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Grand Wazoo

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Everything posted by Grand Wazoo

  1. [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1446717390' post='2901631'] Really nice! Brave - as that bass is so nice to start with but it looks like its paying off! Love to see more pics of the finished product! [/quote] No problem, I am collecting it Sunday don't forget too bookmark Ian Allerton Facebook page, in case any of you need any work done in the area from Greater London to Hertfordshire, Ian is based in Ware, Herts, [size=5][url="https://www.facebook.com/awesomeguitarrepairs/"]https://www.facebook...eguitarrepairs/[/url][/size]
  2. I have owned my ABZ 5 Natural Ash for over 5 years, it is undoubtedly one of my favorite bass, simple passive, organic no thrills, plug and play perfection. I loved the look of the swamp ash body grains but for a year or so, I had this vision that a lot more could be done to enhance its looks and really bring out the texture of those ash grains forward with a few stages of transformation. One day I saw a picture of a faded ash body seafoam green telecaster and I was hooked. I took my bass and that pic to a local luthier guru friend of mine, Ian Allerton here in UK at Guitar Works https://www.facebook.com/awesomeguitarrepairs/ and asked him if he could materialize this project I had in mind, he said yes and explained to me that to obtain the result I wanted the bass would have to be sprayed, first black, then sea foam green, then white, and then the hand sanding will take place to remove the bulk of the white, and then gently rub the sea foam green to reveal the black underneath which would have by then sunken through the grains and then finally once the right effect was obtained he would have to seal the lot with a thin coat of polyurethane just like the original Dingwall product. So quite an intense process Here is what he did in the correct stages... [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1070_zpskmjuba36.jpg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1071_zpsgv99ivep.jpg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1072_zpsnytjj6qx.jpg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1073_zpseregkmvb.jpg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1074_zpsmippl0ui.jpg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1075_zpsq9nr6cxk.jpg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1082_zpslddba3eg.jpeg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1083_zpskdnpjhom.jpeg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1086_zps65k3cejf.jpeg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1080_zpsejjqxvew.jpeg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1085_zpsq3hzzuvj.jpeg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1084_zpsisk45vyu.jpeg.html][/url] [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/ABZ%205%20Transformation/IMG_1081_zpsyhyvsrzm.jpeg.html][/url] All he needs to do is to apply the lacquer and it's done. Oh yes I might as well show you where I got the idea from.. [url=http://s144.photobucket.com/user/xt660/media/seafoam_zpshadtxl85.jpg.html][/url]
  3. For me it was a case of... one day I'll get one of these, because back in the 80's I was pretty much a student with very little resources, and by the time I saved enough for a "proper bass" the only choice I had back then was either this Ibanez the one I saw was just a P no J pickup and a Squier JV, having tried both, the Squier won by a small margin, but I pencilled that bass in my head and lo and behold 30 years later I got one. Meantime the Squier JV got stolen here in 1987 and the rest is history as per my signature pics, the only basses I keep are the ones I consider essential, from 1984 to current date, I've bought and sold a large number of basses, some with regret some a relief, but these ones here all have a story to tell and a great voice to tell it too! They are my "keepers"
  4. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1446624376' post='2900827'] You have an RB 650 there - In my humble opinion, one of the best passive basses. I just does what you need it to, without any fuss. Sweet. [/quote] Yes you're pretty accurate the model says Series RB 650 BY (BY is for the Burgundy colour) Here are the factory specs I found on line Model Name: Roadstar II Series Bass model RB650BY (Burgundy) Color Burgundy Body- Basswood & Birch (they've could have used either of them) Number of Frets: 21 Fretboard: Maple Neck Material: Maple Nut Width: 1.6" (40 mm) Scale Length: 34" (86.36 cm) Neck Plate: Standard 4 Bolt Pickups: 1 x Super P4 + 1 x Super J4 Serial no. C844111 Built 15th April 1984 [color=#000000][font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3]Your guitar was made at the Terada Plant, Japan, 1984 Production Number: 4111[/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color]
  5. Yes I have mentioned about my Ibanez Roadster II before, it was a really lucky find on ebay. It's a PJ and has an infectious growl and punch, for what I paid (£190 on ebay) it came to me in a sorry state and I stripped it, polished it, removed layers of gunk and after a day of intensive care it came out like a brand new bass, the wiring loom was intact from when it was built everything under the hood was perfect. It has become one of my fav basses because it's so well seasoned it has a great sustain and a gorgeous neck. Very basic bridge bit of bent tin stile but has brass saddles and a real bone nut. The truss rod works perfectly and I have managed to achieve a near perfect compromise between action and neck tension without any string buzz. What I love about those pickups that they are Di Marzio copies and that means they have hex key adjustable twin pickup poles, which give you a great deal of adjustment towards achieving the optimal string to string volume by raising or lowering the poles accordingly. Anyone who has played it, loved it just like Dave did last week
  6. This: http://www.prsguitars.com/grainger5/
  7. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1445999782' post='2896080'] Still got jet lag Fran? [/quote] Monday all day, dunno how I managed the Marcus Miller gig, luckily Tues morning I booked half day off at work and I was able to get up at a civilized time (11:30am) after after which I was fine, thanks, got to say, this jet lag has been a bit though on this ol' boy.
