Just trawling the bay and saw a 1972 Fender P, someone had asked a fairly sensible question;
Q: Hi, Just looking at the numbers you've stated, I would think your bass is more likely to be a '1973' than a '1972'. The backplate number 39xxxx corresponds best with the 1973 Fender serial number range 370000-530000. The neck number 01033913 also suggests 1973 - I have similar 1973 Precision bass with neck number 01032423. I think that the last digit, 3, indicates the year of manufacture, i.e. 1973. I am a bit concerned that your pot code number is 1378331, which would correspond to the 31st week of 1983. The pot code on my bass is 1377310, the 10th week of 1973, which is right for the year of manufacture. Are you sure you read the pot code correctly? It should be 1377331...sometimes they are difficult to read due to solder covering them over. Sorry to be a bit of an anorak, but maybe you will find this information useful. Rergards, Tony.
and got this answer;
A: Tony thanks for your informed comments but unless you want to bid i couldn't give a fek about your comments. Sure there might have been a pot change etc etc like the oil filter on your 2004 ford focus , why bother viewing and commenting, view prior , bid to win !
How pleasant!