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Posts posted by lobematt

  1. Transcribing is definitely the way to go. Look at Nathan Watts, Pino, Stuart Zender or whoever you like for some tasty fills!

    I've got some licks on my blog but they're all pretty jazzy so may not be that appropriate for you but check them out! http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/LOTM

  2. I've got a 93 Warwick Fortress with a Wenge fretboard. It's always strung with roundwounds but I've noticed recently it's getting a fair bit of wear. I don't know if it's enough to really worry about though because I want to keep using rounds and don't really want to coat the board!



    What do you think?

  3. I'm selling a bass I picked up from these forums just over a year ago. I'm only selling as it doesn't get much use and I could do with freeing up some space!

    I know very little about it but I'll tell you what I do know! Currently tuned E - C and has super low action, about 0.4mm.

    Body is a 90's Jap Squier body (I think!) The guy I bought it from had modded it quite a lot too. It's been converted from a 4 string to a 5 string so has a pretty narrow string spacing and a strange looking bridge, I think it's called a 4+1 which originally meant that one string had to be tuned from the bridge but this was changed before I got the bass so it tunes normally from the head stock now.

    The scratch plate, pick up cover, pick ups, tuners and neck are all not Squier but I don't know what they are! The pick ups are black and have no name on them. The volume knob for the neck pick up is a push/pull pot too and I'm not really sure what this does either but it definitely makes the bass louder! I can upload sound samples if anyone wants!

    The neck has got a really nice flame up the back and on the head stock but it does have a small nick in the fret board, this has been filled and isn't noticeable when playing.

    There's one ding in the body which is on the back and is pretty tiny, in the pic I've took the flash makes it look worse than it is!

    I'm asking [s]£150[/s] [size=5][b][s]£120[/s] [size=6]£100[/size][/b][/size] Trades considered, show me what you got!!

    Collection from Liverpool or can meet somewhere not too far away!








  4. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1358181136' post='1934375']
    [size=4]If I was in a function band carting about my own pa and monitors, I'd consider going ampless though.[/size]

    That's what I'm doing at the min, was hoping that a bass amp could be one less thing to cart around haha! We're only a 3 piece and I think our guitarist could definitely be persuaded to go amp-less.

    What sort of specs would I be looking at for a PA to handle something like this?

  5. I've been thinking recently about gigging without an amp, just DI'ing straight from my sansamp into the PA and getting some in ear monitors to replace my on stage sound.

    I was just wondering if anybody else does this and how well it works?! Would the whole band need to be doing the same thing for it to work? And also would I need to upgrade our PA to handle all the extra bass?


  6. Hey everyone,

    I'm working on a new lick I've transcribed for my blog ( [url="http://www.mattlawtonbass.blogspot.com"]http://www.mattlawtonbass.blogspot.com[/url] )

    And I'm a bit stuck on the theory! It's from this track [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6np1zhRar0[/media] at about 3:40

    Just coming into the B section and the chords are Bb-7|Eb7b9|AbMaj7

    Here's a link to the notation...


    The parts that are throwing me are - Over the Eb7b9 chord there's all kinds of strange notes getting thrown in, my first thought was altered scale which seems to fit except for the natural 7th. I can't find a scale to fit the whole lot, or is the natural 7th just a juicy chromatic note? Also I've not seen an alt chord in a major ii V I before??

    The other part is over the final chord, AbMaj7, the lick is just playing what seems to be Eb- pentatonic??

    Anybody who can shed any light on this would be a big help!

  7. I find that when I'm limited on practice time if I draw up a quick 1 hour schedule of areas to get through and use a timer while I practice to make sure I hit them all, that leaves me feeling like I've done as much as I could in the time available. Obviously this isn't the best way to practice, just the best way to practice if you're short on time (or at least I think!)

  8. [quote name='paulpirie8' timestamp='1355223671' post='1895472']
    +1 for the Dunlop Jazz III picks. Used to use the tortex ones as well myself (purple ones, not sure of the thickness) and they were good but once I tried the Max Grip Jazz IIIs, I never looked back. It feels like you have so much more control and I haven't had one slip out of my hand yet.




    So I've just ordered a big bag of these!

    The last ones I tried where the 1mm blue Dunlop Tortex which were ok but just not doing it for me...
    I also got the Jim Dunlop 1mm big stubby, this was probably the worst out of the lot! Just couldn't get a good grip on it, that small patch that looks grippy on them is just as shiny as the rest of it, I'd give these a miss!
    My favourite out of the last batch though was the Jim Dunlop Nylon 1.14mm Standard Max Grip. The grip was brilliant but as it was nylon the sound was a bit too soft for me, I would recommend them to anyone who likes playing with a pick and wants the sound of fingered playing!

    Hopefully my new carbon fibre ones on order will give me what I'm looking for! I honestly never thought I'd put this much thought into a pick...

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