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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. Excellent stuff, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great sense of fun shone through as well. What happened to the vocal mix on the second song though? The guy was clearly singing something but it wasn't in the mix. ( glad to see you lost the leather strides though )
  2. These sort of stories are regular occurrences and I'm a little surprised that people don't consider delivery logistics when ordering stuff online. I'm not condoning these sort of courier actions, but I imagine it's very frustrating for the delivery drivers who are usually on very tight schedules if they are to achieve their targets and pay bonuses. If people are not going to be home when stuff is likely to be delivered, why can this not be noted and for the parcel to be kept at the depot for customer collection. That's what ends up happening anyway. Or what about drop-off points? I've used this facility before now where the parcel is delivered to a locker in a local petrol station and the locker key code is emailed or texted so I can collect on the way home from work. Worked very well. Or deliver to the local 'corner shop' or similar. I'm just surprised this is still such a problem given that online shopping is so big these days. Goodness knows why the likes of Amazon is playing around with aerial drone deliveries if people are not actually going to be at home!
  3. I think the key thing is whether the stereo power amp is capable of operating a bridged mode into a single speaker. If it is then I think you'll be ok. If not then you,ll need two cabs. Another alternative might be to take the two separately processed channels into a small mixer and then into a single power amp/cab.
  4. I wouldn't say gigging is my reason for living but there's no doubting I enjoy it, but I also enjoy just jamming with others musicians so I'd say THAT'S the important thing for me - playing with others. Could be a gig, a jam or a rehearsal studio but definitely with others. That's not to say I don't occasionally play along to records on my own, but it's not very frequent these days, and I hardly ever just 'noodle around'. Mind you, I'd probably be a better player if I did
  5. Seems to be a bit of theme developing here . . .
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1410545705' post='2550685'] You wont be saying that when you find all the new gear you get GAS for... [/quote] Yes, it can be an expensive place, but welcome anyway.
  7. Great fun!
  8. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1410522152' post='2550307'] Someone, don't know who, said it is similar to the type of 'present' that a cat gives you when it leaves it's latest rodent kill in the middle of your kitchen floor. [/quote] . . . . It might have been worth it if U2 had actually been killed in the process
  9. I guess U2 fans will be happy but, as pointed out earlier, they must be very much in the minority of for most itunes users. So Apple spends $100m on something that has predictably upset a lot of its customers and is a gift for loads of bad publicity. Perhaps they subscribe to the notion that any publicity is good publicity? Anyway, here's how to remove this "musical malware" http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/29157217
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1410440110' post='2549453'] Great marketing move from U2... wonder how much that cost them..??? [/quote] Well according to this it seems more like an Apple initiative, for which they gave U2 $100m. Blimey. http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/music/music-news/u2-gets-100m-from-apple-to-give-away-new-album-30576404.html
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1410440110' post='2549453'] Great marketing move from U2... wonder how much that cost them..??? [/quote] They did something similar a few years ago with a 'U2 special edition' version of an iPod. http://www.amazon.com/Apple-M9787LL-Generation-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B0002ZAEYK
  12. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1410439342' post='2549438'] I don't have the iTunes app or an iPhone...and if I did I would set them up like iTunes on my Mac Mini, which is basically "Hey! Apple! Keep tour nose out of my music library. Well, as much as you can with these things. Neither do I use cloud services, don't like them. I think this is another gaff by Apple tbh. [/quote] Yep. I do use iTunes to manage my music library, but I don't have an iTunes account so I don't seem to be troubled by this sort of nonsense. But it's the way of the big brother world we're being drawn into. Resistance may be futile, but I'm trying to do my bit.
  13. From what I've read, the best results when spray painting depends on a supply of dry air and basic compressors won't remove the moisture or other contaminants from the air. I've got a half-decent air compressor for my workshop and it's amazing how much water accumulates in the 50 litre receiver tank. I should probably drain it more than once a year but the last time I did it I drained off well over one pint of water! A cheap spray system could easily result in a poorer finish than spray cans so I'd be looking for some sort of air filtration system if I was planning to do any serious paint spraying. http://www.mig-welding.co.uk/air-system.htm http://www.spraygunworld.com/Information2/AirFilters.htm
  14. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1410361081' post='2548554'] For instance my son started secondary school & was worried about catching the bus on his own. So I spent several hour's catching the bus up & down his school run on Saturday so he felt confident enough to do it himself. Being a parent isnt rocket science you just have to care enough to try. [/quote] I really don't have the superlatives to say how great that simple story is! Absolutely fantastic and says everything about what being a good parent is all about. Son comfortable enough to express his concerns, parents taking it seriously and devoting their time to helping him overcome them in his own terms, not simply ignoring the issue and running him to school in the car instead. Simply wonderful stuff.
