fancy but I'll keep an open mind and see what's out there!
  8. urgh maybe I should hunt down an Aturia sooner rather than later Thanks guys
  9. One of these is available locally and I'm tempted to take a punt for a new project (Aturia mini synth could be on the cards in the new yr) I'd likely be playing it via my pedal based preamp fx loop which has a wet/dry mix
  10. Yup no doubt about it being a quality cab - its all wood construction and solid but a doable one man lift etc just asking questions, shooting the breeze The Faital is a great sounding driver in this cab and between my TTE50 and my basswitch It can really punch and growl. I was thinking if I added a second cab would I keep a similar driver or try something different more so than replace what I have - I didn't make that clear in the original post...oops.
  11. So anyone using a single 15 for all their gigging requirements? Which drivers have you tried out and which would you recommend? My cab is currently fitted with a Faital pro which is doing the job but interested to hear opinions. Cheers
  12. Looks like a trip to the tech then 😀
  13. Hey Nancy J! I've see a Lull TB up close and they're huge the guy playing it was abt 6'4" so it looked in proportion but still! If you're happy with your rig what about pick ups? Some Lollars or TV Jones? That might keep things 'interesting' without spending huge! I'm thinking of doing this with my mass bass for fun but the one set of pick ups I'm after don't come in a 5 string set!
  14. Here's a pic with the speakon to give context. I can remove the connector to show the innards if that'll help.
  15. Awwww I was just in Madrid a cple of days ago Looks beautiful! Good luck!
  16. Howdy lads It's a 65 Amp Apollo bass cab I'll get a pic up later and show the connection as it is - it's mounted on a circular plate if I recall - Im in work but will update after 9pm. Again if I recall it should unscrew with little fuss. Thankd for the input
  17. Is converting the input on my cab from 1/4 to speakon a big job? Worst case scenario I'd get a tech to do it but I'm guessing it isn't a huge job? Any tips? Cheers
  18. If this was sunburst I'd be making an offer! The passive tones alone on this are great - add in the active 4 band eq and you're set for any gig! Good luck!
  19. I'm using a 65Amps Apollo cab with a Faital Pro 15. Nice and balanced and works well for my needs - gigging pub band with live drummer and P.A.support. They aren't that easily found though but well made and solid! It was on ebay and I'd recommend having a look on there just in case you see a bargain!
  20. Milton bought a pedal a while back and I'm just chiming in to say he's a top bloke - good comms and sounds like a cool fella. Welcome to basschat
  21. This is our farewell gig/ E.P. release as our singer is off to work the chalets in France with his good lady for Winter and then...who knows......! Come an help us give him a suitable fare thee well with our buddies The Canyon and Impleo Its gonna be £5 with a download code for the E.P. Kick off about 7:30pm See you there!
  22. Bassdoc on here can make custom plates but not sure if he'd need a template to start from?
  23. Just got these on here - cut for a 3+2 Lakland JO5 bass. I'm a huge fan of flats but my preferred brand (TI Flats) have just come available on here so gonna punt these to get the TI Jazz Flats. These are great strings but I play TI Jazz flats on my other two basses and they just feel right to me!(Typical as they're so blooming expensive!) If they don't sell it's no hardship. Only played one gig on these and a couple of rehearsals so they're in tip top shape. A little fraying on the silks but nowt to write home about. £25 posted UK Please don't PM saying "£20 posted mate" I'm in no rush to shift them - price is £25
  24. I've used the OBD-3 on a low gain setting with a Wren and Cuff Phat phuck into loop A of a loop pedal so I could use them independantly of each other or combinded in that one loop. Thought they paired well together and offered a nice colour individually and together - as they were in the loop I could do the tap dancing during the verse then kick them in together for the heavy bits or as required. I thought it sounded pretty massive
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