  8. In conclusion, I have to say I have had nothing to really write home about the New York music stores, I think despite the reduced size of the store Bass Direct wipes his bottom with any NYC stores I have seen, yes they've got huge real estate but not a lot worth jumping up and down about, except Sam Ash which had the largest range of your main stream basses such as Fenders, Ibanez, Music Man, and anything you can get cheaper online at Thomans. Prices look good but to buy there and have tax added plus customs, when you work it all out, the saving doesn't really justify the effort. I tell you what guys, sod the music shops if you go to New York you've got to do this! Best $284 I have spent that week. Check out the Deluxe Tour at this link: https://www.heliny.com/ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1012308085478537.1073742022.446213212088030&type=3
  9. [quote name='jimmy23cricket' timestamp='1445942791' post='2895538'] I'm sure he picked up the musicman, it was just after he was talking about the island he visited off the coast of Senegal and the song it inspired. He played the sax to start with and then picked that one up (I thought it was fretless to be honest!) Personally I thought the five string wasn't as defined as his usual 4, but my god when he picked up that 4...amazing stuff. [/quote] Ah... That must have been when I went to the loo
  10. Much to my surprise he DID play a [b]Sire 5 strings [/b]bass for the first 2 songs, then.... he went to his proper Fender Japan MM Model And he also had a MusicMan Stingray 4 as a back up bass, but he never used it, I would have loved to hear what that sounded like in his hands but the Sire did fair pretty well and low and behold, played by Marcus sounded like Marcus, which goes to show that more often than not a signature sound is in the player's hands and not so much the gear he uses. [url="https://flic.kr/p/A1Gb6h"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/A1Gb6h"]Marcus Miller Live at the Barbican London 26th Oct 2015[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/fcamardo_night_time_photography/"]Francesco Camardo[/url], on Flickr
  11. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1445499508' post='2891856'] That's interesting what you were saying about the Ibanez fanned fret thing. What is that they've not got right Fran? Just curious, I'm certainly not considering jumping ship from Dingwall. [/quote] It's simple Gary, the main purpose behind the Novax fan fret concept is to give you clear definition throughout the range string to string by rendering a multi scale fretboard whereby your lower strings would have a longer stretch, up to 37" on a low B and down to 35" on the G string, this concept is derived from piano strings which becomes longer as they get lower. Novax and Sheldon found the 37"-35" to translate quite comfortably and so when you pick one up, it feels almost like a natural transition, except of course for the first 4 frets where you need to slightly adjust your left hand to reach the top frets. Now Ibanez has opted not to use this extended fretboard and kept it all at abt 34" probably down to 32 on a G string, I would estimate, and the result is, a very crunched up fretboard where you need to really look where you are on the neck in order not to land your fingers on the wrong fret and even wrong string. I got so used to my ABZ that can just pick it up and play it with my eyes close looking away from the fretboard knowing exactly where I am on the neck. I couldn't do the same with that Ibanez, in fact I couldn't play it at alw
  12. Right my first stop last night was at Sam Ash, which according to the main guy there (Michael Sabatino) the store incorporates what was once Manny's after it closed down. It's a big store, still not a multy storey one, and its all spread on the ground floor, but it covers a large area nonetheless, and has a good variety of instruments from the affordable to the dreamy Fodera arm and a leg basses. Being a Dingwall fan, my attention was immediately drawn towards these new Ibanez fan fretted basses and I tried their 5 strings but aside the typical Ibanez mid rage SDR middle of the road type of sound the playability and their take on the fan fret style of bass did not make me feel at home, in fact it was I believe a flawed attempt to emulate the great work of Sheldon Dingwall and Le Fay. SO I thought crap and put it back. The other bass that caught my attention and made me immediately fall in