Hi guys!
After selling my van I really need to downsize my rig! I'm after one of the new Warwick LWA heads which looks like it'll be a beast! Putting an order in for when they're out in June =)
I need to downsize or at least lighten the cabs I've got though. I've currently got a Warwick 411 Pro and a 211 Pro, the 411 is probably going to be getting sold on here pretty soon as it's too much of a monster to take around any more, and I love the 211 but it's pretty stocky and weighs in at about 4 stone.
I've been looking for replacement cabs and at the minute I'm thinking about the TC gear, maybe the RS210 either on its own or with the RS112.
Has anybody tried these cabs out or got any other good suggestions for cabs?