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Everything posted by flyfisher

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1403603615' post='2484272'] ok... didn't really want to rain on a parade as this is a tribute type thread but he is just adequate and as said above not likely to get in the way of the big egos or ego in the band in any sense. I just don't think there is anything about him that is great. He writes ok basslines that many enjoy and he is/was part of a hugely succesful band but the reason I call them all pretenders in a sense was because none of them has anything like an x factor apart from FM ..who wasn't a great singer by any means and played the showman side. I couldn't get onboard with that of form over substance. I really didn't like most of their product because of it, plus the songs were hugely chummy Many many people enjoyed their songs...that is a skill or marketing thing in itself but doesn't define them as great in my book. I only came on here to say that I wouldn't call him a great bass player when he plays what many many people can play... he just happened to be very lucky to end up in a very popular band. Nothing wrong with that...just not a 'great' bass player when nothing he does on the bass is outstanding, IMO. [/quote] That's a pretty withering assessment that seems to fly in the face of their obvious achievements. I suppose we should all be thankful that such a bunch of mediocre musos can make it so big because that gives us all some hope Anyway, The Beatles . . . what a bunch of pretenders they were!!
  2. [quote name='blamelouis' timestamp='1403548877' post='2483822'] If you read his autobiography, he was completely pissed/stoned for 20 odd years and far from a happy drunk. [/quote] [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1403549132' post='2483826'] I read the autobiography and he does come across as a bit of a strange fish. Another friend met him after a London gig when he was about 15 and just started playing guitar (this would have been just after the alcohol years). Clapton was his big hero but he said that EC was just rude and very ungracious! Another case of it often being better to never meet your heroes… [/quote] I've also read his autobiography and didn't really warm to the guy the more I found out about him. I can't remember any specific stories now, but he came across as a bit of a jerk really and it certainly didn't leave a good impression with me . . . well, except that he enjoys fly-fishing, of course!
  3. I feel a bit sorry for StingrayPete now but, fair's fair, that well and truly trumps his charity gig. Surely no one can top this?
  4. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1403546806' post='2483789'] All this still does not get away from the sheer [i]un[/i]professionalism (getting back on topic) of the man that is Eric Clapton. Most "old pros" would not treat an audience the way he did in the OP's post. [/quote] Agreed. Though he's not alone in that respect. I recall Dylan being pretty offhand when I saw him at Wembley Arena many years ago (late 80s).
  5. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1403539414' post='2483709'] Fair enough, he is entitled to his views, but it still beggars belief that someone who has gained fame and fortune from playing mainly blues music could even consider saying such things....albiet stoned, drunk, or both. Seemingly when later challenged about his remarks, he refused to take them back. Then he had the balls to appear at a function to celebrate Nelson Mandela's 70'th birthday. A hypocrite... to say the least. [/quote] His remarks were about keeping Britain white, which is not in conflict with his apparent love of black music & musicians or even Mandela . . . . just as long as they don't want to live here presumably, so not really hypocritical from his perspective. For the record, I think his sentiments are appalling and I'm sure they're why he doesn't say much when performing any more. It just proves that being a great musician doesn't preclude someone also being a wholly disagreeable c**t. Indeed, I'm surprised anyone should think that just because they like a particular song that the artist would automatically be worthy of being their best mate rather than someone they couldn't stand being in the same room with. Morrissey springs to mind for some reason.
  6. I've seen Clapton at least a dozen times and he's always lacked banter - just his style I guess. Don't go to see him for showmanship, just virtuosity.
  7. Are you sure it's a self-build . . . . looks like the sales ticket is still attached to the body in that photo (seriously though, if it sounds as good as it looks it seems like a great job!)
  8. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1403435957' post='2482607'] Because there was some special effects processing going on [/quote] Just checking I wasn't missing something.
