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Grand Wazoo

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Everything posted by Grand Wazoo

  1. Here's a heads up for MM fans, some tickets are still available, just got mine, they won't be available for long, get yours here: https://www.barbican.org.uk/eticketing/selectseatblock.asp
  2. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1439897248' post='2846526'] Exactly, you can easily imagine it took them 2hours to diagnose the fault, disassemble enough to fix the faulty component, re-test then reassemble, so to me the cost looks pretty reasonable. [/quote] Absolutely spot on, I was told finding the fault was intense.
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1439981928' post='2847195'] How are they so cheap??! [/quote] God!
  4. I know a mate who... can't get rid of one!
  5. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1439814167' post='2845924'] I wonder what the cost of wood, paint and bits for your Dingwall is? [/quote] sky high.... example, In 2010 I bought a Dingwall ABZ 5 in the Bass Gallery Camden brand new £1250 now to get one of them its £2000 http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/ABZ5_Pupleburst_wenge.html
  6. Yes the amp is back and working perfectly again, the detected fault from the engineer was: [b][i]"Traced fault to short circuit capacitor on the +15v line. Replaced capacitor, checked and tested"[/i][/b] [color=#ff0000][b]Cost £107.55[/b][/color] I want to train as an amp repairman now! How much does a capacitor cost in Maplin? £1.50 to £2.50? Do the maths. I am just glad I got it back and I don't have to look for another or a replacement, and I am not blaming the repair shop because it's all to do with their hourly rates and stuff, (part and labor... blah blah) but I am wondering what it would have costed me if say the the mother board had gone or a transformer? Gee!
  7. [quote name='hairychris' timestamp='1439312498' post='2841822'] Cool. Probably lucky too! Ah. I was going to suggest [url="http://jpfamps.com/"]http://jpfamps.com/[/url] on Denmark Street as you're London-based but a bit late on the train. He's a tube specialist but has done Class D amps, plus charges very reasonable rates. Edit: He's serviced or repaired 2 guitar heads for me, haven't had my lightweight long enough to blow up/need fixing. [/quote] Hey thank you very much for the tip on JPF Amplification, I'll bookmark it and keep it in mind next time something goes pop Cheers!
  8. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1436517292' post='2818705'] Sure they'll sort you out, took a broken Mackie speaker to them a while back and they sorted it very quickly. Reassuring presence of actual test gear in their workshop too! [/quote] The goods news is the amp has been fixed. It wasn't a case of major expensive surgery either, picking it up this week YAY!!
  9. as I've said BLX
  10. I found it on google, I wanted to have the exact component used in the vintage pre cbs Fenders, such as capacitors, pots and ratings. Sorted it now. Bet if I asked how many of blokes in this forum swing both ways, 1000's would have come out of the closet. but ask a technical bass question and you think to yourself huh, maybe wrong forum??
  11. ------------ waste of time, note to self: "The only thing this forum is good for is gossips and for members to slag off anyone else" ask a bass related questions and you get tumble weeds
  12. This PRS Gary Grainger 5 strings model will probably be the last ever bass I'll ever buy. Simply gorgeous to me.
  13. Order cancelled..... changed my mind.
  14. All above is correct, but the Ibanez ones are still 34" so not exactly much of a difference to the extended range, I love Ibanez basses but I think on this occasion they didn't do their home work well on these basses which is probably why you already see them in the 2nd hand market having only been released a few months ago. I assume people are selling them to get a proper Dingwall or Le Fay which is another great example of fan fretted bass.
  15. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1437495536' post='2826548'] Sunburst That's a surprise. Will look handsome though Fran. Get one of those count down apps on your phone. 240 sleeps until Dingwall Day [/quote] Nah... my ABZ 5 keeps me well happy and gas free
  16. [s]long wait will follow. 1 x 5 strings Super PZ (z stands for satin swamp ash body non gloss) aged (tinted) maple neck and board, non matching head stock, I was nearly going to order it in a nice seafoam green colour, but decided on the last minute on sunburst colour instead with tort p/guard. 1 x single P style pickup, passive with just volume and tone (both 500K pots) It'll be a nice addition to the the other Ding's[/s] After a few serious considerations I've changed my mind, I stick with the 3 I already have, and think of a plan b....
  17. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1437410563' post='2825762'] That's beautiful! Nice one [/quote] Yes now that you see it like that it looks nice, you should have seen it when I received it, it looked like it had been fished out the bottom of a pond, the neck had layers of gunk and there was greenish mould all over the bridge and machine heads, I had to soak all the steel work in WD40, and use a toothbrush to remove the growth, and then totally cleaned the neck with wood cleaner, oil and wax, and finally lots of polish to get the body to shine again, the result after a day was rewarding.
  18. I paid £190 for this on ebay. Ibanez Roadstar II P/J all original dates 1986, original posts and loom, plays and sounds like a dream [url=https://flic.kr/p/sqWrap][/url] [url=https://flic.kr/p/sqWrap]Ibanez 1[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/fcamardo_night_time_photography/]Francesco Camardo[/url], on Flickr
  19. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1437301983' post='2824907'] I use this hand exerciser - available in most music shops (it's well worn but I think it's Planet Waves). Great for warm-up or just keeping the finger strength up. In theory, you can change the tension for each finger, although weedy me has them all set on lowest [/quote] Yes very good that. I have one too, problem is when you get old like me, (50+) and get pins and needles in your fore fingers, there's no amount tools that can fix that, the only thing I've found that helps is to allow good blood circulation to the wrist and hand by doing gentle weight lifting using barbells, yes it helps a little but there are days when things are just numb and I end up playing in discomfort using muscle memory as to where my fingers are supposed to be, but with very little feel in my left fretting hand, which is not a nice thing really.
  20. Will never happen with a Dingwall, that's why I've got 3 and one more on order (secret specs to be revealed in due course) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and HA!
  21. Luckily, the Amp Hospital in Weybridge Surrey have it now, and said they will attempt to repair, nothing guaranteed but they'll give it a bash. finger crossed. The thing is I love that little amp just for the sheer power and small size portability. It is truly capable of handling small gigs and perfect for reherals as it is, oh and... dare you connect it to an additional speaker, you'll benefit of the all 500 W of it, and that little box becomes an absolute monster, with decent studio quality sound and plenty of sound shapin thanks to the graphic eq and its Vibe filter which is very similar to a MarkBass VLE filter. I would be rather upset if this can't be fixed as they don't do them anymore and the new version is of a lot lesser quality and power.
  22. I've phoned them and they only repair "ordinary" amps and wouldn't touch a digital one with a barge pole : ( oh well I'll have to try the Amp Hospital in Surrey http://www.amphospital.co.uk/
  23. found them http://www.theampworkshop.co.uk/ If I can't find anyone local in and around London I'll give them a call. Thanks again
  24. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1436221106' post='2816239'] There's one up this way Fran. the Amp workshop. I can't do the link thing at the mo, sorry. In Stevenage I think [/quote] Cheers Gary
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