love with, was a 4 strings PRS Gary Granger model, god almighty what a bass, light as a feather, we are talking 8 to 8.5 lbs max, it has a clever array of sounds from the two double coil pickups, decent on board preamp, and you can tell as soon as you lay your hand on the fretboard this was a quality bass, close your eye and play and feel like you don't even need to see where your hand is on the neck. Superb and I need to try their 5 strings one, one of these days as that would probably be on my future shopping list. Here's what the front of the shop looks alike (iPhone shot) [url=https://flic.kr/p/zNUYo5] [/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/zNUYo5]Sam Ash Store, New York, 334 W 34th Street[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/fcamardo_night_time_photography/]Francesco Camardo[/url], on Flickr and here is a quick vid of the inside of the store Next stop will be Bass lounge on 48th I must warn anyone going to any store in NY not just bass stuff related. the staff in these stores do not fully appreciate the concept of "window shopping" or visiting a store just to test stuff for a future purchase. They want you to spend and buy now and take it with you. This geezer the moment he saw me enjoying that PRS he kept nagging to me about special tax free deals for overseas clients, as apparently New Jersey has no tax so ordering from their NJ store and have it delivered anywhere in UK meant no tax just retail cost and shipping its all you had to pay. To be honest a good deal if you really want cause UK prices are much higher compared, so if I was really interested the deal is no doubt worthy of substantial saving ££ Anyway they are overly keen and somewhat repetitive and a bit annoying. [url=https://flic.kr/p/zNUYr1] [/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/zNUYr1]Sam Ash Bass section[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/fcamardo_night_time_photography/]Francesco Camardo[/url], on Flickr
  13. Thanks to all those who helped on the matter I have set a schedule for Thursday after returning from Boston to check all those shops. Cheers
  14. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1445325305' post='2890490'] I don't want to seem like I'm on a downer, but the New York bass thing has been done here loads of times. The search facility is your friend. Sadly, the days of pawn shops having a pile of dusty 60s Fenders in the back is history and New York prices are yikes. Just go to the Bass Lounge, have a chat with Larry and look at the new shiny stuff that's on sale everywhere else. P [/quote] Luckily other friendly forum members have replied with their valuable input. Thanks anyway
  15. Oh no I am not planning on bringing anything back, I'm here purely as a tourist, I was just curious to see what their stores are like
  16. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1445295814' post='2890448'] Bass lounge on 48th? [/quote] Cheers, I'll stick that in my notebook actually I can walk it there it's really close to my hotel https://goo.gl/maps/sGp68Qoym9T2
  17. So I'm in New York for a week, aside from doing the tourist thing, between here, Boston and Washington D.C. I've got a couple of days where I'd like to check the local bass related stores. Funny enough my hotel is in Times Square and round the corner I found Manny's or what's left of it, an empty shell of a store, looks like it has been closed down for a few years, tramps are sleeping outside the main shutter and there's piles of old building material all around. So where is worth checking? I've hired a Grand Cherokee for the week so I could drive anywhere, the annoying american speaking sat nav is handy when you haven't got a clue where you are going this even tells me where i can and cannot park, and from what time to what time. pretty smart Wish we had that system in London too. Thanks for your suggestions this is just outside my hotel [url="https://flic.kr/p/yZcMNX"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/yZcMNX"]New York / Times Square[/url] by [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/fcamardo_night_time_photography/"]Francesco Camardo[/url], on Flickr
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442226966' post='2865242'] I'm going to stick my neck out and say it's an early 80s Ibanez MC-924. I could be wrong, of course - but whatever it is, I want one. [/quote] Found the original specs catalog on line http://www.ibanezwiki.com/display/CATALOG/1983+-+Ibanez+Electric+Guitars+and+Acoustic+Guitars+-+Musician+Bass+Series