  9. Dad's right that 3kW (a single 13A socket) is quite a bit of power and a band would have to have a pretty substantial set up to exceed it. As long as all your plugs and socket strips are correctly fused, there should be no danger of overloading anything by having (say) 20 things all being powered through a single 13A socket. That's what the fuses are for. However, a lot depends on what else the circuit you've plugged into is also supplying and it's easily possible for the band's power demand to push the circuit over the limit . . . though it could equally be argued that it's the pub's dishwasher that is the cause of the problem. Just because you plug into a 13A socket, it doesn't mean 13A is actually available because the rest of the circuit might already be close to maximum capacity. If it's a frequent problem, I'd suggest buying one of these gizmos: http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/13a-plug-in-energy-saving-monitor-n67fu Then, at next rehearsal, make sure you have all the band gear going through a single 13A plug and then plug it into this gadget and measure how much power the whole band actually draws. Then, to be contractually squeaky clean, you'd be able to explicitly state how much power the band requires from the venue (though that would probably be a bit OTT for the average pub band!).
  10. I've never heard of a national day of music but many towns have their own music events throughout the summer. Hertford, for example, hosts a series of musical events throughout August and I'm sure it's not unique: http://www.hertfordmusicfestival.co.uk/default.php
  11. Given that a guitar (or bass) is a single-point source of sound, how can it be stereo unless there is some special-effects processing going on?
  12. I feel the same about straps vs handles, although I do have an old Ampeg SVT-70 combo with only a strap on the top. It's pretty heavy and uncomfortable to lug around and I used to worry a lot about the strap breaking or just pulling out of the wood, but it never has and the strap shows no signs of wear and tear. So it can be done.
  13. Isn't it fantastic to see talented musicians at the top of their game, even if they're playing music you wouldn't normally choose to listen to? Hard to beat good live music!
  14. I've always fancied this as a way of bringing the band on stage, though we've never tried it.... Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUQ2nC3De8E
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1403000174' post='2478642'] Day do dough, don't day? Don't day, dough? ...Day do. [/quote] Calm down, calm down . . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STIvNjWobzA&feature=kp
  16. Seems to me there are almost as many genres as bands these days. Maybe more.
  17. Funny thing this memorabilia business. Does the mere fact that Pino once played a particular bass [u]really[/u] add £12,000 to its value? I guess that's a rhetorical question (assuming it sells for that price of course), but I'm fascinated by the thought process that goes through someone's mind when buying things like this. And let's face it, it really is all in the mind!
  18. Well said. Robust debate while respecting other's rights to differing opinions (. . . even when they're wrong )
  19. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1402963662' post='2478437'] . . . . but either nobody ever appreciates my real sentiment or I've just got one f***ing guy who will use every possible excuse to report my posts. And he does provide a lot of advertising revenue so fair play to him. [/quote] So if someone provides a lot of advertising revenue it's 'fair play' for them to influence discussions by reporting things they don't like to the mods for action? Sounds a lot like all the things we tend to dislike about people buying influence. Hmm.
  20. No happy ending eh?
  21. Agreed. He's been there, done it all, exceptionally well, and now moved on to live his life out of the media spotlight. Top man in every way!
  22. OK, so now we know there is something to worry about. When you take it back to the shop be sure to tell them it has blown three fuses in quick succession. That points to a 'real' fault somewhere, so it would be bad form for them to try fobbing you off. How quickly does the fuse blow after switching on? Immediately or after some time? There could be some clues there so be sure to give the shop as much info as possible. Good luck with getting it fixed.
  23. I wouldn't worry about it. Just replace it with the same type of fuse. If it quickly blows again, [u]then[/u] I'd start to worry about it.
  24. Are you sure it's not a spot of blood from a murky past it can't shake off? [i]"Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!—One; two: why, then 'tis time to do't.—Hell is murky."[/i]
  25. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1402494928' post='2474117'] I'm under no illusion that we've got this gig through anything other than a first class blag, connections and twisting arms. [/quote] . . . . the very stuff of life! Well done - enjoy every second of it . . . . it'll be something to tell the grandchildren.
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