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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1339879169' post='1695908'] Might this hilarious strap help? [url="http://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2012/02/bass-strap-gruv-gear-duostrap-signature-damian-erskine-ergonomic-double-strap/"]http://bassmusicianm...c-double-strap/[/url] [/quote] Anything to take the attention away from that beard I suppose!
  2. Yeah it's really good cheers, I did put a link back to your site in the description too. Gotta share the love!!
  3. Thanks! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXM_SKh1Xo&feature=youtu.be"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXM_SKh1Xo&feature=youtu.be[/url]
  4. By the way... is this the same Jamie Brewster who used to play in Ji?? This is the Matt Lawton formally of Eighth Day Army!
  5. [quote name='jdbrewst' timestamp='1339930284' post='1696323'] Just to add - the other part of the puzzle. The reason it would be a D7 in the first place is a device called secondary dominants, you cool with that? [/quote] Nope! Can't say I am! Cheers for the reply
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1339411750' post='1687962'] You need Davis Baker's three books on Bebop (How To Play Bebop 1, 2 & 3). That'll do it (they aren't expensive). All the pther books are narrative and not likely to give you what you want. The Baker books are great (you can also get them on Kindle if you want but the musical examples are not good/too small on the Kindle and should only be used if you are reading them on a PC). [/quote] Thanks I'll take a look!
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1339356078' post='1687377'] No but i have read a lot of books of this kind. What is it you are looking for from reading? [/quote] I just wanna try to learn a bit more about how it all works really. I'm reading 'To Be Or Not Too Bop' at the min, which is where I of heard Inside BeBop from. TBONTB is a good book but it's a biography and I'd like to read something going a bit more into the technical side of it too
  8. [url="http://www.amazon.com/Inside-Be-Bop-Leonard-Feather/dp/1451530528"]http://www.amazon.com/Inside-Be-Bop-Leonard-Feather/dp/1451530528[/url] Has anyone read this inside bebop??
  9. haha nice
  10. Are there any theory books you'd recommend, Bilbo? I'm getting to grips with the basics, what scale/arpeggio to use over certain chords and the modes and all that jazz (ba dum!) I feel a bit like I'm getting there with theory as an individual musician, a soloist, but when it comes to the song as a whole I feel a bit lost still!
  11. I do this tune with the wedding band I play in so I thought I'd put a video up with the bassline I play live on it! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmzihBe2wnE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmzihBe2wnE[/url]
  12. Yeah I tried to figure out the chords by roman numerals, I failed haha. I think this songs a bit beyond me at the moment but I'm half way through the transcription now so I may as well finish!
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1339100859' post='1683801'] It sounds to me like his coil-tap switch is broken, that's why the humbucker which goes through that switch is not working. He didn't realise that the active/passive switch was the push/pull on the vol/bal control. [/quote] Yup! My switch fell off, don't know how... Now I know (and feel quite silly ) about the active passive pull pot I probably won't pull the active stuff out. At the minute though it's causing me issues and I don't use it so I still may... The battery has come unconnected but thats just an easy solder fix. It's the switch that's the main issue now. Here's a couple of pics to hopefully clear things up a bit! https://plus.google.com/photos/108446962293244009896/albums/5751603451138177921
  14. Oh OK, nice one Bilbo. I'm trying to transcribe the sax solo at the min and was just wondering what key sig to put on the transcription. Stick with Eb- then??
  15. I want the switch to be bypassed really. Is there a way that I can wire it to just have the bass set to passive, the blend still be a blend and both pickups on?
  16. Thanks for that! It looks to be a active/passive switch! So does that wiring diagram mean I could change the function of the switch too? Even though at the minute the switch is missing on my bass and since its fell off the bridge pup wont work...
  17. I'm looking at Goodbye Pork Pie Hat at the min and I can't figure out what key it's in. I would have said Eb- but after searching online to confirm this I've come away even more confused as I've found sites that say its F-, Bb- and Ab-! Anybody care to clear this up for me? Ta!
  18. I've got a pull pot that activates a mid scoop, to be honest though I'm just not really a fan of active electronics any more, sounds a bit fake to me... Also the level coming out of that monster of a bass is nightmare to DI. I think I'm just gonna passify that mother.
  19. Yeah I've got passive pups, confirmed by the basses specs on the WW site! I'm in talks with KiOgon ATM who can make me some wires to sort me out. I've read a lot of very favourable posts here about his work too!
  20. Thanks for the extra ideas! And the "they" who put the G# in wrong wasn't freejazzlessons.com, it was me, or rather, guitarpro. Where I keep my licks I find but haven't learnt yet!
  21. Cheers Tom, I'll have another look at it and come back if I've got any troubles!
  22. Can someone just check this for me please?? Been trying to spice up a blues with some extra chords, just wondering if I'm on the right track, any errors? Any suggestions? I'm using Equinox - Coltrane Standard Chords are... C-7|%|%|%| F-7|%|C-7|%| Ab7|G9|C-7|%| What I've changed it too isn't massively different... C-7|%|%|C-7 F7| F-7|F-7 Bb7|BbM|C-7 F7| Eb-7 Ab7|D-7 G9|C-7|C-7 F7 Just trying to throw a load of 2-5s in! Over bars 5 - 7 I've been trying to use Bb Dom BeBop scale. Any comments are welcome! Cheers
  23. First thing is the same as every technique, just do it slowly. Painfully slow. Here's two riffs I got going on it with though. The first is from Primus - Ballad of Bodacious. I'm not sure if he double thumbs it but I found it quite an easy way into it as long as you can think of your thumb as a plec. [attachment=109624:bodacious.png] It's all slapped but the 2 notes with the S over, make them your 'up thumb'. I found just bringing the technique in one note at a time made it much easier than trying to do a whole line of it. After that I was working on the main riff from Power - Marcus Miller. Obviously its insanely fast so slow it down, but the idea I took from it was just practice your scales up and down, to a metronome, using your thumb like a plec again. Just try them slow and make sure you're getting a good tone, if you're not then you need to go right back to the start because there's no point playing something flashy if it's gonna sound rubbish! Hope this helped.
  24. Hey there, I'm learning a Red Garland minor 2 5 1 lick I got from freejazzlessons.com but I'm struggling to understand the theory behind it. Here's the lick anyway [attachment=109599:redgarland251.png] In bar one its just approach tones around the root (G). The last bar is just an F minor arpeggio but its the second bar I can't figure out. Any help with this one? Also if I've got either of the other bars wrong then feel free to correct me!
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