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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. I've been working on the Matthew Garrison four finger technique recently. The exercises I've been doing at the minute are pretty basic, just running up 4 frets on each string, 4 plucks per note, 2 plucks per note, 1 pluck per not. And then two low notes and two high for octaves and fifths. I can play these pretty steady now although not at any great speed (yet!) I've started trying to apply this to scales to make it a bit more useful but I'm getting my finger order messed up. For example if I was playing Dorian would my right hand be playing T 1 2 - T 1 - T 1 2 D E F - G A - B C D or... T 1 2 - 3 T - 1 2 3 D E F - G A - B C D What I mean is are you meant to start each new line with the thumb or continue the right hand pattern regardless? Also any other exercises to develop this technique would be much appreciated! Thanks
  2. lobematt


    its been a while bump! Give me offers!
  3. Yeah I know the computers never gonna accurately replicate human playing, just wanted to check I'd entered the rhythms right! Thanks fellas
  4. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1333374050' post='1600713'] It'd look something like this: Playing music back particularly strumming patterns through software never sounds like it's played i real life. Notation is useful as a way to remind yourself of the main accents and pattern of a rhythm guitar part, but it's pretty limited in this respect unless you want to start notating the absolute tiniest detail - that sort of score would be very accurate but virtually unreadable to the vast majority of musicians. You could try using a 'shuffle' groove preset (if your DAW has them) to add a bit more 'life' into it though. [/quote] Yeah that's the way I've got it wrote out at the min, I've tried using the shuffle but that's not getting me any closer. Jake, yeah just trying to get a part written out for one guitar.
  5. Hey there I'm working out 'Wave Hello, Say Goodbye' by David Gray for a student. I've got the chords sorted and I can play it but I'm struggling to write the strumming pattern accurately. (for the purpose I've this I'm gonna use 4 as quarter note and 8 as 8th note!!) At the min I've got it going 4 8 8 8 8 4 | 4 4 8 8 8 8| repeated.... (hope that makes sense!) I've entering it into Guitar pro and it's close as in the chords are coming in on the right beats but it's very rigid sounding. Any advice?? Thanks!
  6. Hey man, its available to download from my website [url="http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/p/transcriptions.html"]http://mattlawtonbass.blogspot.co.uk/p/transcriptions.html[/url] I've put the chords on top for the first chorus and obviously they repeat for the second! Hope you find it useful!
  7. I know this is a pretty old topic now but does anyone have another link to that video in the OP. Seems its been removed now...
  8. Yeah I know I slip out a bit, work in progress though!
  9. Here's a quick vid I recorded today of a Dexter Gordon solo I've just transcribed (well the first too chorus's at least!) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-sAj8OqNo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-sAj8OqNo[/url]
  10. Hey Sam, I think that sounds like a plan! I'd be willing to make some vids for you, probably more along the play along tutorial route. I've just started doing a few YT vids, have a look here www.youtube.com/lobematt Let me know anyway mate, cheers!
  11. http://youtu.be/6qk1Py9I7z0 Just getting started with this youtube malarky so put a few vids uptoday and yesterday. Let me know what you think!
  12. Cheers guys. Yeah it's only a 30 min lesson, I've made the mistake of trying to do an hour with an 8 year old before, not good! The guitar diagram sounds like a good idea too.
  13. Hi there, I may have a new guitar student taking lessons with me but the student is only 6 years old. I've taught kids from about 10 upwards but never this young. Does anybody have any advice on the sort of material I should be teaching with? As I've never taught anyone this young I'm just a bit unsure! Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
  14. Hey, I've just transcribed the sax solo from Solar, I've not really done much transcription before and I'm a bit rubbish when it comes to reading/writing music (but I'm working on it!) Just wondering if anyone could cast an eye over it for any major errors? I'm pretty sure most of the notes are right and most of the rhythms are probably wrong! Cheers
  15. Very nice, reminds me of the Marcus Miller version. What did you use to record that with??
  16. lobematt


    still available bump...
  17. Yo! I've been looking at Speak No Evil and I'm a bit stuck on the last few bars of the A section. Firstly the 2 bars that go E-11 A+7 | D-11 G+7| Would I be right in thinking I could play D major then C major? And then A+7|Bb-7|A+7|Bb-7| I'm thinking some sort of Locrian type scale but I'm a bit stumped really, any ideas?? Cheers!
  18. Thanks for the responses, it makes a bit more sense now, especially the modes comment. It's probably because I'm still a bit new to this jazz lark but when I see Bb major I play Bb major! I can see it when its spelt out like the post above though. Nice one boys.
  19. Im working through a Charlie Parker lick at the min an I understand all the theory except for half a bar... It's a 2 5 1 in Bb and over the end of the Bb (the 1 chord) he plays a C- arpeggio Bb G Eb C D F I can't figure out how this fits into Bb major, anyone shed some light on this?? Thanks!
  20. lobematt


    Now on Ebay!! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190645961480?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1287"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190645961480?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_500wt_1287[/url]
  21. Nice one for the transcriptions mate, what program are you using to make them? Is it just Sibelius?
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