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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. Done!
  2. Free bass to go! I've got a 5 string Vintage Musicman style bass which my dad has just pulled out of his loft. I done a particularly bad defret job on when I was about 15. It's missing a tuner, a pick guard (but not the screws), strings, a nut and most of the gloss finish! If anybody wants this beast available for FREE, collected from Liverpool. [attachment=109533:IMG_0543.JPG] [attachment=109535:IMG_0544.JPG] [attachment=109536:IMG_0545.JPG]
  3. Hey there, How would I go about turning my Corvette Jazzman from active to passive? Would I need new pick ups and preamp? Thanks!
  4. lobematt


  5. lobematt


  6. I've just been watching some guitar vids on blues soloing, talking about mixing major and minor pentatonics, as well as throwing the blues scale in. In theory would one hybrid scale fit? For example, blues in D Could you solo just on D E F F# G G# A C D R 2 m3 M3 4 b5 5 7 8 I know it's better to follow the chords and pick out the good notes, but as an idiots guide would that hybrid scale work?
  7. I've started doing my youtube videos through reaper but when I render them down the quality goes a bit rubbish compared to how they looked originally. The settings I use to render are... video - ffmpeg avi 1280x720 30fps mjpeg 512 kps 128 kps 16 bit Any ideas? Thanks!
  8. I've been sent one now so not too worry but if it's not trouble i wouldn't mind having a listen to yours too!
  9. I'd say just start with anything you can already play on a fretted!
  10. Here it is, as I said I'm not sure if it looks right so let me know if it's a bit funny! Hmmm it won't let me upload it, here's a link though!! http://www.mediafire.com/?3cmrxwhulx7i9pp
  11. Thanks, I'll post it up here shortly and you can see what you make of it!
  12. I've played along on the head with the JB version and he's got an amazing feel on it.
  13. I'm learning so much from it already. A true master! Quick question for you though Bilbo, just writing the transcription out now, when do I need to go out of bass clef and into treble or write things and octave lower with the 8ve thing over it? A lot of this stuff is 4 or 5 lines ledger lines higher than the standard stave!
  14. Here's a video of Miles' So What solo, transcription to follow! http://youtu.be/rA6R7z9Uyec
  15. lobematt


    Don't see why not!
  16. Hey BassBus that'd be class if you could! Post your soundcloud address on here and I'll download it! An Paul yeah please, be interesting to have a look at it
  17. I've been looking for a backing track for 'Goodbye Pork Pie Hat' with out much luck. Anybody know where I can find one? Ta!
  18. Nice one! When you're doing transcriptions do you play it all before you write anything down or write it as you go?
  19. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1336910174' post='1652574'] [media]http://youtu.be/KqtELR5GyfI[/media] [/quote] YES!
  20. lobematt


  21. lobematt


    Bass has now had a full set up and plays perfectly!!
  22. Here's a new recording I've done of Blue Bossa trying to use Scott Devine pentatonics from his second Gary Willis lesson. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! [url="http://soundcloud.com/mattlawton/blue-bossa"]http://soundcloud.com/mattlawton/blue-bossa[/url]
  23. I'm not sure of anything specific, I'd say just try and play anything you'd normally play but using the extra string to get comfortable with it being there. Try and extend your scales and arpeggios down onto the B (or high C whichever way you went!) and that way you'll start to learn the names of the new notes on that string. Once you're a bit more involved with it you might not find it as daunting and will be able to utilize it in your normal playing!
  24. Marlowe's lessons are really good. The way I learnt it though was to start off just slowly moving up and down the strings, four hits each.
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