  15. Do you think that might be just be a personal perspective? I don't really mean just personal to you, but personal to everyone who has grown up with 'rock music' and is now looking around for something different? (and nothing wrong with that). Meanwhile, young kids just starting to develop their musical interests beyond that being force-fed to them by TV, effectively start from scratch and those inclined towards rock latch on to new bands playing 'old formula' rock that old fogies (well, you know what I mean) are not interesting in because they've heard it all before and so just moan that xyz was much better in their day. I'm wondering all that because of the list of rock bands that GrammeFriday posted about his 11 year-old's rock habits. I've never heard of any of them. . . which I take as a very healthy indication that rock is alive and well, serving new audiences and alienating - or at the very least bypassing - old fogies like me. Otherwise, kids might just as well raid their parents MP3 collection and start going through precisely the same listening experiences as they did in your youth and there would be no need for any new music at all. After all, anyone with an internet connection today has access to more music (and video and cinema and literature) than they could ever listen to in their entire lifetime, so unless they ignore all the old stuff they will have no time for any of the new.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1410348348' post='2548358'] I was actually referring to (GrammeFriday's) gratuitous put-down at post #3. [/quote] Yes, that's why I phrased my comment in the same manner, hoping that GrammeFriday would see it as cheeky rather than offensive. Fortunately he did and replied with a more detailed explanation of what he meant, which turned out to be far more in agreement with my own views than I originally assumed, particularly the primary role of parents in educating their children in the broadest sense of the word and the importance of preserving children's innate sense of wonder and teaching them how to learn for themselves - the most important thing in a fast moving world.
  17. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1410337726' post='2548193'] Sorry, Kerley, but your view of education is both impoverished and naive. [/quote] Sorry Grammefriday, but your apparent assumption that education is the sole responsibility of schools is both impoverished and naive. Don't let your schooling interfere with your education
  18. . . . he's probably keeping his head down and hoping the afterworld police don't pull him in for questioning.
  19. Would Tubular Bells come under the heading of 'rock'? I'm just wondering because as far as I can remember, Oldfield had written it in his teens and taken demo copies around around the big companies who decided to reject it. Branson thought it had potential and formed Virgin Records on the strength of his hunch. OK, hindsight is a wonderful thing and no doubt Branson was just lucky, but my point is that there must have been loads of similar stuff around back then and only Oldfield was lucky to get the break. These days, Oldfield would not have needed Branson to start a record business because he could have self-published via the internet. He might not have made as much money but his music would have got out there. Besides, as Dad pointed out, perhaps the (50)/60/70(80)s period was actually an abnormal time in terms of the success and money being made out of music and that things are now returning to a more 'grass roots' sort of thing. The difference, of course, being that the internet enables global access to anyone's music for it to 'succeed or fail' on its own merits. Anyone who bemoans the decline of huge record company marketing machines as the reason they can't make it big with their music should just join the queue for the X-factor if they want a bit of hype.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1410278110' post='2547757'] And no-one at all can make a full time living out of creating music unless they already had a foot in the door by the end of the 90s. [/quote] Does it actually matter if no one can make a living out of creating music as long as the music is created in the first place?
  21. Since getting a small amp (TC BH250). I keep it, plus bass leads, plus mains lead, plus cab cable, plus odds & sods, in a padded laptop bag. But all my PA & other cables & power strips I keep in two peli cases with wheels, a bit like a small wheelie suitcase.
  22. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1410260071' post='2547524'] Noddy Holder's notebooks, recently acquired for the nation by the National Music Archive, reveal an early draft of the lyrics of one of their hits: [i]Are you blowin' out some bebop in 9/4? Are your flat five substitutions sounding raw? Does your tenor player tell you that Coltrane was the best, And that without his hat and shades he feels undressed? So here it is, Jazzy Christmas everybody's feeling cool, Learn to read music now, or you will feel a fool.[/i] [/quote] Excellent!
  23. Did Slade make any jazz albums?
  24. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1400595296' post='2455280'] I just got some el tape for mine, not done it yet but the actuall tape is awesome. Just like the stuff used in tron legacy :^) ill post some pics when i have done it. [/quote] Yes, EL tape can be great fun. Some of FF junior's kayaking friends used it to make this freestyle kayaking video. it's all live video, no animation or special effects. http://vimeo.com/98673990
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