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442245841' post='2865464'] [url="http://bit.ly/1M6TD5u"]http://bit.ly/1M6TD5u[/url] Could only find this, is it the one? Bass sounding pretty good... [/quote] Yes that's the very one from last night, her voice was LARGE Funny I had never heard of her before, but I was most impressed. Also the other guest female artists that proceeded her were all great. A great line up and fantastic finale with Roland Gift.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442243670' post='2865441'] Thank you, that's what I thought. Great pics, BTW. [/quote] Thanks, I appreciate it had a lot of room to take pics, because the place was not really packed since the majority of the people were piling up on top of each other at the main stage were Madness were playing at the exact same time and obviously more popular than Jools's kid brother which is a shame because if you saw that clip from Facebook the music was top class
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442242515' post='2865425'] Which of his Ibanez basses he's playing in the pics. [/quote] Yes it is an Ibanez model MC924PW (pearl white)
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442241632' post='2865410'] Well you know the guy Fran, so... all I can say is that in my opinion the bass he's playing in the pics looks a lot like the pic I posted above, and that is an Ibby MC-924. Perhaps you could ask him next time you see him and put everyone out of my misery. [/quote] Ask him what, sorry?
  23. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442239828' post='2865390'] This is Dave's Musician - its not the bass he's playing in the pics. [url="http://www.daveswiftbass.com/pages/basses/ibanezmusicman.html"]http://www.daveswift...ezmusicman.html[/url] [/quote] Discreet, Dave as I said above has got about 5 or 6 of them, (last time I counted them), could be even more now, some are doubles, i.e. 2 of each model, some are different configurations and colours, the one he's playing in the pics has a soapbar pickup but the poles are staggered 2 up 2 down like a split coil precision pickup, which I think is his favorite one, original colour was pearl white, now gone creamy yellow. He tried his first one and loved it and next thing, he went on a worldwide eBay hunt for more of these in top conditions and the rest is history.
  24. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1442237828' post='2865359'] It is an Ibanez Musician, Dave is quite fond of his old Ibby's [/quote] It's the right answer, sorry I was busy working and couldn't answer, Dave has quite a few of them in different colours and pickup configuration, the one he's using in this gig is one of his favorites, in fact that bass had a thundering sound, that really left us astonished. It's true you know? They don't make them how they used to...
  25. Chris Holland All Stars Band playing at the Blackheath Festival, Sunday 13th Sept 20:30. I went to the Blackheath Park Festival to see Dave (Swift) playing in Jools Holland's brother Christopher band, a fantastic line up of musicians and guest stars including the singer from [i]"Fine Young Cannibals"[/i], Roland Gift. They were on at the same time as Madness who played the main stage, I had come all the way to see Dave and decided to watch them play instead of Madness. besides the grounds around the main stage had so much Madness fans it was impossible to get anywhere near a decent view point other than the 2 big screens on the sides of the stage. Chris Holland band is a very tight band and they played some solid tracks, in fact for me this was the best live music I've heard in ages. It was also my first time I've ever seen Dave playing live other than on tv or youtube and in a setup slightly more "free" than Jools's band where he is limited to play solid back lines dictated by the boss without any elbow room for him to showcase his talent. In this band he had like a "license to kill" and kill he did, with some amazing bass lines, solid runs all the way the dusty end, finally being able to show what a great bass player he is. In facts me and my mate Jonny, kept looking at each other going "wow!" I was able to smuggle in my camera and best lens and took a few pics as you can see in this album https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.990315781011101.1073742007.446213212088030&type=3
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