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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410869800' post='2554050'] In this instance the punters are NOT happy fly Fisher, they don't want to pay for a ticket, [/quote] Well I don't think I'd be happy to pay for a ticket if I didn't want to, so why do so. Just stay at home. That's no more 'taking advantage' than the Led Zepp charging £150 for a reunion concert is it . . . .er, ok, bad example
  2. That's all fair enough . . . but what is it they are looking out for? If they are happy to play for free, even if others make some money, then what's the problem? You may think they are mugs, and on your terms they probably are, but if they simply don't care and are just happy to play for the fun of it then it's simply not possible to take advantage of them is it? Taking advantage requires someone to be cajoled into doing something they don't want to do, doesn't it?
  3. [quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1410868466' post='2554014'] But your itunes account hasn't been broken into. As with most of these things people don't read terms and conditions (i don't), mainly because the iTunes one is longer than Macbeth to put people of reading that companies can pretty much do what they want. [/quote] Are you a lawyer? I've no doubt you're technically correct, but when someone wakes up in the morning to find an unwanted, or at least unrequested, new album on their smartphone or iPad then they are going to think that someone has 'broken into' their library of music, which is what's fuelling all the anti-Apple guff flying around the internet right now. The fact that clause 743, paragraph 28.6.11(, section vii of the iTunes EULA clearly states this is permissible and perfect legal will not be foremost in people's mind when they have their WTF moment.
  4. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1410868561' post='2554021'] What adverse publicity ? [/quote] https://gigaom.com/2014/09/10/u2-on-my-phone/ Yes, they say that there's no such thing as bad publicity, but I suspect it's just the marketing suits that like the phrase. As for a back catalogue sales blip, would that not have been expected when a new album is released by any major artist? I guess we'll never know in this case. I agree it's all a bit 'storm in a teacup' and that some people love to have a moan, especially if it means giving Apple a bit of a kicking, but it'll all be forgotten next week. Well, except, perhaps, by the poor guy who talked Apple into spending $100m on the whole fiasco
  5. Well they certainly won't be buying our non-existent album The last charity gig we did raised just over £3k for a local community garden charity. It was a day long event that included sponsored bike rides around various courses all arriving back at their 'hq' (a very large house with ample grounds provided to them on a free lease for a couple of years) for an afternoon of free live music plus food stalls and a bar operated by volunteers. I sorted the PA and was on site for about 12 hours from set-up to break-down as well as playing a 45 minute set along with the other half dozen or so acts. Looks like I was stitched up like a kipper eh? Still, it was second year running so I guess I'll never learn.
  6. yeah, late60s/early 70s for me, and you're right about it seeming like a major expedition. My dad would be fiddling around with the car for the whole week before to make sure it was up to the long arduous trek (Ford Anglia - the ones with those funny angled back windows). I vaguely remember joining the M4 in Chiswick but am pretty sure we usually took the A303 for most of the journey - depends on where we were headed that year I guess. I don't recall ever getting as far as Cornwall, it was usually somewhere in Devon or Somerset - and yes, we did Dawlish one year. (and now back to our scheduled programme . . . )
  7. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1410865815' post='2553973'] I truly don't see what all of the fuss is about. Their last album sold about 5 million copies, how many of the people who are complaining would have bought it anyway, and are just moaning because it seems 'cool' to ? You've been given free music, stop wingeing [/quote] I think it's the 'given' thing that rankles. Sure, they've made it very easy to delete if you don't want it, but it would have caused them less adverse publicity if they had 'offered' the album and made it just as easy for someone to choose to accept it. If someone broke into your house (with no damage) and left a copy on your coffee table would you be thankful or would you think it was a bloody cheek?
  8. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1410863267' post='2553923'] And I'm sorry, but Stonehenge leaves me completely cold. I've driven past it a few times but never visited and don't want to. But if it evokes happy memories of family outings in times gone by, well that's beyond price. [/quote] Yep, which is why you can't really recommend/not recommend stuff for other people's bucket lists. Mind you, I wouldn't bother with Stonehenge these days either, but that's commercialism for you.
  9. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1410860139' post='2553867'] There are those on here who will do a 'Charity gig' for just about anyone who asks. Regardless of whether they would support that charity. I have known bands do them without even knowing what the charity was. Makes me wonder if its cos they cant get decent paying gigs. [/quote] OK, let's assume 'charity bands' can't get 'decent paying gigs'. So what? As long as the punters are happy to donate, the band is happy to pay for free and a charity gets some money, who cares if the venue still makes money? Seems to me it's win-win for all concerned. The only people moaning are those who don't take part, which is their choice. I'm not advocating that all bands should play charity events for free, just that those who choose to do so, for whatever reasons, don't get grief from other bands. I understand some bands won't play without being paid, and good for them if that's their choice, but why all the hostility towards 'hobby bands' who simply enjoy playing live for the love of it? Even if you regard them as some sort of musical low-lifes, why deny them the chance to do their own thing?
  10. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1410860913' post='2553880'] You speak for everyone ? Wow Sorry God. [/quote] I was merely checking my understanding of spacey's post "[i]The donations come from punters, the entertainment as in the band work for nothing, the bar till rings all night long.[/i]" Which bit do you think I got wrong then? Of the people actually involved in the event, as opposed to those sneering on the sidelines, who do you think is unhappy? (and it's 'My Lord' if you don't mind )
  11. The author sounds like a right old misery guts, still it fills some space I suppose. Besides, you can't give advice to people about not bothering with an experience like, say, going to Las Vegas because going there and then realising that once is enough is actually all part of the experience. if things weren't like that then we'd just do the same thing over and over again wouldn't we? Surely the point is to experience as many different things as we can . . . the actual ones we choose are probably less important. As for Stonehenge, I have immensely fond memories of family summer holidays in the 60s, leaving London at the crack of dawn for the drive down to the West Country and stopping off at Stonehenge for a breakfast and rest break. In those days there was nothing there except the stones and breakfast was foil-wrapped sandwiches and coffee from a flask that mum had made before we left, which we would eat while sitting on the unfenced stones before running around and climbing all over them after our early morning refuelling. Happy days, but now no longer possible in the wake of queuing, fences, admission fees, visitor centres and cappucino's from gurgly machines
  12. iTunes I can understand, but why not Amazon? So it the ECC website the only place to buy it (and any chance of a signed copy )?
