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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. Yeah by session I don't mean just studio, I basically mean people calling me up wanting to give me money to play my bass! Which I know is far down the road and very hard to come by but I know it's not impossible.
  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1312726' date='Jul 22 2011, 01:53 PM']If it's done wrong you can certainly muck up the overall capacitance of the bass which will do horrid things to the sound. But done correctly and with attention to detail there's no reason not to shield out the entire bass. I'm sure I've posted these before but here are a couple of mine.... [/quote] In that pic I can see the little bits sticking out for the bridge, that's one part I've never quite understood though. Do you have to have a piece of copper from a cavity with electronics in it to the bridge or just one at the bridge? Sorry it's quite hard to explain because I've got no idea what I'm talking about!
  3. I don't ever use it but if it's good enough for Sir Paul! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obFcsEtFIKA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obFcsEtFIKA[/url]
  4. Thanks for the reply mate, I did have a feeling the answer that came back was going to be along the "It's not what you know..." lines. I'm just wondering how to even get on the radar for these people! Sitting in on sessions would be a good idea, I'll give Parr St a call and see what they say!
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1314824' date='Jul 24 2011, 03:19 PM']MEC's have a certain tone to them, for some people and some types of music they are great. For others less so.[/quote] I've got MECs in my fortress and haven't ever thought about changing them, on the other hand though I'm dying to get them out of my corvette!
  6. I'm in the process of putting together a musicians CV complete with demos, youtube links etc, with a view to get some session work out of it. My question is though, who would I be best off sending it too? Would it be labels, management companies, studios, all of the above or someone else entirely? Cheers!
  7. [quote name='lanark' post='1311751' date='Jul 21 2011, 04:58 PM']Double necked guitars always look like something alien that's come out half-baked from John Carpenter's The Thing[/quote] Good aren't they
  8. Lee Sklars new custom... [url="http://www.warwick.de/modules/custom_shop/NewsCustomShop.php?newsID=3353&modell=Tennessee&page=0&cl=DE"]Full details here...[/url]
  9. [quote name='dan670844' post='1310705' date='Jul 20 2011, 07:17 PM']Download the manual dude, its in there if you got a sansamp bypass your preamp on your amp go for the poweramp in option, its pretty close. Check out the new Ampeg stuff as well is pretty good.............[/quote] Got it, I'll give that a go next practice. Does is make much difference if you use it as a preamp?
  10. Haha i do love an SVT, whats the SVT settings on a sansamp??
  11. Hey, This is an advert for the drummer from my function band. He's getting a metal band together which so far consists of drums and guitar, looking for another guitar, vocals and bass. I've jammed with them a few times and its really good stuff played by top class musicians! Quite proggy for metal, odd measures, heavy as anythin too! The only reason I'm not playing with them is because I'm struggling to find time to play with my main band so didn't think it was fair to sign up for something I couldn't put 100% in because I know thats the kind of player they need! They are based around crewe, if anybodies interested I can provide the demos they gave me to learn.
  12. Haha, nice one mate. Did you have good results?
  13. I wanna shield my basses but this is my first little venture in this neck of the woods so I've got a few questions... Will I need to shield everything to make a difference? (The pickup cavities, back of pick guard and electronics cavity?) And also how far would a 20 x 30cm sheet get me? Baring in mind this is my first attempt so may not be the neatest job in the world!
  14. Thats class. Definitely more likely to try a product if you know you can send it back and swap it if you dont get on with it!
  15. Cheers bro, just sent him an email now, the 74s sound like they could be winners, are they the same price as the others?
  16. Thats it I'm going for it! I'm thinkin a set of 84s for my bitza J. I want it to be pretty upfront tone wise, are these the right choice rather than the 64s? It'll be used mainly in wedding band function stuff, kings of leon type stuff...
  17. [quote name='Muzz' post='1263945' date='Jun 10 2011, 02:07 PM']Yep, I'm on my second set of Wizards - first set went into my FrankenP/J, second set are for my Fortress (which should be interesting). Fantastic pickups. Can't help thinking a pair of 84s in my S1 Jazz might be very interesting indeed...[/quote] Did you ever stick Wizards in your Fortress? Would be interested to hear the results...
  18. [quote name='thebrig' post='1300232' date='Jul 11 2011, 07:50 PM'][i][b]Jazz Bass[/b][/i] Mighty Mite Body £120 Mighty Mite Precision Neck with ‘Ebonal’ board £75 No-Name Deluxe Tuners £40 Gotoh 201 Bridge £35 EMG Active Pickups £110 Natural Ash with 'Tru-Oil' (gunstock oil) £8 Total [b]£388[/b] [i][b]Precision Bass[/b][/i] Squier VM Body £40 Mighty Mite Jazz Neck with maple board £75 Wilkinson Tuners £24 Gotoh 201 Bridge £35 Wizard Thumper Pickup £50 Tortoiseshell pickguard £15 Total [b] £239[/b] As you can see, quite a big saving was made on the precision, because I only needed one pickup, and the body only cost me £40. I purchased the Squier Vintage Modified bass for £125 from ebay, I then sold on the neck, tuners, scratchplate and pickups for a total of £85. The body was in great condition, so no paint job was required. Admittedly, building your own is not that cheap, but you do get the satisfaction of choosing the parts and look, and I must say, for a little over £600, I have myself two very nice basses, that play and sound as good as anything I have tried in the shops, including US Fenders.[/quote] Thanks! I've been after a fretless P for a while and I think your price list may have just sold me!
  19. lobematt


    I've only ever played the corvette RB with JJ pups. It was pretty good for the rock stuff I was playing at the time but wouldn't say it had much of a Jazz bass sound for having the 2 Js in it. I've not played any others so couldnt really comment on the tonal differences
  20. lobematt


    I wouldn't rule out the Rockbasses as they are solid basses, but I would say they are entry level, and for the price of a new one you could ge a 2nd hand German WW. I'd recommend you looking at the Streamer range, probably the Stage One with the P/J pups. Or possibly the Corvette $$?
  21. lobematt


    I bought a second hand 5 string fretless Fortress, '93 model all wenge neck and FB, flamed maple body AND a hard case... £400, you can't really argue with prices like that!!
  22. lobematt


    The price tag of new Warwicks can be pretty staggering but the second hand prices can be ridiculously cheap, especially on these forums! If you let us know what type of music you play or what kind of sound you'll probably get a much better answer about which types of basses you should be looking at! I'm sure whichever you pick you wouldn't be disappointed with, the Std Corvettes are very solid all rounders that will probably be in your budget.
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