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Everything posted by krispn

  1. I really dig my JO5 it's a keeper!
  2. Amp is for sale only!!!
  3. Got in touch regarding a sale, we arranged to meet and exchanged a few PM's/texts. Money transferred and the whole thing went smoothly and a throughly nice chap to boot! The reason BC will always be better than eBay. Nice to meet you JP!
  4. My band Titus Pillo will be playing as part of this super value deal which is free entry to the gig and free entry to the super fun club night the is Magic Nostalgic - spin the wheel and whichever genre the pointy bit lands on thats th music they play for the next 30 minutes! Top night out! Also on the bill are rockin' three piece Hagana and a secret guest! Doors from 7pm first bad 7:45pm FREE ENTRY for all to celebrate the festival being over for another year
  5. Bought some flats from Gareth - the strings are as smooth as the transaction was! Bingo!
  6. krispn


    On hold pending......
  7. krispn


    A little update from Dave (OBBM) who originally did the work on this bass [i][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Just to put the record straight this bass was originally manufactured by Lakland with a Dark Star pickup. I bought it from the States in 2007. Not liking the tone of the Dark Star I decided to change it to a PJ with a matched set of Lindy Fralins. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The only thing that the Gallery did to this bass was route out the holes for the bridge J, battery box and fit the side jack. I did the rest of the modifications and assembled and rewired it with CTS pots."[/font][/color][/i] Thanks for the info OBBM!
  8. krispn


    Bump and feel free t check out the sound clips!
  9. These are great cabs and £250 is a complete steal!
  10. Yeah see the 4ohm load bit so maybe not on top of the 15 after all - still would make a nice addition to any rig and I think my TTE500 would just about fit on it with the cab upright If I could I'd have it but one in one out rule needs to be used as I've now got three heads!!! Good description by the way thank you! Good luck!
  11. Its a shane there is so little info on these in terms of how they sound (I mean you tube vids etc.) I too like the idea of it paired with a mini head or on top of my 115! but I've too much gear needing to sell off before I consider new stuff! If you do locate a sound clip or fancy doing one I for one would be all ears
  12. Razze I'm recently a 5er convert and have hardly touched the 4 string in months. I've not had to 're-learn my playing style' nor made any massive changes to how I play in general. Sure I have reworked original tunes to incorporate the low b but not in a way which over emphasises the low end - it's actually made some tunes easier as shifting the root notes to the B string 'opens up' the fretboard and going down to D on the B string is very rewarding! If you fancy a go on it gimme a shout - but I'd say from experience (and I'm of the opinion that) you should play a 5er exclusively each day for a week or two (month or two) just to get your head fully into the zone. By incorporating the B or indeed shifting patterns down to the B string you'll find that patterns are the same just in a different position on the neck (if uisng the B string as your start point) which should make the transition more natural should you go back to trying it. I've been playing over the festival and gigging with a singer/songwriter makeshift band thing and on the slower tunes the weight of those lower notes is simply a delight to play and a real nice contrast when I play a little higher up (not too high mind its still a bassline!). The bass is a 35" scale and I swear I can hear the open E string sounding 'deeper' or 'fuller' as a result but that could all be in my head I suppose. It took me a cple of goes to feel right on a 5er but now I can really dig it and have gigged and rehearsed with it exclusively with my 4 string staying home and likely to be sold off in the very near future!
  13. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/224571-sold/page__p__2307376__hl__couch%20strap__fromsearch__1#entry2307376"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry2307376[/url] The original ad and pictures are included above -Thanks Jonesy64 - since getting my 5er I've gone for a slightly wider strap for those long covers gig sets so this isn't seeing the use it did. Perfect condition and a pretty glorious colour which I believe is from the vinyl lining from an old Samonite Suitcase! Couch sources/finds odds and end of vinyl to make their straps - see the link below [url="https://www.couchguitarstraps.com/guitar-straps/deadstock-luggage-straps.html"]https://www.couchgui...age-straps.html[/url] £25.00 Price includes next day recorded delivery - knock a cple quid off for standard delivery. I prefer bank transfer over paypal. Item will be shipped well wrapped. Thanks for reading.
  14. On hold pending payment!
  15. Long overdue bump - had the amp at a tech who gave it the once over and replaced a cracked input jack. Gigged it and its still sounding great. However having both a Mark BassTTE500 and Mesa valve head - its got some stiff competition and while it can hold it's own against these other two, one is at my practice space and the other just slightly more portable for on the fly giging. Pic's available upon request - might get a sound demo done too if I can find the time pre gig this weekend.
  16. If you like dirt the sub lime is a winner- I'd be tempted to buy it and have Tom at Cog re-house it. More versatile than it initially looks. RK maybe a pic of all the controls? The big wheel can be easily manipulated with your foot to alter the anpunt of drive you get on the fly which makes the pedal quite handy if a little cumbersome. It's a surprise Fender never re-packaged it in a smaller unit TBH Good luck and once I get a quote from Tom @Cog I may well make an offer
  17. Buy A basswitch or one of their new tone spark thingys. Fully fledged EQ with two bands of semi parametric mids as wella s a very musical bass and treble control too. The Basswitch is also an A/B box so you can keep your passive bass tone and then go active at the step of a button. Go check out the Basswitch demo's - its a total live tool too with boost, DI function etc etc If you like how your bass plays this will be all you'd need with no mods, simply plug and play!
  18. I agree with MM20 Although the shape is 'different' it's as if they took a j bass and cut around that tried and tested feel/balance to give something which looks different but feels right when on the shoulder. I had one but took a panic that it was too expensive for the dives I played. In passive mode its a beast and while I think the 5'er is just a H not SSS its still got some tonal options. Probably my fav bass to have played and I'd have another in a heartbeat. The switching options should be a standard on all basses with more than one pick up. Good luck in your search!
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