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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. lobematt


    Still available bump!
  2. There's a free e-book you can download from www.jazzadvice.com which is all about visualization. Talks about being able to visualize single chords at first, then the min/maj or whatever comes after it moving up to progressions like ii V I etc. I can't really vouch for it as its pretty hefty and I haven't really gotten stuck into it but it looks the business! And it's free so probably worth a bash anyway!
  3. Thanks for them I'll give them a try. We play pretty poppy stuff really but rocked up a bit and a bit of rock. From Kinks and Jam to Kings of Leon, Killers, Beatles, just stuff to get people dancing really! I've found quite a lot of venues that put bands on but I've not had any luck with gigs yet!! If I do find one too put us on I'll put their details up here for you!
  4. lobematt


    Pm's replied to - still available at the min!
  5. Thanks for that. I'm still not sure I'm with it but I'll keep reading over it and hope it sinks in! The only reason I asked about the arpeggio was to know what notes to aim for in my improvising/basslines, so III and VII are probably my best choices? If +9 is augmented, is that basically where my bIII has come from then??
  6. Hey everyone I'm looking for any decent venues for covers bands to play around the Liverpool/Manchester/Crewe area. Any suggestions?? Cheers!
  7. Just got a bit stuck on two chords that have cropped up in 2 songs I've been looking at... The first one is in Summertime and its the A7+9. I assumed that it would have been A7 with a 9 added like A B C# D E F# G A B. In the Aebersold book though it says the notes for the solo are A Bb C C# D# F G A Bb C. Can anyone explain this for me?? Also if it has a minor and major 3rd which one would you use for the arpeggio? The second one is sort of similar, it's the bar in Footprints with E7+9 then A7+9+5 but with Eb7+11 in brackets underneath it. I imagine the E7+9 is the same answer as above but can anyone tell me whats going on with the second half? Cheers!!
  8. Thanks for the replies, sloblue you gotta pm!
  9. lobematt


    This is still for sale, I've replied to a few PMs and not had many responses! I think xmas/nye is too blame! Rushbo - PM'd
  10. I'm looking for a camera to do some youtube vids and I have no idea what I'm looking for! I'm just looking for half decent video and sound quality really, would a webcam and an audio interface be my best bet? Or a camera with a decent mic? Thanks in advance!
  11. Hey there, I know youtubes pretty good for finding backing tracks but I can't find a decent playalong for Solar - Miles Davis, anywhere! I don't suppose any of you kind chaps would mind making one and uploading?? Or at least point me in the right direction! Chars!
  12. lobematt


    [quote name='lobematt' timestamp='1324737472' post='1477467'] No idea you mate! I don't think they are tbh, I can't see any trace of a name on them. Sidviscous - I would post but not sure on the cost of it yet, I have had some interest over a PM but nothing firm yet. [/quote] Excuse my stupidity, that PM was from you... Continue your business as usual gentlemen!!
  13. lobematt


    [quote name='MusicLover20015' timestamp='1324574613' post='1475847'] Are the pickups duncan designed ones ? [/quote] No idea you mate! I don't think they are tbh, I can't see any trace of a name on them. Sidviscous - I would post but not sure on the cost of it yet, I have had some interest over a PM but nothing firm yet.
  14. Hey there I read this on JazzAdvice... [i]"[color=#FFA700][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4]IV) Study the sounds that move you[/size][/font][/color][/i][color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [i]It could be a short chord progression. It could be a pop tune that you happened to catch on the radio. It might be a ii-V line played by one of your heroes. It might be a voicing that sends a chill down your spine. It could even be just one note.[/i][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [i]Whatever they are, find the sounds that resonate with you personally and study them. Figure out what they are, how they work, and how to use them. What exactly is it about that sound moves you? Why do you like that particular chord progression, melody, or rhythm?[/i][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [i]The answers to these questions will lead you to finding your own voice. Listen to any great player and you’ll hear the same harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic devices showing up again and again in their solos. This is not a coincidence. Find your strengths and personal sound and let it come through in your playing."[/i][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] So I first thought of the leading bass melody in A Remark You Made, which I'm looking at in a jazz duo I've recently formed, but I'm not too sure how to read much further into it than what's obvious on the surface?[/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] So it's over a C- using a C- scale, then accents the Ab and the chord changes to Ab/C and after that the chords seem to go in a sort of cycle of 5ths (im not sure if that's right btw!) with a descending bassline. But the question is... What can I take from this too apply to the quote above? Or have I missed the point slightly?[/size][/font][/color]
  15. [quote name='Faithless' timestamp='1324557957' post='1475539'] Lobematt- that's why you, first of all, should improvise out of time, not with a recording on(which implies time, and time is moving forward), maybe writing out some ideas, so that you have something you can experiment with. Improvising in time is not bad though, as you can check if the stuff you've been working on is coming out or not - if it's not, it means some more woodshed.. easy Laimis [/quote] I do try a bit of improvising out of time but tend to end up noodling aimlessly, I'll keep at it though (maybe just with more concentration haha). Cheers bro
  16. any trades?? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/162266-mim-jazz-fs/page__p__1472662__hl__jazz__fromsearch__1#entry1472662"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/162266-mim-jazz-fs/page__p__1472662__hl__jazz__fromsearch__1#entry1472662[/url]
  17. [quote name='JPS' timestamp='1324487938' post='1474895'] Am I right in thinking that a lot of early jazz soloists used the melody of the tune as their starting point and then embellished it in some way, e.g. rhythmically, harmoncially etc? [/quote] This is how I tend to do it, as I'm still pretty new to jazz improvising I sometimes find it difficult for my brain to keep up with the chord changes but thankfully my ears work a bit quicker than my brain does and I find it easier improvising using the melody as a guide really.
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