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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. I could be interested in this mate. What's the volume like against a drummer?
  2. Hey guys! Just uploaded my take on Locked Out Of Heaven. Added a slap line to the verses with a fill little fills thrown in for good measure! Let me know what you think! http://youtu.be/VwApQoya26c
  3. Hey guys! New lick posted on my blog, thought you might be interested =) http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/lick-of-month-10.html
  4. Hey guys, I've just posted a quick review of the sansamp programmable DI to my blog, check it out! http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/sansamp-review.html
  5. Cool thanks, guys will check them out!
  6. Hey! I'm looking to find a music shop with a good selection of bass amps to try, I don't mind travelling an hour(ish!) to find one. I'm looking for MarkBass and Aguilar really but any suggestions would be helpful! Cheers!
  7. PM sent! Cheers mate
  8. I could be interested! What's the regular UK work? And also what's the pay?
  9. Cool, thanks very much for the replies, very helpful! As regards the Hellborg cabs, all the Hellborg range is undiscounted...
  10. Ah no worries man! Keep me in mind for anything in the future though!
  11. Just uploaded a cover of a Miles Davis solo on Blues By Five, thought you may be interested! [color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][url="http://t.co/vGPqgpxp"][size=1]http://[/size]youtu.be/6_PkT547pv4?a[/url]
  12. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1361026315' post='1979980'] Take a look at this [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/welcome-to-the-shed"]http://scottsbassles...ome-to-the-shed[/url] watch it all the way through - he starts off doing the exercise you are doing and then explains why its the wrong way to practice modes, and then shows you the right way . Use the major and natural minor (aolian) scales as reference points, learn these first and then learn the others as variations of these. Mixolydian is a major scale with a flat-7th. Lydian mode is a major scale with a sharp-4th. Dorian mode is the natural minor with a 6th instead of flat 6th degree. Phygrian mode is a natural minor with a flat 2nd degree. [/quote] Yeah I went about it this way. I'm trying to memorise all the melodic minor modes at the minute and it's helping me put it into context to try and think about the chord the mode relates to as well. Example - Dorian = minor 7 Phrygian = sus b9 Lydian = Maj #11 etc...
  13. Same - great book! I've managed to lose CD1 from mine though...
  14. I'd be interested! Check out my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/lobematt?feature=mhee I have ads on a lot of my videos but haven't made a penny on them, also when I check to see how many times they've been clicked I always get a no info to display message :/
  15. Check this out! http://jazzadvice.com/thinking-about-musical-phrasing-for-improvisation/
  16. [quote name='hunt the shunt' timestamp='1361210698' post='1982866'] I presume you have read the LWA1000 thread. I don't know why you want an unknown amp when there is so much known amplification around, or why you are expecting advice on an amp nobody will have seen??? If you want a lightweight cab rated at 1000 watts good luck. If you can see past the 1000 watts then any of the usual suspects recommended on this forum will be OK. Funny that Warwick have dropped the neo's and don't do cabs to go with it! [/quote] Yeah I read the other thread and didn't find it very useful so I posted this one... And I want this amp because I need something loud and small and being a Warwick endorser it comes in at quite a nice price. As I said earlier I'm pretty clueless when it comes to techy amp stuff so that's why I'm asking here if it would blow cabs not rated at 1000W. Thanks for the helpful reply though [size=4] [/size]
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1361192320' post='1982431'] Highly unlikely especially as amps come equipped with a dial that allows them to go quieter as well as louder! [/quote] They do?? Hahaha. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to amps and stuff if you hadn't guessed! I've been offered the loan of one of these... http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ashdown-mag-115-deep-cab/50239?gclid=CLu6zLGEwLUCFabLtAodEFoAuA Ashdown Mag 115. Would that give me any kind of comparison to these 15" cabs you've been recommending?
  18. Wow ok! Thanks for that guys! Barefaced one doesn't look too expensive either! On that site it says that the recommended amp power is 150 - 600W, does that mean if I did pair it with a 1000W head I might blow it??
  19. I'm a bit worried about going for a 115, don't want it to sound to muddy!
  20. Hi guys! After selling my van I really need to downsize my rig! I'm after one of the new Warwick LWA heads which looks like it'll be a beast! Putting an order in for when they're out in June =) I need to downsize or at least lighten the cabs I've got though. I've currently got a Warwick 411 Pro and a 211 Pro, the 411 is probably going to be getting sold on here pretty soon as it's too much of a monster to take around any more, and I love the 211 but it's pretty stocky and weighs in at about 4 stone. I've been looking for replacement cabs and at the minute I'm thinking about the TC gear, maybe the RS210 either on its own or with the RS112. Has anybody tried these cabs out or got any other good suggestions for cabs? Cheers!
  21. Are you interested in trades? And also how heavy are the TC 410s?
  22. [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Hey guys! My new Lick Of The Month has been posted, it's a super easy Percy Heath lick. Check it out![/font] [url="http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/lick-of-month-9.html"]http://mattlawtonbas...of-month-9.html[/url]
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