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Everything posted by krispn

  1. As someone said email him or hit him up on twitter - his new band are putting out a fan funded album real soon, may even be out and as he's touring with Extreme- he could tell you what he's playing on the road now! He's been a big fan of this gear in the past. Mesa 400+ and Diesel cabs 3 8x10 GK cabs and a rack with two 2001-RB-II heads Spector, Washburn basses and Mouradian CS-75 Good luck!
  2. My current 65 Amps 115 is sounding great!
  3. Sounds great - all flavour's of Musicman goodness in there!
  4. Can one of the band play your bass while you go out front and listen to the mix? I sometimes go through pay only but where we play has a big bass bin so I'm confident with the sound in the venue out front plus our singer has been a sound guy for yrs and does a good mix!
  5. My recent expereience of recording Drummer and I were expected to go in and nail it ASAP - we were both a bit unhappy with the rush and basicaly had two three takes max. We never really heard it again until it was to be mixed (and honestly not THAT bothered really) and at that point there were some minor but obvious to us mistakes and a bass part which was dropped in over a build up section I didnt record! Singer did it as he "plays a bit of bass"! All vocals were done and redone until nailed and the guitar and over dubs the same - when it came to paying the back up singe got charged less in the 5 way split as she only did a little bit of vocals. Drummer and I agreed to pay our share but reminded them all that we had the least 'studio time' and the least input. We're recording again soon and there are clear boundaries as to what the drummer and I will accept in the final mix. The guy recording did a live room field recording to get the vibe and I can tell he thinks one of the songs the guitarist is over playing - I have to agree. The guitarist has declared "I'm gonna ask for a production credit"! and wonder how he'll feel if asked to under play the verse!! Drummer and I pointed out the poor quality of our last recording and and asked him how he would fix the errors he and the singer let slip on the last recording. New prouder guy took great pleasure in this and I feel we'll have a better final product thanks to his input! You have to laugh at the ego of the other pair tho - they think they're producers already I understand that recording bass is a straightforward task compared to the multi layering of vocals etc. If I play my part well I'm not gonna go back and listen to overdubs etc and woldn't want to but if you are happy with your parts as they are recorded then simply enjoy the process while you are there and be glad you're not dragged back again and again while the singer and guitarists ego wrestle for prominence in the mix
  6. Like other posters have said play basses of diffreing price ranges againt cheaper models and try and disdern if the £600 or whatever differnece in price is in the fit & finish, pick ups/hardware or actual playability. Pick ups and that can be changed but if the basic feel and playability are right thats the best measure or a good bass. I replace a lovely jazz bass with some Dimarzio Model J's(which were a steal at £98 new!) and that bass was rockin'! I currently have two laklands, a 4 and a 5 and the playability of each is what swayed me over the other options available to me at the time. £500 budget for a decent 2nd hand bass, especially off the BC classifieds is the way forward.
  7. I have a clone of this in a custom build I had made. Good ballsy pedal and a steal at £50. These are boutique pedals and worth much more!
  8. HD500 now sold - ad updated
  9. I totally thoguth these would have sold by now cause I added pic's. Awww!
  10. Here's my 'Aeolus' pedal Tom built. It's his Darklighter drive on the right hand side, a Hao Rust Ride clone on the left and a Brown Source clone in the middle. [attachment=165457:Cog.JPG] And here's a very basic demo I recorded straight into my Mac with a Lakland Duck Dunn P bass (Lindy Fralin p/u, tone wide open). Its Brown Source clone, then Darklighter then Hao clone then same order again only lower down the fret board and finally all three together for that gnarly tone! https://soundcloud.com/krispn
  11. If I hadn't just bought a 115 I'd be all over this. No consolation I know!
  12. Finally due to popular demand and internet based sarcasm Ladies and gentlemen I give you.....pictures!
  13. Bump for the world cup!
  14. I've finally got that 115 cab I was harping on about in my first post which means that this is now officially up for grabs! I'll do it for £300 including the cover but the buyer is to arrange the courier. Can't say fairer than that! PM for pic's or if you have any questions. Thanks!
  15. PM'd If this comes good I'd be happy for the cab to wing it's way up the country as fellow BC'ers had a play on it and moved it along to the next person but I'd need it to arrive in sunny Scotland in abt 2 weeks and I belive the cab is a good old fashioned 24kg approx just so you know
  16. lou is you JO DP Ltd the green one? Tasty basses them Laklands!
  17. Hey folks Turns out a nice cab has become available but the seller is reluctant to package/ship! Typical! The cab is a 115 and weights 50lb ( about 22kg) and dimensiones are 27"length x 23" depth x29" height. It would be a sturdy lift. If anyone is able to help I'd naturally pay for bubble wrap and packaging materials and arrange the courier to suit your schedule and pass on a little something for the effort! Please PM if you can help out and thanks for reading!
  18. I've had gear robbed from a car before - got distracted and forgot it was in there. You'll feel lilke a tit if you can arrange a lift to the jam or just hump it out - if its omly two speakres and two amp along with guitar/bass its not that big a job and you'll have a three hour rest before you load it in again Oh and get some Snickers to keep your energy up!
  19. I much prefer the black myself!
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