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About lobematt

  • Birthday 13/10/1987

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  1. Ta!
  2. Yo! I recently bought a 2nd hand C4 synth pedal which didn't come with the cable to connect to the neuro app on my phone. Can anyone share a link for the cable I need cuz I'm not sure what to buy! Cheers
  3. Hi guys, just resurrecting this topic! My new(ish) bass is very susceptible to feedback. I played a gig on Saturday night which was ampless so just running into a Sansamp and the only noise on stage was the drum kit. We were on a solid floor playing at reasonable volume but every time the drummer hit anything it would make my whole bass start to vibrate and feedback. On hollow stages or in front of an amp this is even worse! I found stuffing a rolled up towel between the bass and the tail piece helps but not as much as I need. I might try cutting foam for the F holes... I've sometimes seen people tie fabric around the middle of the bass, is this the same idea too presumably?
  4. Is this still available?
  5. I've ran it into the effects of my amp before experimenting with the preamp models but again, didn't have great results. Are you using preamp models or just fx?
  6. I wanted it to replace my sans amp comp but have brought them back to try and help things out. So yeah, now it's essentially just an effects box...
  7. Thanks will post over on the FB group. I tried a lot of Dr Tones patches and found them all to be very hifi and digital sounding. I think he's really after that zingy Billy Sheehan thing though
  8. I've even tried running it in the chain with no blocks and it still has this digital vibe I can't quite put my finger on. I spent a lot of time messing with the various EQs and they didn't help either. This got me thinking about is it the input impedance or something else? I don't know. Should it be this hard to get some cool noises?!?
  9. I've had the stomp for almost 4 years now and have had good results with it, mainly when using it in ampless situations, either recording or live. Whenever I use it as part of my pedal board through an amp however, it adds a brittleness and a thin sound to my tone that I just can't put my finger on or get rid of. The best I found was when it was sandwiched between an analog compressor and a Sansamp, it still had a bit of that brittleness to it though. I really want to get along with the Stomp but I just can't get a good sound out of it live, anyone else had similar problems to this? Anyone got any tips I can try to get a better tone out of it before I sell it?? Thanks!
  10. Hi all I'm looking to improve my options for recording DB at home - what mics are you guys using? Anything up to around £200 would be good!
  11. Thanks for the input. I'll do some experimenting with it!
  12. Hi guys, I got a new upright a few months back and installed a Bass Max pick up on it. I've used this same pickup for years on my old bass and the G string was quite compared to the E but it wasn't too much of an issue. On the new bass the G string is almost in audible and the E is BOOMING! I don't know much about DB gear so no don't know where to start trying to fix the problem. The bass has come with an adjustable bridge, would that affect the volume output? I'm tempted to try the dual bass max... Any other ideas? Thanks!
  13. Ah dang. I've messaged Sire to see if they sell parts as I can't find anything on Google!
  14. My Sire P7 recently took a tumble forwards from its' stand and has bent the vol/tone stacked pot. Would any vol/tone replacement pot do the job? Something like this? https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/parts-c4/electronics-c698/potentiometers-c109/allparts-ep-4585-000-stacked-concentric-pots-cts-500k-250k-p10284?gclid=CjwKCAjw_o-HBhAsEiwANqYhpxWrENTTfyWSbnFPmSAKcp93IcNCT4AmgDsvedZ0k1WfXvFIaVJw2hoCmXwQAvD_BwE#fo_c=1949&fo_k=388911894447cfe4471dbc6a9a169eef&fo_s=gplauk?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term= Thanks!
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