  13. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1410858827' post='2553850'] [s]the[/s] MY problem is, the landlords are taking advantage of the charity for their own profit, . . . . [/quote] Fixed for you
  14. I can't honestly say I'm a big fan of vinyl, mainly because of all the faffing around to play it and keep it clean and noise-free, so my record deck is safely stored away in the attic - but so are my CD players because I only stream music from my MP3 library these days (which, incidentally, includes ripped versions of all my old vinyl). But I do miss the whole packaging experience that went along with vinyl albums so given the choice of a vinyl + wav release or buying a CD and ripping it then I'd buy the vinyl every time. I think it's a great idea and I really hope it catches on more widely - especially if it can make inroads into the apparent trend of buying downloads only! Mind you, I can't find the album on Amazon to buy . . . .
  15. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1410726621' post='2552507'] Never a charity bar is there ? A little secret, charity nights are suggested as zero cost events to landlords by greedy breweries. The donations come from punters, the entertainment as in the band work for nothing, the bar till rings all night long. [/quote] So let me just check this . . . The punters are happy to donate to a charity The band is happy to play for nothing The landlord and greed brewery are happy to make their profit Nope, can't see the problem myself - everyone seems to be happy. Seems that YOU are the one with a problem with it, so why not just stay in bed until someone offers you some money to get up?
  16. Good review for the content but I hope the opening sentence doesn't put buyers off. It's not even factually correct to say "this is a vinyl only release" is it? What a shame they can't recognise it's the best of all worlds . . . . In fact, even better than a compressed digital download!
  17. Well, looks like the other side of the coin won't be popular but it's just a matter of choice isn't it? Any charity event will involve some costs for some things, but just because some things have to be paid for it doesn't mean all things have to be paid for. The idea will be to minimise the costs as far as possible in order to maximise the amount for the charity and each event will have its own mix. As we've discussed before, playing music is fun for many people. It's not a job for them it's a leisure time activity, like running, golf, sailing, cycling, etc, so they are more likely to be perfectly happy to play for free than someone working behind a bar. That just the way it is. If you're a pro musician who won't open your bass case without being paid then that's fine as well.
  18. So, Apple spends $100m on an early Christmas present for its iTunes customers and then has to help them throw it away . . . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-29208540 Jobs will be spinning in his grave
  19. I would have guessed it was less than 5%
  20. I agree with pretty much all of the above . . . . from the OP's perspective. But what about from the band's perspective? They are obviously able to get gigs and are keen to do them, and keen enough to do them without a bassist. They probably understand the OP's position and are sympathetic but 'the show must go on' and that's what they are trying to do. They haven't just gone out and got a new bassist and seem to be leaving the door open, but they also have ambitions of 'making it' that OP doesn't necessarily share. Sounds to me that recent events have highlighted some fundamental incompatibilities within the band - hardly an unheard of situation - and that the inevitable unravelling has started to occur. Options include a formal 'I quit / you're fired’ confrontation or a gradual drifting apart and fading away.
  21. Fair enough, toothpicks should be fine. Try to pack in as many as you can. I cut them off after pushing in as far as I can by hand, leaving about half an inch proud and then finally tapping them home with a hammer. But gently and firmly rather than bashing away until the bass splits! Then wait until the glue dries, probably overnight, before finally trimming off level with the bass.
  22. Yep, definitely need to use wood glue. A more 'purist' repair would involve drilling out the hole to the same size as a bit of dowel and gluing that in instead. Then drill a pilot hole in the dowel before re-screwing. But I've used cocktail sticks successfully before. Also, consider the size of screw. I don't like the sizes of the ones that come with strap locks and think they are too small. There's a fair bit of leverage and stress on them so I like to use a much longer screws. Not necessarily thicker, but certainly longer. I think I used 50mm Spax screws for my Schaller locks and have never had any problems with them coming loose.
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1410695237' post='2551986'] Well, apparently some of the music press can't handle vinyl. [color=#37404E][font=Helvetica, Arial,]"The guy doing PR for Sheema’s album is reporting back a stubborn apathy from sections of the music press who refused to listen to the album as it’s 'vinyl only' and couldn’t be bothered to go to a digital link or put the USB stick in their computer to transfer the high res files."[/font][/color] The album is on very high quality vinyl, with a gatefold sleeve and lovely packaging. [font=Helvetica, Arial, lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][color=#37404e]it comes with a tiny flip out USB stick that looks like a tiny album (I love that!) It contains WAVs of the album tracks.[/color][/font] [font=Helvetica, Arial, lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][color=#37404e][/color][/font] [/quote] What a brilliant idea! Is this unique or am I behind the times again? I love the idea of some decently sized artwork as well as getting the wav files. I can't actually read a lot of the reduced-sized text on some CDs these days without a magnifying glass!
  24. Yep. If Warhol had done it the asking price would have been a lot higher. The artist is the art. (Yes of course it's all nonsense, but that just how it is).
  25. Sandwiches in the car during the 20 mile drive? Sounds hectic. Hope you have time to enjoy it!
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