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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. I've sorted it thanks, just had to paste the code into the HTML view not the normal view
  2. Hey there, does anyone know how to embed a soundcloud player into a blogger account? Soundcloud has a blogger button but it just posts a link and when I put the embed codes in it just shows the codes. Am I missing some HTML wizardry??
  3. I've found this little gem on youtube which I'm gonna use [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX6cx38LWN8&list=PL1C27C44E8C60D943&index=11&feature=plpp_video"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX6cx38LWN8&list=PL1C27C44E8C60D943&index=11&feature=plpp_video[/url] And with solo I'm gonna play as it is on the recording pretty much, but finger style... There's no way I can get them super fast runs with my thumb!!
  4. It's my Warwick Fortress. '94 Maple body, Wenge neck. I'm going straight through my sansamp into the desk. And I've never had it set up... are you trying to hint that I should?
  5. Hey everyone, Just thought I'd share my new recordings! I've uploaded two of my recent efforts onto soundcloud and would appreciate a fellow bassists ear over them! I know they aren't particularly groundbreaking but I'm pretty new to this jazz lark so go easy on me!! Anyhoo, hope you enjoy! [url="http://soundcloud.com/mattlawton/autumn-leaves"]http://soundcloud.com/mattlawton/autumn-leaves[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/mattlawton/summertime"]http://soundcloud.com/mattlawton/summertime[/url]
  6. Thanks for all the input, I've settled on a tune though. Something I'm into, something technical, good groove and a solo, so hopefully tick all the boxes! Power - Marcus Miller Right, I'm off to get my thumb warmed up...
  7. Well it doesn't cost us anything for the advertising and we give a free lesson so it's pretty even I reckon! The idea being the student from your free lesson stays on though I think it's worth it
  8. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1328642144' post='1530602'] It might be worth getting the clarity of what they understand as Grade 8. Not an unreasonable question. If you decide on the "standards route", Mike Dimns book "The Art of Solo Bass" has the transcriptions for Shadow Of Your Smile, Over the Rainbow and a good Rhythm Changes transcription in a Comping/Melody style. Very effective and lots of room for Improv. If you haven't got the book, I would be happy to scan and email for you. [/quote] Yeah man that'd be great! You gotta PM!
  9. Not sure about doing 2 pieces, they've only asked for one but it can't hurt to have another prepared in the bag I've thought about doing a standard, Autumn Leaves maybe, melody, bassline, improv, melody type thing. Would definitely be over the 5 min mark too. The school isn't open yet so I'm not too sure what type of music they do but I think they're trying to sell it as like a jam school so I think it might be quite rocky. Dlloyd - lovin that vid, might try and do something like that. I've seen Marcus Miller do Come Together in a similar style, could be worth a go!
  10. Hi there! The Daily Mail and musicteachers.co.uk are doing a promotion together where you can get a free taster lesson with one of their teachers. This is a deal I'm participating in so if you'd like a free guitar or bass lesson then pick up the Daily Mail on Wednesday and look out for the voucher!! Matt
  11. The email I got with the audition info says... "it must be of a high level (Grade 8/Diploma). We are looking for all applicants to show themselves and their skills..." And that's basically it!
  12. I've got an audition in 2 weeks as a teacher in a new music school. They've asked me to prepare a grade 8 standard piece of at least 5 mins. I'm not too sure how hard a grade 8 piece should be, I've had a search on youtube and anything that comes up doesn't really look too bad. I was thinking Come On Come Over but that's about a minute short of the 5 min mark. What do you think to Continuum? Or maybe Master Blaster or Sir Duke? Or any other suggestions you've got or songs you have played in the past would be helpful! Cheers
  13. Is this still available mate? PM if it is!
  14. lobematt


    [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1327744170' post='1516028'] This is a great price for Mexican. There are squires on here for the same money and more. Great basses. [/quote] Right you are my good man!! Yeah to be honest I don't know if it is definitely allparts, I'm just going on what the guy told me who sold me it from these forums last year. It is a good solid neck though, much better than the Mexican and Squire ones
  15. Well i did mean just ask her to explain her picking technique a little or ask her some questions, rather than tell her about her extortionate shipping prices!
  16. Is that standard? Looks like that low C is still pretty low like the original??
  17. [quote name='tremblap' timestamp='1327229217' post='1507939'] I'd like to see the Carol Kaye DVD, do you have more details? The only thing that Amazon send back is a £43 cassette... [/quote] Try contacting carol direct on the forums on her website, she's always very helpful an pretty quick to respond!
  18. have to give that a listen!
  19. Yo! I'm looking at Footprints at the min but I'm not sure how to tackle the bass part partly as its the first jazz tune I've tried in 6/8! Also the bass on the version from Adams Apple seems to go in and out of a bass riff. I was just wondering how other bassists here approach the song? And when you're walking would you pretty much treat it as you would any other tune but with an extra 2 beats per bar? Thanks!
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