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Grand Wazoo

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Everything posted by Grand Wazoo

  1. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1331278064' post='1570556'] I don't really see the point.... [/quote] Me neither, I can imagine the risk of injury from shards detatching from the quartz that could slipt your fingers
  2. To me it was a number of basslines that drove me into stop everything and pick up the bass. The first one was the Beatles - Come Together followed by Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused with the deciding one being Lou Reed - Lust for Life, I threw the electric guitar and sold everything to get me a proper bass and a big f*** off amp!
  3. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1331047960' post='1566823'] I hope i had a door stoper put in there to keep it from opening too much GW! Nice colection, congrats! [/quote] The door doesn't open all the way or enough to hit the basses, there is a stop in place at the bottom.
  4. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1331042862' post='1566726'] I'm sorry. I'm sure what you are describing there is obvious to everyone else on this Forum but me, but I don't have an earthly clue what your on about there. Not that it would matter. Gabriel himself could show me how to slap/pop on his heavenly harp and i [i]still [/i]wouldn't get it. (much to my annoyance, as I'm sure any oaf can do it really ) (I just don't get that ) Slap & pop groove thang I feel like the entire world is in on some joke I dont get. Its f***ing annoying sometimes! .... .sigh I think that I'll go and clean out the fish pond. [/quote] try this if it's any help, if not then I am sorry to have confused you even more. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYkLG0KoUfM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYkLG0KoUfM[/url]
  5. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1331028177' post='1566384'] What a lovely wall o bass. Feel free to bring (the basses not the wall) to the EABB! [/quote] Sadly I won't be doing the EABB, I went to the London one though.
  6. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1331022794' post='1566281'] I have to say I really like your PRS [/quote] Yeah, a proper man's bass that one! All muscle like a Ford Mustang!
  7. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1331001835' post='1566196'] Nice wall of bass you there. Personally I'd have gone with f 5.6 1/30 at ISO 200 though. can I just ask though, you say "(rest your palm on the bridge and rock the hand." you definitely mean [b]on the bridge[/b] ? [/quote] As a matter of fact I meant it yes only for the purpose of getting the groove that's why I said slap/mute. Of course the same can be achieved by "ghosting" the open A with the fretting hand and slapping your thumb by the edge of the fretboard or indeed muting with the palm near the end of the fretboard, but the string is too bouncy and soft at that point when you slap and mute, I find (and this is personal perhaps) that by the bridge the string it is tighter and the slap bounces off much clearer when muting.
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1330990319' post='1566098'] And now Fran has to teach me the dark art of.........slapping :-0 [/quote] What little I know of it. But here is your first step towards it and it involves the "M" word M for Metronome! (there's loads of metronome apps for iphone devices) Set it to 90bpm and slap / mute (rest your palm on the bridge and rock the hand so that the motion of your thumb is dropping on to the string but the palm will mute it from ringing) the open A at every click for a good 2 minutes until it flows out of your wrist naturally. Then start introducing 1 pull by going T / T / T / P. P= Pull mute the fretted A on the G string 2nd fret. Again repeat for 2 min. Once you've got that down, stat jazzing it up, alternate the T & P randomly. i.e T / T / P / P or P / T / T / P repeating the same pattern over the metronome beat until you feel a good groove. This "groove" concept needs to be learnt and the best thing to do is after you get it nice and flowy on the Metronome, start trying it with a drum beat from say... garage band on your ipad.Once you master the groove we can introduce small blues scale passages into the slap notes that will make it more interesting and will allow you to apply it to most songs.
  9. Ok got your pm, no it wasn't you who taught me, it was Professor dave_bass5
  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1330984443' post='1565948'] Nice sharp pic's Fran. [/quote] I've learnt from the best! [b][size=2](1/13s - f/5.6 - ISO 400 with the flash pointing to the opposite wall behind me)[/size][/b]
  11. [b][sub]This post contain nuts.[/sub][/b] Wayne the basses are all back, the house is (97.56%) completed, I've sent you a pm with an invite, as you said you wanted to come and try them and now is your chance. Pm me back if you are still interested or if you have changed your mind, either way it's fine by me. Cheers
  12. [quote name='jhk' timestamp='1330922726' post='1564800'] whoops..................................c`est moi!! [/quote] Finally I now know what your username is here. Ha!
  13. I struggled to get about today on crutches but managed to get a considerable amount of shots here they are: [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=CaptMoto&target=ALBUM&id=5716135426974485425&authkey=Gv1sRgCNKVsqeMrrvvzgE&feat=email&mode=SLIDESHOW"]https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=CaptMoto&target=ALBUM&id=5716135426974485425&authkey=Gv1sRgCNKVsqeMrrvvzgE&feat=email&mode=SLIDESHOW[/url]
  14. I went there today and as for basschatters, I've only met Ped and a very tall man with a pony tail that was having fun with a 6 strings Dingwall ABZ
  15. [quote name='GregHughes' timestamp='1330891143' post='1564498'] Dry Cleaner from Des Moines on Mingus is a great track. First heard in on 6 music at work and the bass line stopped me in my tracks. Had to go on Amazon and order the album right away. Rest of the album is good but that is the stand out track for me. Thanks for the offer re the blank cd but just bought a copy anyway. Prefer to have original cd's than copies in my collection but much appreciated anyway. Happy to record any of the purchases for you if you want. [/quote] That's ok I already have all of those you've just bought (big Jaco fan here) hehe
  16. [quote name='GregHughes' timestamp='1330890265' post='1564479'] Thanks. It was Dry Cleaners from Des Moines that I was talking about originally. Such a great bass groove. Have to play it on repeat in the car. Absolutely love it and although I had obviously heard of Jaco didn't realise it was him until I posted on here about the tone of the bass on that track. Think I'll order Shadows and light now and check out the Youtube stuff in a bit. [/quote] Send me a blank CD I've got Shadows and Light import CD with bonus tracks, I'll copy on your if you want.
  17. [quote name='GregHughes' timestamp='1330888302' post='1564439'] Evening, Having recently been loving a Jaco bass line in a Joni Mitchell track which I didn't realise was Jaco until later, I want to hear more of this great musician but there seems to be a fair amount of material. What tracks should I seek out first? [/quote] Check out the track Dry Cleaners from Des Moines, Jaco comes in at around the 1 min mark and his style is the greatest. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnpyCEUESEw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnpyCEUESEw[/url]
  18. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1330739688' post='1562523'] It's just plain wrong! Why would you file Stevie Ray Vaughan Live at The El Mocambo between 200 Motels and Zappa's Universe? Nice Dingwall by the way. [/quote] that's what happens when you let the missus tidy up the place. God bless her in heaven (R.I.P.) I couldn't bring myself to change them around after she passed away.
  19. I loved my HSS / FLAME Spoiler: horrible string retainer on headstock, making a work of art looking cheap Also very heavy bass, mine was a five strings and weighed 10lb 8oz
  20. I presently own 3 x Ding'a'lings one of them is a Super J 5 strings in Fiesta Red with maple neck / fingerboard. Difficult to beat, it's one hell of a monster J bass. it is light, with lots of good usable tones, whether you play it passive with the Glokenklang off or active you will always have an array of different sounds. The scale length it's just right 35" - 33" the body is chambered to keep within low weight but also to increase sustain and resonance. A fantastic little combo of a bass, I have not had a single person trying it and not loving it. here is mine:
  21. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1330623791' post='1560664'] Here's an update: BassDirect - Dbass, Darkglass, Joe Hubbard, [b][color=#800080]Fran (aka Grand Wazoo) easily recognizabe on crutches.[/color][/b] Bassgear - Molan, TomKent Hartke - Dood guitarguitar - wesfinn MarkBass - Steve Lawson (+ masterclass Sun!) EAD - david l perry Status Stand - G-77 Stompbox - dudewheresmybass Overwater - Scott Devine JHS - BigJim [b]Random wanderers, Sat[/b] Lozz196, Rumple, Machines, sibob, billyapple, raggy, discreet, urb (will be at wimbush/thorne masterclasses), goblin, blackmn90, ped (tbc), charic, Mr Lizard, The Greek, exbass, louisthebass, seashell, bluejay, hobbayne, mike f, jamesbass116, [b]Random wanderers, Sun[/b] Walman, gcut58, ras52, seashell, bluejay (tbc), PTB, Jamie_k11, ped (poss) [color=#800080][b]Fran (aka Grand Wazoo) [b][color="#800080"]easily recognizabe on crutches.[/color][/b][/b][/color] Plus some newbie called JPJ or something. Not sure if he's a member though so we may have to ignore him. That's my last update now. I'll be off line tomorrow as am driving down to Surrey and visiting the Aged Parent. Then I'll be going up to that Lunnon on the train from Walton on Thames Sat and Sun. Really looking forward to it and to meeting some of you guys. I don't have a BC shirt to identify me, but I'm blonde and will be wearing glasses and an over-awed expression. Bluejay - I'll text you to confirm our meet up when there. [/quote] Updating your update.....
  22. [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/italia-modulo-tipo-1-bass--44946"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/italia-modulo-tipo-1-bass--44946[/url]
  23. Put it this way, whether you are a highly skilled soloist or not, there are times when you are up there and if more frets are available all the better. If I had a choice between 21 and 24 I would think, in for a penny in for a pound, let's go for 24.
  24. I tried their coated ones and didn't like the coarse feel of them, plus they didn't really lived up to the "longer life" prospect to me at least, I will try a set of these when they come out to see what the fuzz is all about, until that time I reserve judgement [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxyW5osj2IE[/media]
  25. great stuff, thanks for posting
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